MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Deleted my 15 year-IMDb account yesterda...

Deleted my 15 year-IMDb account yesterday

....and it felt GREAT to mash that button finalizing the DELETE


Well done and welcome to! I, myself, am now a longtime and former IMDB user as well. I was also fortunate enough to carry over the same username too!

In summary, however, I don't think that I will ever be back there again...not after how they treated us by shutting the boards down and not offering a suitable alternative.

On one last note, if you do have any suggestions at all, feel free to visit the "Lists and Recommendations" board on this website or e-mail the owner and creator of this site (Jim Smith) at [email protected] :)


Jim Smith has to be like Lucille Ball in the famous Chocolate Factory scene, right? I mean talk about one extremely busy dude!!!!




Oh man, that goes way back! Nice reference though!


It's like... sexual catharsis, isn't it? What a release.


A big LOL to that!






Only problem it poses is to the the people who actually work on sets for film and t.v. series. For those individuals, we would rather not delete our accounts because we need to show our credits. Not sure if having credits really influences other industry professionals to see our work and hire us on more film opportunities. I know for me it is just based on my resume; however, it is a bit tougher. :/


So how do people in the industry feel about IMDB getting rid of the message boards?


I doubt the majority cared. It would be sort of like the "non-industry middle class fan base". You would have a population of people that came on IMDb just to check on their profile for credits and update movie/tv details or ones that got really into it, like myself. Once I actually started working on sets, I became familiar with this site and not only participated in creating an IMDb profile for myself with some credits to boot, but also the message boards. I would not be here if I really did not care about IMDb taking off this feature.


Not deleting my near 20 year old account, just in case the boards were ever to be reinstated.

IMDB's been around for decades, they're not new to the Internet, they just made on heck of a bad decision, and all the comments on their Facebook page reflect that bad decision.


Volley did you see the vertical cliff that is IMDb's activity since Feb 20th.....


Amen Volley. And yes, keeping your account just in case they reinstate is good BUT... A mass deleting of members is the only thing that will send a message to them. That may be the only way to get them to reinstate. I myself deleted. But at least we have this awesome site now!!!!


yes!!!! radical behavior is needed


A bit radical, don't you think? Should have simply logged out.


If you're going to something, do it well. Same concept with doing something that you know is naughty. If you're going to do something bad, don't hesitate, go full in, and do everything in its fullest capacity. You're either fully in, or all out.

Besides, I can't think why having an account with IMDb offers anything now... right?


Well, in case the buttheads decide to reinstate the boards. I mean, 15 years old profile is much in the internet world. Even on a now hated website. Seriously. The net is not that old.


But would you really want to go back? Does Amazon and IMDb deserve it? I said this in another thread

"Tbh I'm beginning to feel that I don't want the IMDb message boards back and would rather this place blossom instead. I want to give IMDb/Amazon my middle finger, and my heart and soul to Jim and this refugee camp. Jim's the one who gives a damn, and it's Jim that is the one who is therefore of any value and worth in my eyes. I'm not someone that takes kindly to financial greed and abandonment. I'll join forces in sticking to my guns of principles where loyalty and betrayal are concerned. I'm marking my territory in here so IMDb can go f**k themselves"

Delete your damned account Master... you can do it. Join ussssssss >:)


I can sometimes be nostalgic. 11 years old account is a trophy. I'll keep it just for the fact that I didn't get banned. But, yeah, it's pretty much useless now.


Right ON! this is the ONLY way to retaliate and make our displeasure known.


yessiree!!! good job man
