is this

is this movie better that Dahmer(2002)


Some think so, but i perfer Dahmer 2002 itself, but if you like more violence, check this out

"Marv, this is God. What the HELL were you thinkin?!"


Yes, it's defenitaly the better movie, at least I think so, some things are worse though. The quality, narrator and background music makes you think that it's a crappy porn movie from the eighties without porn. The acting is not as good as in Dahmer 2002, still it's accepted, but no more than that. Carl Crew shares some similar features with the real Dahmer, but he looks way too attractive, more like a young David Hasselhoff than the nerdy creepy looking sicko Dahmer. BUT the movie feels a lot closer to reality than the 2002 movie, it has some gore in it, actually it's not freaking you out but it adds some excitement. I really recommend it, it's out there on several torrents, the seeding may be slow though.


The movie sucks as it wasn't factual at all. They could of changed it to be more factual if they paid any attention to detail. For example, during his first murder in the movie, his mom is home during the murdur and is using a sewing machine so she can't possibly hear the murder that is going on right under her nose. Come on! That is ridiculous! We all know he was home alone. I know the man was a sicko, but I do not think he put live people in barrels of acid and had to hold the lid down to keep them from coming out. Why? He had to have killed them first, dismember them to be able to fit his victims into the barrel of acid. A live man all in one piece is not going to fit, especially if other body parts were already in there. Stupid, Stupid. The guy who is supposed to be Stephen Hicks looks to be 35 (when he should be like 19), and when he is choping this guy up in the crawl space, on the sixth chop this man miraculously comes back to life and springs up to a sitting stance, makes a weird noise and falls back down it was so random I could not stop laughing. Jeffrey is chunkier then he should be, almost like his prison days, and has a mullet thing on the back of his head. During his killings Jeffrey did not have a mullet, how hard is it to get the right hair style. He must of cried 5 times in the movie which did not happen. He did not get caught molesting the young boy ( Koneraks's Brother) because someone saw him through his window. HE let the boy go, and he told the police on him. I am not saying there are no true facts, but if you are looking for a more realistic one Dahmer with Jeremy Renner is about oh a trillion times better. I'll admit that it sort of romanticizes his life, however, the Secret Life of JD certainly brutalizes his life ( considering who he is should of been hard to do). This movie really is hardly based on the truth at all. It might as wel be about some other fake killer.


Agreed, I think the 2002 film is a lot better, I'm surprised the question was even raised and I hardly know anyone who takes this film the least bit serious.


"Life's a pain and God's a sadist."


is it just me or did that part where he takes the head out of the pot and holds it like a baby is so heart warming it brought a tear to my eye so nice
Otis you got any cigarettes
NO Not since Superman died

Henry portrait of a serial killer



If you want facts go read a book.



Both good in different ways. This movie shows the kills, follows his whole life and just seems more depthful. However the 2002 movie looks better. That Secret life was a low budget film really shows IMO. This film was made while Dahmer was still alive which is interesting. The guy playing Dahmer in secret Life didn't strike me as Dahmer at all though, didn't look, sound or give the feel of being like him. Dunno what they were thinking. They each have their good and bad points. I gave them both an 8 as well as Raising Jeffrey Dahmer. They all have a different thing they focus on so I recommend watching them all to get a broad perspective on the man.


^ Agrees

"We wont be needing your BANANA STICKERS."


i agree.. the actor playing dahmer in this got it totally wrong.. i'm far from being an expert on the real jeffrey dahmer, but even i know this guy was all wrong for the role.. if this really was a labor of 'love' then you'd think the actor and director might've at least watched a biography or two to study the man. if they had they would've known jeffrey dahmer could be charming and affable, but was decidedly introverted - not a smarmy gym clone rocking a bad mullet.. i haven't seen the 2002 'dahmer', but the actor in this movie (if you can even call him an 'actor' since he got the character of dahmer completely wrong) totally missed the mark.. oh yeah - and the guy playing the 'minor' that jeffrey hooks up with, looks around 30.. i mean obviously they weren't going to hire a real 13 y/o to play the part, but they could have at least found someone who looked young.. i'd recommend the a&e biographies and profiles that still air occasionally over this low-budget piece of crap..


actually, Carl Crew, the actor playing Dahmer, wrote the screenplay


Dahmer is more stylish and this one is more straightforward.
