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Vee's Winchester Brothers Report: "We do terrible things, all the time to save each other."

So, I do one of these every week but I've been complaining about the show quite a bit and since for once I'm not fighting mad after a new episode (“Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes” (12.20)), I thought it was only fair I also spread some of my joy lol. 😉

Overall grade : 7.5/10

“Twigs” was a thematic episode, rich with imagery and parallels, and a joy to review, especially after last week, that left me scribbling my review at lightening speed right after the episode ended in order to forget it ever happened. First, as it so happens in the episodes I tend to love, I liked the hunt. I love a hunt that’s different from the previous ones and Supernatural has given us plenty witches over the years. This one had tricks I’d never seen before, and she scared me. She radiated pure malevolence from the moment we met her and that ring of hers had me mentally reaching for the holy water, because I could sense its evil.

I liked the concept of the Twig people, the sound of wood snapping as they twitched around, the vacant stare when they were under command and the visual of their broken body on the floor, twigs poking out of their clothes. The vibe was right. Sinister. In and around the cellar, and evil swirled inside the boarding house like a breeze, making me fear for Tasha the moment she stepped in.

Tasha Banes

I loved the opening scene with Tasha Banes. Her little seance on the carpet of her room and the glow in her eyes that matched the glow of her pendent. Purple, like the doll in the stairs and like the owner’s ring. The suspense was unbearable as she walked into the night, following the light that led to her death. She is one of those characters I fall in love with at first sight and I was not ready to lose her. When she touched the door to the underground cellar, I was already in mourning. The viewers were in on the secret that the Tasha who welcomed the Winchester-Banes quartet at the house was not the genuine article, and the moment Tasha 2.0 said that she found “a fantastic acupuncturist”, a reference to the way Tasha died, felt like a wink to the audience.

Max and Alicia Banes

We met Max and Alicia at their father’s funeral. I didn’t really take to them during the “Celebrating Asa…” episode, especially Max, but all that changed in “Twigs…”. I grew attached to Alicia and mourned her passing. Max dazzled me and then made his way into my heart. He certainly had the gift, like his sister said. “An impressive witch.” The way he threw the Twig man out the window, forced Twig Tasha to reveal herself… I can only imagine what he will able to do with the old witch’s magic but I’m struck by the tragedy that has become of his life. Fun-loving young man now marked for Hell, embarking on this macabre new existence with a sister who’s now made out of twigs. This brings me to the parallels and themes I mentioned in the intro. They go as follow: dolls, siblings, mother and child, parents, and finally, mothers.

The dolls and sock-puppets

I identified that one theme being explored this season was brainwashing. I called Mary a Kool-Aid drinking cult member all the way back to “The Raid”, and then “Ladies Drink Free” showed us just how much brainwashing was involved in the BMOL operatives’ training.

The theme of loss of free will resurfaces when Dean describes what the nephilim did to Castiel: “It sock-puppeted him.” As one who hopes Lucifer Jr. is evil, I would love to see the brainwashing/sock-puppet theme play out as it is revealed in the end that Luci Jr. was only tricking his guardians to make sure he could come to life with all his evil, universe destroying powers intact.

“It’s her, mostly.”[/i]

The sock-puppet theme continues with the Twig dolls which by their nature are meant to obey their master. My heart breaks for Alicia and for what she leaves behind even if she didn’t consent to it: her heart placed in doll animated by her brother Max. I feel for her, the real girl, especially because she was opinionated, had a mind of her own and didn’t back down from a fight with her twin.

[i]“I don’t know what kind of thing you are, but you are not, my mom.”

I’m writing this fic in my head of Max driven mad by how docile Twig Alicia is, this sock-puppet version of his sister with none of Alicia’s fire, who goes vacant in the eyes and awaits his instructions when he inadvertently snaps his fingers and whom he can barely get to argue with him anymore.

Ketch also showed his inner puppeteer this episode when he asked Mary to be a good doll and just “play, nice.”



The siblings

“Their mom’s on a hunting trip, and hasn’t been home in a week.”[/i]

Well that’s [i]one[/i] way to let us know that Alicia and Max are Winchester mirrors this episode, but they made it interesting. Alicia actually starts off as Dean in “Pilot”, reaching out to her brother because she’s worried about their missing parent. Max plays the role of Sam “Oh my God, she did not disappear, she’s busy.” / “He’s always missing, and he’s always fine.”

Max then switches into Dean mode when he announces “I got the bartender’s phone number” which is quintessential early seasons Dean. The switch plays out beautifully, as Dean gives his approval to his new mirror with an appreciative nod. Alicia marks her switch to Sam by expressing her annoyance, “Ugh, ignore him”, the same way Sam used to roll his eyes when Dean was chasing tail. From that moment on, Alicia is the mirror for Sam and Max the mirror for Dean. To solidify his position as Dean 2.0, Max fawns over the Impala, AND the grenade launcher, while the Sams are left with their hair blowing in the wind, Alicia confiding to Sam that she’s not really into the Family Business. They develop a bond pretty quickly, and it is fitting that Sam is the Winchester who’s by Alicia’s side during her last moments.

