MovieChat Forums > Brett Ratner Discussion > wanted a mutant hooker in X3

wanted a mutant hooker in X3

Found this obscure, forgotten rumor that went around months before X3 came out that allegedly, Brett Ratner originally planned to have Stacy X, a mutant hooker who had the powers to produce pheromones that could cause spontaneous orgasms to others. I'm not kidding.

Later, Brett said that it was nothing but BS, as they were apparently just trying to keep it under wraps as to which character they were really doing casting calls for (for which role, I don't know). But knowing Brett, I doubt this was the case. The studio probably forced him to withdraw on this idea after seeing the backlash it received from fans online (most anyone's who's ever worked with Brett seems to agree that the man loves hookers).

Fuckin' Brett Ratner.


Sounds cool but that wouldn't fly in a PG-13 movie. Maybe they could have done that in Logan.


It just boggles the mind that out of all the characters that hadn't been shown in an X-Men film up to that point, a mutant hooker is what Brett was pining for. I think this character may have worked in something silly and irreverent like Deadpool, or an adult-oriented satire like The Boys, but in no way does she belong in a serious X-Men film, let alone a PG-13 one.
