Raped a 14 year old




Get ready for never ending claims of rape. Frankly these claims now almost 40 years after it supposedly happened need to stop. No one can ever hope to put up a reasonable defense to an accusation that old. Worse yet these women never seemed to have filed a police report when it happened which also makes it suspect as hell. Frankly if a woman wants to claim she was raped 20 years ago then that woman should be arrested for obstruction of justice because she had a fucking duty to report the rape when it happened to get the rapist off the streets to protect other women from the rapist. Maybe if they started doing that these women would either file a report when it happens or shut the hell up and stop making up stories about what happened 30 years ago.


Women have a really weird advantage in our culture regarding stuff like this.

In Islam you need two females be witnesses to a crime because they don't trust females to not lie. In our culture women can say nearly anything and they are believed. They can wait 40 years to do something because they were nervous, lol.

Very scary and a great idea to stay away from any females you see as being even mildly unstable.


Well even someone who appears completely reasonable and stable can change over 40 years. That's why something like this is ridiculous. It would be one thing if a police report for rape was filed 40 years ago and it simply takes 40 years to use evidence like DNA to find a rapist. But when the alleged sex was never reported as rape until 40 years after the fact, well that's simply ridiculous.

Given the fact that in 2017 she approached him seeking a 1.5 million dollar settlement and he was willing to give her 135,000 I will accept that they probably did have sex back then. Of course the other fact people will not be aware of is that in 1983, 14 was the age of consent for sex in Canada where it was supposed to have happened. So most likely it was not rape or even statutory rape at the time and this is just another case of regret years later or an old fashioned money grab.


I didn't know he gave her money.

The "age of consent" usually works with age ranges. For instance, if 14 is the age then an 18 year old can have sex with them, not a 25 year old.

That's the way it is in the state I live in because I used to deal with sex offenders.

Anyway, if he gave her money then I assume he is guilty of having sex with a kid.


My understanding is he didn't give her money. Her attorney apparently approached him in 2017 and was seeking money or she was going to go public with the accusation. As I understand it his attorney negotiated the 1.5 million down to just over 100 thousand... but at the last minute she apparently decided that she didn't want the money unless he apologized which he was unwilling to do. SO in the end no money exchanged hands.

And yes some states in the US have tiered consent laws, but this was Canada in the early 80's and tiered consent laws were not a thing back then. In fact Canada only raised it's age of consent from 14 to 16 in 2008. I guess Canadians are a lot more liberal when it comes to sex with minors.


Weird story.

I can't imagine what some celebs go through. I can imagine in some cases paying a liar is better than having a public trial where people will just assume you're guilty.


That's the problem with having a career that is dependent on public adoration... throw in the#metoo movement and you would be a in a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation. Given he was apparently willing to pay but not nearly as much as she was asking the amount gives more support to a stop bothering me payment than a Oh my God I'm caught payment... But as in most situations like this no one will ever really know the truth except those involved, and as always both sides are telling different stories so all you really know is one side is lying.


Genuinely weird if you think about it.

So many celebs have raped people. I cannot imagine raping someone let alone a 14 year old.

So many women lie about getting raped. I cannot imagine standing there and saying someone violently raped me and living with myself.

I'm starting to notice that many people have very low intelligence. I have seen this in work. They just don't think about anything and don't think things through. It is really a hopeless situation with humanity.


I just saw his '79 film "Young Love, First Love", which was a cute film. I did see a little bit of Ordinary People on TV years ago. I agree that these rape claims are getting out of hand. Some of these twisted women are using feminism in a bogus way to suit a sick agenda. Whatever happened to using common sense to avoid trouble?


He gave her money, eh? Red flag!


Not sure what I would do if I had a lot of money and was innocent.

People are scary and if you are accused of something they think you did it. That could destroy your life or at least have you explaining it forever.


Stay away from any females that are even mildly unstable? To do that you're either joining the priesthood or going gay.


I think most people see right through the Fascists behind the Me Too fakers. Soon they'll be the ones prosecuted for all their false accusations!


That's kind of funny




Sounds Bullshitty to me.


Cool!! Where I can sign for a raping session from Timothy??? I am an 8 years old girl and want this action.


his charcater was into 14 year old natalie portman character in beatuiful girls


Holy shit! That's solid evidence right there that he's guilty!


He hasn’t worked in a year and a half! Pretty much canceled.


He was sorely missed on the new Leverage series. They never brought him up on criminal charges and he maintained all along that it was an extortion attempt. I still remember the old days before the #metoo witch hunt when people were innocent until proven guilty. Now a days a simple accusation can end a career.


Not really, an accusation has to be vetted and in the case where they are many reports or a pattern it is then taken seriously.


Chris Hardwick was removed from The Talking dead before an investigation had even begun when his ex accused him of being emotionally and sexually abusive in an essay she penned. Got his job back later when he was exonerated. Hutton was accused by one individual about something from 1983 that he was never charged with and he was dropped from Leverage Redemption and cancelled because of it. Neither of these events had many reports or any kind of pattern.


It was a terrible ending to a long career in film! Timothy Hutton was basically assassinated by the people who hire him over something that (may have ) happened when he was 23 years old.


Mmmmm, just because his career was built on an unexposed crime does not mean it should stand. There were probably many, many, non-rapists ( or whatever ) non-nepo entitled 23 year olds that were more deserving of fame and a movie career than Hutton.

I liked Iceman, but someone else could have played the role just as well.


Grow up, the specific does not prove the general.
When are you fuckers going to learn a little logic?
One Man bites Dog story does not make man-dog biting a major issue.


Their specific examples of the down side of the of the #metoo movement which started as a positive thing but did really turn into a witch hunt.. There's nothing illogical about it.


It was called a witch hunt. When Right-wingers use their skills at name calling it doesn't make it true. Again, grow up.


True of left wingers too. I think the way your getting triggered is a bit childish but lets just agree to disagree,


I'm not triggered, you're triggered. If you were any more triggered shells would be flying out your ear.


You think Hardwick was a one off?


In a statement released by Hutton after BuzzFeed published the story on Monday, the actor said: “For the past two-and-a-half years, I have been the target of multiple extortion attempts by a woman named Sera Dale Johnston to extract millions of dollars from me. She threatened that if I did not meet her demands, she would go to the press with a false allegation that I sexually assaulted her 37 years ago in Canada. I never assaulted Ms. Johnston.

“Today, BuzzFeed chose to publish Ms. Johnston’s false story. BuzzFeed knew the truth because they were provided with documented evidence. What’s really going on here is that Ms. Johnston’s extortion attempts failed. She then decided to follow through on her threat to go to the press with her false story. When I became aware of this, I went to the FBI, signed a sworn statement, and filed a criminal complaint against Ms. Johnston for extortion. I will not stop fighting to expose this story for what it is — a failed extortion attempt based on something that never happened.”

In the story, BuzzFeed tracked down one of the two friends who were with Johnston that night; the woman, who hadn’t been in touch with Johnston for decades, corroborated her account of them visiting Hutton’s hotel room. That friend, only identified by her initials, C.B., signed an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, backing up her recollections.

BuzzFeed talked to five other people who confirmed that Johnston had told them about the Hutton incident over the years.

Johnston’s mother, who worked as a set decorator, told BuzzFeed that at the time they considered going to the police, but feared she might be blacklisted from the film industry. She said she regrets the decision now.