[i]“Sam, we do terrible things, all the time to save each other. I mean that’s what you do for family. Who am I to stop him?”

At the end of the episode, Max, or Dean 2.0 has lost his father (Asa/John), his mother (Tasha/Mary) and his sibling (Alicia/Sam). He’s right where Dean was in “All Hell Breaks Loose” and like Dean, who snapped when Bobby dared to mention disposing of Sam’s body, Max tells the brothers to take a hike after Dean hints at building a pyre. There’s this wild look in Max’s eyes, the one Dean had before he drove to the crossroads and you already know what Max is about to do. Mirroring the Winchesters in their darkest hours, Max raises his sibling from the dead by selling his soul to a demon (taking the old witch’s magic), a decision that should ultimately transform him into a demon himself, the same way Dean became the demon he would have been had he remained in Hell ―with a knightly upgrade.

When it comes to Sam, he woke up not knowing what had happened, just like Alicia 2.0. Azazel asked Dean how sure he was that what he brought back was 100%, pure Sam. No one has to ask Max. It’s not Alicia. Just her heart and memories inside a creature made of twigs and twine. Horrible and very much like the codependent brothers the Banes are supposed to mirror, and before you say Sam and Dean never went this far, remember “Time Is On My Side” in season 3.

Remember how eager Sam was to turn Dean and himself into the Gruesome Benton Twins (“Then, whatever the magic pill is, I’ll take it too!”), who would have had to steal organs and stitch each other up like Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn in “Death Becomes Her”, their mummified bodies requiring round the clock upkeep. A bit like Twig Tasha’s body, to the difference that she won’t need organs, just to snap her twigs back into place when she breaks them. The parallel, is complete.



Mother and child[/b]

The first image of Mary is her being tortured by a BMOL operative, Ketch. It’s not actually her, just a shapeshifter (clearly the kind that doesn’t shed, but lol!canon moving on), but it’s foreshadowing for where we find Mary at the end of the episode, getting roughed up, by Ketch. I’ve already criticized Mary and declared her unfit for choosing to work with people who were torturing her son the day she met them. Oh the vindication of seeing her end up right where Sam was in “Mama Mia”, tied up to a chair in front of Antonia Bevell.

The other parallel is Alicia, who ends up right where we found her mother at the beginning of the episode, with a blade through her stomach while she tries to cover her wound, blood dripping on her hands and her silver rings. Another perfect parallel.

[b]The parents[/b]

There was a direct parallel between Mary and John that involved Dean in this episode. The scene where Dean calls Mary for help (“Can you call me back? Just some stuff going down… kinda got me spun out.” “Be good to talk to you.”) and has to leave a message because she doesn’t pick up, took me right back to “Home”, where Dean called John for help with tears in his eyes.

[b]The mothers[/b]

The MOTHER is at the center of the episode and it was clear that Dean was impressed with Max and Alicia’s mother. “I see how you are with them. It’s good. They’re happy.” I made a case in the “The Memory Remains” for how unhappy Dean currently is. His comment on Tasha’s mothering also comes right on the heel of him checking his cell phone, hoping to find a message from Mary. Not!Tasha retains enough of Tasha’s motherly instincts to perceive Dean’s distress. She touches his arm and offers a few words of comfort. I didn’t care for the subtle ‘give your mother break’ part of her message, but that moment showed me that, from Ellen to Jody, to Rowena and even a DOLL[/i], all these women are capable of showing more empathy towards Dean than his own mother.

I’ve been singing my dislike for Mary from the rooftops and I will say that while the current narrative has saddled us with a version of her that is decidedly unpleasant, it at least acknowledges that her interpersonal skills are lacking. Alicia described Mary as rather cold, “She doesn’t seem like much of a hugger.” Ketch threw in Mary’s face her distance from children: “You should probably return Dean’s call. Wouldn’t want him to think… Mummy doesn’t love him.” Ketch, the resident psychopath told Mary that he thought she was like him. Flattering, and in “The Raid” Dean asked Mary to act like a mom for once, while Jody had to tell Mary how wonderful her sons were in “Celebrating Asa…”, as it was apparent to her that Mary couldn’t see it.

[i]“I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you and Sam… but I wanna be. I will be. I just-, I need to finish this. I miss you boys. I love you.”[/i]

Dean looked at the Banes as “the loving family” he and Sam should have had. After listing her flaws, the narrative seems to be putting Mary on the path to redemption. I’m not in favor of this, but that’s where the story’s going. Now she’s apologizing, vowing to be there for Sam and Dean, getting indignant on their behalf. “Don’t talk about my boys.” “I think you mean, decent.” Late to the party much, Mary?

[b]Least favorite part

I loved so much about this episode that it should have been an 8, my grade threshold for episodes that provide a pleasant viewing experience from start to finish, but it wasn’t, because of the first scene that featured Sam and Dean.

[i]“Can you fix it?”

Is that Dean, gun expert extraordinaire whose “gun don’t jam” ever (“Bad Day At Black Rock”), the genius mechanic who can fix a totaled 67 Chevy Impala with his bare hands, almost, asking genius researcher Sam if Sam can fix a pistol??? There it is again. The systematic downgrading of all that is Dean Winchester in season 12. Hey I guess on a good day he gets to kill a witch.



