MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > (SOLVED) color Western from 1940s-1960s ...

(SOLVED) color Western from 1940s-1960s with a small group of whites stranded in the desert surrounded by attacking Native Americans

If I remember correctly, the group started with less than a dozen people. One of them was a woman. I think some of them were soldiers in uniform.

When they came under attack from a large body of Native American warriors they hunkered down in a ditch completely surrounded by a wide expanse of empty desert. The natives repeatedly attacked, killing them one by one. One member of the group was shot through the throat with an arrow. Another was shot in the leg with an arrow in a barrage from long-range archers.

The natives rode up on horseback and threw down a number of sticks into the ground. I assume those sticks were used as markers to help their long-range archers target the trapped group. One of the whites died while running from stick to stick to take them out of the ground.

The last two of the men in the group seemed to be some sort of enemies or foes. If I remember correctly, the one that died did so without receiving any wound. Once the group was down to the woman and the other man, he left the ditch to confront the natives and that's when the cavalry showed up to save them.


Really?!'re coming up with that NOW?!
Now I need another boiled egg and I'm positive that some users like "Where" will answer that. 🤗​


Maybe "Broken Arrow" (1950) ?


I looked at Broken Arrow and it's not it. There's one scene in the middle of it that's vaguely similar but all of the details are wrong. What I described in the movie I'm looking for was much more than one scene. What I've described was probably most of the movie.


So maybe "Blood on the Arrow" (1964)? It is in a color and contains similar facts: "After the first battle, the Indians ride off after having wiped out the soldiers, leaving their own dead behind. Apaches never left their dead behind, bringing them back to their village if possible or burying them at the scene".

Other possibility is "Escape from Fort Bravo" (1953).


I looked at Escape from Fort Bravo and based on what I read in the Wikipedia summary and what I saw in the trailer it appears to be correct. Thank you very much.
