MovieChat Forums > Composers > What Is or Are the Best Superhero Theme(...

What Is or Are the Best Superhero Theme(s) of the Last Twelve Years?

Even though it's not a complete theme in the traditional sense, I think the strongest one is Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard's theme for Christopher Nolan's Batman movies.



Amazing Spiderman
Spiderman (Elfman's version)

all i can think for now

Heck is where you go to if you don't believe in Gosh


Several of my favies have already been said, especially the new Batman theme and Horner's Spidey. I'd also add the the two Hulk movies, both of which had very good scores, and to be completely honest I quite liked Djawadi's Iron Man theme.

Cap'n America had a good one, Avengers did too (when Silvestri actually friggin played it), and I think Thor has had one of the best superhero scores ever. Really, really good heroic theme; really, really wish he'd used it more often. Ah well.


I should preface by saying while I list these as the "Best", there simply are no "excellent" ones (my opinion on the "Unbreakable" theme being excellent, doesn't necessarily make it so in general fanbase terms)

"Spider-Man" [1] (Danny Elfman)

"Unbreakable" (James Newton Howard)

"Justice League" (Lolita Ritmanis, the first version, not the later arranged version by McCuistion; since it wasn't specified only films, I went to TV as well)

"X-Men" (Micheal Kamen)
The action fanfare version is my favorite, with the cue "The X Jet" having one of the best versions of it:

"Planet of the Apes" (remake film; Danny Elfman)
Just the opening theme version -- don't care for the rest of the score personally.

That's all I could think of.

The New Number 2: "Are you going to run?"
Number 6: "Like blazes. First chance I get."


Touche about Unbreakable - totally forgot that one, it's absolutely brilliant, and the movie seems to get better and better every time I watch it (maybe because in this day and age of ADD action scenes and bloated CGI superheroes every week, Unbreakable it almost beautifully quaint).


I dunno about themes strictly for heroes but I love Elfman's themes for Peter Parker, Doc Ock and Hulk. Also really dig the 'Sons of Odin' theme from Thor.


12 years? Hell, let's go back 30+ years! Williams' theme for Superman-The Movie in 1978 is a high water mark for me; pretty much sets the standard for a superhero theme. It's fantastic!

Elfman's Batman theme from 1989 is another high-water mark, but that too is going back more then 12 years.

Elfman's theme for the Sam Raimi Spider Man is great!


I think I agree with you.

Volker Flenske: (While torturing David) I don't know why you're doing this to yourself!
