The following examples of antisemitism will apply in
publiclife, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:

✅️ Calling for aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.

✅️ Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations
about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective -such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a
world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.

✅️ Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews

✅️ Denying the fact,scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War Il (the Holocaust)

✅️ Accusing the Jews as a people, or lsrael as a state, of inventing or exaggerating
the Holocaust.

✅️ Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to lsrael, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests
of their own nations.

✅️ Denying the Jewish people their right to self determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a
racist endeavor.

✅️ Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.

✅️ Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.

✅️Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.

✅️ Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.

✅️ Antisemitic acts are criminal when they are so defined by law (for example, denial of the
Holocaust or distribution of antisemitic materials in some countries).


The irony is that most of the people engaging in anti-Semitism belong to the GOP.

I'll add their anti-Semitic End Times prophecy, also.


Who told you that? Please provide examples.


Anti-Semitism pronounced among Trumpists and other right-wingers according to the ADL:


From that bit of Nazi-like propaganda, you felt comfortable concluding "most of the people engaging in anti-Semitism belong to the GOP"?

The ADL... Do you know what the ADL would call you after reading some of your posts here? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.


The adl, like most....activists groups, have been taken over by leftards more interested in their leftard agenda than jewishness.

i would add, that complaints about jews controlling or using ingroup networking and bias in hiring and business in hollywood, seems... a valid possiblity.

Including it in this list, undermines the list, imo.


Totally disagree!

The ADL is Zionist and supports labeling anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism. They have more in common with a right-wing agenda.


So you think the ADL is perhaps a bit too loose in its application of the term "anti-Semitic"? I agree, but then there was only one person on this thread who referenced that same organization as the arbiter of anti-Semitism and that was you.

You're welcome!


"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia Republican who has been criticized in the past for her dalliances with antisemitic tropes and influencers, explained her vote against a bill defining antisemitism by saying that the bill rejects the “gospel” that “the Jews” handed Jesus over to his crucifiers.

Greene’s opposition to the bill passed Wednesday in the US House of Representatives comes at a time when a number of conservatives are embracing ancient Christian anti-Jewish ideas. In one notable recent example, Candace Owens, a conservative influencer, broke ranks with Ben Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew who runs a conservative media outlet, in part over Owens’ seeming embrace of Christian antisemitic tropes, including that Jews imbibe blood."

Her fellow far-right Republican, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, explained his no-vote in similar terms on the same platform. “The Gospel itself would meet the definition of antisemitism under the terms of this bill!” Gaetz writes and goes on to quote New Testament scripture that collectively blames Jews for Jesus’s killing.

In recent years, however, the accusation has reemerged as a cause to be championed among some far-right Christian sects.

“Antisemitism is wrong, but I will not be voting for the Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 (H.R. 6090) today that could convict Christians of antisemitism for believing the Gospel that says Jesus was handed over to Herod to be crucified by the Jews,” she said. “Read the bill text and contemporary examples of antisemitism like #9.”

In the years after the Holocaust, myriad Christian denominations played down or in some cases repudiated the belief held for centuries that Jews were and remained collectively responsible for Jesus’s murder. The accusation of decide was seen as one of the most potent drivers of antisemitic violence since time immemorial, and the Catholic Church in 1965 formally rejected the charge that Jews had killed Jesus.

In recent years, however, the accusation has reemerged as a cause to be championed among some far-right Christian sects."


All of the riots/insurrections on college campus where they are shouting “gas the Jews” and “death to Israel” are almost exclusively leftists. They should all be charged with hate crimes.


Look at you playing both sides...

That's pretty based, Babe.


You support genocide and ethnic-cleansing?


No, this is about you...

How is it you think you can condemn Israel for genocide, but at the same time try and call others antisemites?

You can't have it both ways, Hun.


You're too ignorant to know that Judaism is a religion and Zionism is a political ideology supporting settler colonialism.

Why do you support genocide and ethnic-cleansing?



The board's most bigoted poster is looking for accountability...LMAO.




It's the old adage, you know who's in charge based on who you're not allowed to criticize.



The only antisemitic thing here is voting for this law.
Telling people they are not allowed to criticize a certain group of people is a recipe for disaster.
This will snowball


It’s to protect the Jewish population from hate crimes which is a very serious threat today as the left wants to restart the Holocaust.


First point: if I sign a law telling you that you are not allowed to criticize a group of people, this tells YOU as a citizen that another group has more rights than you.
Does this make you like the other group more or less? Do you think anyone jewish will feel more protected? Thats why I say its a recipe for disaster.
You want democracy? Then, equal rights for everyone. Leave religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation out. Equal is equal.

Second point: it is not a law about protecting jews, it is about using ALL jews as a human shield to protect the interests of some people. In this case, the current government of israel.
You disagree with Netanyahu about which car brand is most luxurious? Well, you must hate jews, no?
(I remember that south park episode about tweek's coffee, when they have that commercial that basically says: if you go to starbucks, then you hate children. Yeah, we're witnessing the ridiculousness of south park irl)


First of all, by the lefts very own standard it is bigotry and racism to criticize a group of people merely because of who they are. Replace Jew with Black and your moral stance would take a complete 180. Also per the title of this thread the law “define” antisemitism, didn’t outlaw it. Reading comprehension must not be your thing.

