MovieChat Forums > Politics > Chinese hackers preparing to ‘wreak havo...

Chinese hackers preparing to ‘wreak havoc’ on American citizens, communities, FBI director warns

1st, Covid was used to throw the 2020 Election and now this?? Gee?? Isn't Nancy Pelosi the one who said we need to be China's friend?? We need to accept them?? The same old bag who just this morning, told them to go back home to China when Protestors were outside her home??


nancy told them to go back to China. lol


If something like this happens,election would seem likely to be a chaotic time.


Yep.. 100% true.. Joe loves China and China loves Joe(or tolerates him)


No possible way. We have the most secure ourdemocracy®️ evar!

J6 showed us our government can handle an attack of any size, at any level.


Apparently the FBI director woke up from his Sleeping Beauty slumber. 💤​
It's not just Chinese hackers who're "preparing" for years...or hacking for years.

Guten Morgen! 😎​


>1st, Covid was used to throw the 2020 Election and now this??

Evidence please.


Evidence: Trump didn't win. (just kidding)


Listen Zoomer, formulate your own evidence because if you honestly don't think China's not going to meddle in our General Election, then you really are naive??


You make claims. I will ask you to back them up.

And I didn't say China won't "meddle" in the USA election. I'm asking for evidence that COVID, as you implied, was created or unleashed specifically for that purpose.


1/3 of Voters can't all be wrong about the same thing, but none of this really matters because no matter what evidence there is, you'd never accept it, not now, not ever so this is pointless


>1/3 of Voters can't all be wrong about the same thing, but none of this really matters because no matter what evidence there is, you'd never accept it, not now, not ever so this is pointless

Are you genuinely unaware of argument from popularity?

By your logic, the voters weren't wrong in Germany when over 1/3rd voted for the Nazis.


It's not about popularity Zoomer.. Learn what the Electoral College means instead of classes in DEI 101


You said that the election must've been rigged because 1/3rd of Americans in polling results believe it was. You literally said "1/3 of Voters can't all be wrong about the same thing".

We're not talking about the electoral college. This has nothing to do with what you bought up.




Unconstitutional mail-in ballots.


provide evidence that they were "unconstitutional".


- Dead persons
- Non-existent persons
- Illegal persons
- Unverified persons
- Duplicate/Triplicate Ballots of persons


These are claims. It's not evidence.


Claims based on evidence.


You do not not have any evidence for those claims.


Of course I do, why would I provide a list based on that evidence if I didn't have it?
Even the leftist here provided proof of "dead persons" voting (although for the GOP) but proof nonetheless.


Show me this evidence then.

>Even the leftist here provided proof of "dead persons" voting (although for the GOP) but proof nonetheless.

Fraud and mistakes happen, to very minor levels happen in every election. But there's zero reason to believe that they are targeted and promoted by any political party.


"mistakes happen"

Yes, deliberate and intentional mistakes, by the thousands.


Provide evidence that there were "deliberate" and "intentional mistakes", by the thousands please.




They are going to try anything/everything to prevent Trump from been president.

That shows how desperate and terrified they are; nevertheless, NCSWIC.


And for years there have been Americans at top levels of security selling information to China which has enabled them to do just what they are doing now.

What exactly did we expect?


Well if the government says it, it must be true. Darn it Chai-nuhhh!


China has found a way to kill more Americans then going to a traditional war through fentanyl.

These are just more attacks....

These are the types of missiles enemies use these borders, no cash bail, fentanyl.
China is winning faster then going to traditional war


Or even better, put Democrats in power.


Yes it seems many in the Democrat party have sold themselves out and sold the country out.

Think the movie 300 when the persians said they would allow the greek leaders to live rich and prosperous lives if the gave up their country.

And the enemy trolls the American people by giving them leaders like Biden.
Democrat no cash bail and open borders create and maintain turmoil.

Democrats even want to push a no charge for theft policy. They dont want company hired security or citzens stopping theft.

This will benefit the enemy by bankrupting Americans companies and create more anarchy.
Americans are still holding onto their guns not realizing the missiles today are in the form of pro criminal policy like no cash bail and open borders.
