MovieChat Forums > Soundtracks and Scores > Movie scores with heavy/deep cellos? Or ...

Movie scores with heavy/deep cellos? Or dark/deep strings in general?

Can anyone make any suggestions?


"Dahhhh...DUM. Dahhhh...DUM. DUM DUM DUM DUM..." -Jaws, John Williams


jordi savall is your man


Hans Zimmer's The Ring

all of us with wings


Hans Zimmer in general. But for HANNIBAL (2001), he added an additional celli and bass group to the orchestra. (I think for a total of 28 celli...)

Bernard Herrmann: TORN CURTAIN (scored for brass, percussion, celli and basses only!), CAPE FEAR also has some very dark string cues. For his score for the TV episode "Cimarron Strip: Knife in the Darkness", he only used bass clarinets, bassoons, and double basses. "Highest note is middle c!"

No, Schmuck! You are only entitled to your INFORMED opinion!!
-- Harlan Ellison


Suspenseful ... Jaws (John Williams), Psycho, the murder cue (Bernard Herrmann)

Moody, mysterious ... In the Mood for Love (Shigeru Umebayashi), Eyes Wide Shut (Jocelyn Pook), The Usual Suspects (John Ottman)

Melancholy, morose ... The Hours (Philip Glass, the first track "The Poet Acts"), Wilde (Debbie Wiseman, especially the tracks "Love Goes Round", and "I Will Kiss Thy Mouth, Jokanaan")

Fort Saganne (Phillippe Sarde) and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Tan Dun) use cello prominently but I'm not sure they have the atmosphere you're after.


Oohh--Phillippe Sarde!

That brought to mind Phillippe Sarde's score for Quest for Fire. The main theme for Quest for Fire literally begins with deep cellos repeating the same note over and over echoing into oblivion.


Mama (2013/I)- Fernando Velázquez

Volker Flenske: (While torturing David) I don't know why you're doing this to yourself!


The score for "The Shawshank Redemption" by Thomas Newman. The man is a genius! Andy's escape from the cell Block has stirring, deep cellos and as the volume of the music climbs, the strength and richness of all those strings really soars!
