MovieChat Forums > Art > Slow board

Slow board

But this could pick it up. Just don't stare at it too long!

"Did you make coffee? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


Fewer people are taking art further than school. Unis are shutting art courses down. It's becoming less important to society as schools are pushing academia rather than artistic goals. That's why imo the board has slowed down


It's becoming less important to society as schools are pushing academia rather than artistic goals.
That's because art is no longer treated as a scientific endeavor. Debates and discussions about techniques and outcomes devolve into (dis)pleasing aesthetics, which up to now can't really be fully addressed scientifically.

Way, way back when, there was a master and apprentices. There was a mentor and proteges. Techniques were taught until they were mastered slowly in progression, very much like in a laboratory setting.

Art teachers and art students are no longer patient enough in this instant gratification environment; student loans and wanting a paycheck will engender tremendous pressure to get it done sooner.

So, only the very elite art and music schools get to have their patient masters without the pressures, and the very talented students who understand the long game is afoot,

The rest of us see art and music (production and appreciation) as leisure activities.


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks


I know all this but cheers anyway.
If only it was a leisure activity for me


Politics - 69 871
Religion, Faith, and Spirituality - 34 548
Art - 642
Science - 661

According to the current statistics, the Art board is only slightly slower than the Science board.

Politics and religion provide much more scope for endless arguments, so people (trolls) are more inclined to haunt those boards. Although you might get the odd troll who goes to the Science board pretending to be a creationist and starting a thread about evolution being "the religion of atheists". Which, they hope, will set off a huge flamewar. (Don't people have better things to do?)

Art (at least to me) is not as inflammatory as politics or religion, which is probably why this board is a lot quieter. People might have their differences when it comes to taste in art, but it's not as divisive as the issue of climate change.




I posted here once before and wish I hadn't even bothered.
