MovieChat Forums > Film General > Highest Rated Movie Genres of The Decade

Highest Rated Movie Genres of The Decade

Movie fans are divided into genres, some die to watch horror movies and some are action crazy. But which genre has been producing the highest rated movies since this decade?

Here is a research that shows the average rating of each genre since 2011.
Research's criteria;

Movies’ rating were counted on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes; a few times on letterboxd too.
Counted average rating of the Top 10 movies of a year for a genre, then average of 7 years as the final Rating.
Each movie got counted if it had over 4,000 votes.
Most were Hollywood movies, but there were some good movies from rest of the world that got counted.
The eligibility to be in the best of the genre of The Decade is more than 100,000 votes.

#8 Horror – 6.9
#7 Thriller – 7.1
#6 Comedy – 7.2
#5 Romance & Drama – 7.3
#4 War – 7.4
#3 Kids – 7.4
#2 Action & Superhero – 7.5
#1 WINNNER is Sci-Fi with 7.6

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