MovieChat Forums > Noam Chomsky Discussion > At what age did you grow out of your Cho...

At what age did you grow out of your Chomsky/RATM obsession, and realise how the world really works?

I'm embarrassed to say I reached the ripe old age of 15.


44 year old , been on disability since i was 30

just found out my college loans are gonna be forgiven for one reason or another, was homeless all last year
I actually wanted to go back but they reprogrammed me after i got low income and lets be honest we all know what direction the country is always heading , the entire world is going toward the right currently

i predict in another 10 years or maybe sooner liberalism will be on the rise again, rinse and repeat




i think he means idiocracy


Associating RATM with Chomsky is shallow and unfair and is like assessing the intellectual quality of Nietzche based on the predilection of teenagers to quote a few lines from works like The Antichrist.

Chomsky is in his twilight years, but the man's contributions to the likes of linguistics and philosophy are some of the most influential and often quoted works from any academic coming out of the United States in the last 50 years and their significance has extended well beyond their subjects. He's even someone who lives a grounded and simple life and practices what he preaches, so to speak.

Chomsky is basically a national treasure of an intellectual and it's sad that a mass of morons will cheer his passing when he dies. No insinuation that you will do that, btw.


He was certainly an intellectual force well into the 1990s. As of lately he's been a corporate shill, as have all my heroes from my youth.


I know exactly what you mean.