Secondly, these far left terrorists are doing more to just criticizing them, they are calling on them to be murdered, it’s hate speech plain and simple and I thought you people hated hate speech? Guess that’s a door that only swings one way.

It’s disgusting how far we have fallen, the democrats are literally calling for Holocaust 2.0. It’s also comically ironic that you’re calling for equal rights regardless of race, sexuality, etc when being an alphabet person in Gaza is literally a death sentence.


Replace jew with black and the point will stand the same.

What has gaza have to do with anything? If in some country catholics are persecuted, then its ok to give unfair advantages to mormons in your country?


You’re being disingenuous, you know that if the right were calling for the genocide of blacks like the left is calling for the genocide of Jews you would hit the ceiling.

As for your second paragraph you are intentionally spinning my words out of context. I never said atrocities justified other atrocities. I however I did rightfully point out that it’s odd you would call for equal rights while supporting an Islamic terrorist who murders people based on their religion , race, sexuality, etc. You’re not legitimate when you say you’re for equal rights, if you were you’d be against Hamas.


1. Nobody is calling foe the genocide of jews. Everyone, including jews, is calling out the israeli government for genocide against palestinians, a completely different scenario.

If the law referred blacks, NOT jews, and it implied that criticism against Togo,Ghana, Benin,Burkina Faso,Congo makes you guilty of antisemitism, then I would be 10 times more indignated. It's a retarded law, end of.

2. You are just proving my point :)). Someone call out some law that is ridiculous, they must support Hamas.
And if I am against mass surveillance,i support ISIS or Al qaeda. If I want lower insurance rates, I support Khmer Rouge


1. You are completely wrong. Hamas wants to wipe Israel off the map and far left radicals on college campuses are chanting “death to Israel”, “gas the Jews”, etc. any Palestinian deaths are on the hands of Hamas because they died because Israel retaliated and Hamas took cover behind his own civilians like a coward.

2. Again you’re taking my words out of context. I said it was contradictory to moan and whine about equal rights while at the same time making excuses for Hamas who is a human rights abuser.


1 and 2. You are hereby diagnosed as retarded and braindead.
I talk about rights and you say Hamas this Hamas that. See a fucking shrink if you obsess about having sex with hamas terrorists


lol, getting your panties in a wad aren’t you. I’ve noticed privileged little liberal snowflakes often get triggered when anyone dares to challenge their radical nonsense. You are the very result of what happens when parents refuse to tell their child “no”.


Equal rights is radical?


Death to Israel and gas the Jews is radical. Also you aren’t for equal rights. If you were for equal rights you would be for Israel’s right to exist (which you clearly aren’t)

Just calm down, take a deep breath and accept that you are advocating for radical Islamic jihad


Not at the expense of our God-given rights.


There is no such thing as God so there are no God given rights just human rights. God is just one of many fictional characters in a book of fairy tales called the Bible. Aren't you a little too old to believe in imaginary friends? Only morons live their lives in fear of a 2,000 year old book written by goat herders just because the Bible told you worship it.


The Bible is used by both Zionist Christians and Jews to justify taking land where Palestinians lived for thousands of years while ethnic-cleansing them from it.

Palestinians are losing their land based on fairytales.


Why was it “their land”? Did the children who were burned alive and the women who were raped by Hamas take it from them?


You can banter on all you want AthiestMan, but I will still recognize our God Given Rights that do exist... even yours.

Of course, you can always apply to North seems to suit your values more.


It's also unconstitutional AF and if the Senate and SCOTUS uphold this... the veil has been lifted, we are a Banana Republic of Israel.


I said it somewhere else: if you pass a law about antisemitism, but you reference the definition of antosemitism to an international organization led by whoever the fuck knows, that means you accept whatever definition that organization adopts to define your internal laws.

It not anticonstitutional, its fucking illegal and braindead. What if next they pass a law where they reference property tax percentage, or VAT, or corporate tax etc as how it is defined by some shady ngo. When that shady ngo says 50%, then what?


then what?



Saudi Arabia to start arresting anyone who comments against Israel on social media - Bloomberg

Saudi Arabia has stepped up the arrest of citizens for social-media posts related to the Israel-Hamas war as the kingdom signals a readiness to agree to diplomatic relations with the Jewish state - the article says

Anyone who dares to insult Netanyahu goes to jail.


What were the other 61 then if only 21 nays?


So they are going to try and make it illegal to say Israel is committing genocide...

...while they commit genocide?

Okay. Am I actually going to live to see the day where our fucking First Amendment get superseded by another fucking country???

What in the ever loving fuck timeline am I living in?


Everyone that votes in favor of that bill should be deported from the USA.