Best Dean moment[/b]

Dean and his wine. Dean’s that down-to-earth guy who hates to be bound by the rules of etiquette. He wolfs down canapés at art auctions (“Provenance”), sticks his gum under tables at swanky soirées (“Red Sky At Morning”) and sneers as the WASPs, “(not) charmed, I’m sure” (“Ask Jeeves”), clutch their pearls. He looks at the fancy tea cups Cassie places in front of him with suspicion (“Route 666”) and looks bored in advance at the mention of wine. The way he grabs the glass, smells the bouquet wishing it were beer and gives a silent toast is adorable, hilarious, and so very Dean.

[b]Best Sam moment[/b]

“Their mom’s on a hunting trip, and hasn’t been home in a week.”
Sam’s turn to give his version of the iconic line that started it all 12 years ago. A perfect way to establish that “Twigs…” was an episode with double the dose of Winchester. There was speculation that Max and Alicia would be the next spin off which I’m putting a little less stock into now that they’re both monsters in a way, but that line would have been a great way to launch a series based on their adventures.

[b]Juicy Bit[/b]

Haven’t had one of those in a while and this bit involves what could be another parallel to come. I thought I saw a possible parallel between Sam and Mary in “The Foundry” (all those cribs and fire flashbacks from “Pilot”) that had me worried Sam might be in danger this season. Alicia, aka Sam 2.0 dying by her Twig mother’s hand revived my fear that something could happen to Sam in the finale, and that it could involve Mary. No need to say what I think Dean’s reaction to the carnage would be. Something stupid, that I will probably approve of, wholeheartedly.

[b]Final verdict

“Twigs” was a beautiful episode in the purest tradition of the classic MOTW, rife with parallels between the boys and the characters that surrounded them.

I LOVED the hunt, and all the relevant characters. The lovely Tasha, her caring daughter Alicia, and even Max, for whom I didn’t care when I first met him, but who completely won me over with his powerful witchcraft and after he unleashed his inner Dean and did something horrible to keep his sibling alive… kinda.

Our Dean had on his Red Shirt of turmoil, complete with the blue jacket he also wore in “The Executioner’s Song”. Ouch. My concern that Sam could be in peril has also been revived after this episode and I’m worried about the boys.

Mary is right where I’ve wanted her to be for a long time. In trouble after her BMOL stanning blew up in her face “in a spectacular way”, just as I knew it would, and she’s tied to a chair getting roughed up by the very people she cosigned after they did the same to her baby boy. How poetic. How well deserved. Aah… The sweet smell of vindication.

I’m not getting my hopes up that Mary will end up like poor Tasha Banes although that would be my preference. At least her stay at the BMOL base allowed her to uncover what happened to Mick, what Ketch has been doing behind the boys’ back, and the files the BMOL have on the hunters. I wasn’t surprised to see Garth up there because as I’ve said on MovieChat, I’ve been worried about him since Sam and Dean mentioned him in “Ladies Drink Free”.

As Steve Seasick was singing : “you’d never sleep again in peaceful dreams”, my heart hurt at the thought of Max Banes, now a doomed man, and then I wondered, what was keeping our Sam from waking up. I remembered what the witch said when Max and Dean barged into her room “Really? People, are trying to sleep.” Also the name of her inn? “Mountain Slumber”.

Oh no… Wake up, Samuel.






Thank you Vee for sharing this. For some reason I clicked with the twins early on and felt so bad for Max for what he went thru in this episode. I have a feeling Dean and maybe Sam knew what Max was actually going to do for his sister.


Hey jpollock! Thank you :).
Oh, I feel awful for Max, and Alicia too. I think Dean knew exactly what Max was going to do. I feel like Sam might be a bit in denial about it. It's the part of him that hopes against hope that people will succeed in resisting the monstrous instinct that lies within them, even if he failed at it himself.


This was great! Thanks.

Here's a link to an interview with Alvina August (Tasha Banes), since you liked her . . . if you're interested.


Thank you!

I'll check out the interview :)


Thanks Vee for this!!! And yeah am actually sad about the twins and actually their grandmother. She just got to know them and she's now kind of lost both of them and not too long after she lost her boy to hunting too.

Though doesn't mean they can't come back as either villains or as a spin off, though it would be a very CW spin off with 'actual monsters who are very pretty and are trying to be heroes.'

And you noticed the wine glass too!!!! You think that it is also another way to show that Dean will never be 'polished' enough to fit into the present men of letters model? You know him being a hunter first and they view hunters as uneducated dogs. As it is pretty obvious a conscious choice for Dean to hold it that way in that scene - you see Jensen shifting his grip to it when talking to Tasha. And it is a change to as last season when he was at Jodi's at the most awkward family dinner the boys have been at, he is holding the glass completely differently.

Yeah I need to get a life!

As for Sam being asleep, well wasn't this filmed around the same time Jared's daughter was born? So it would be an easy cut away he could film later? Also you could say that Sam is more trusting and willing to take the men of letters at face value and it is the start of him 'waking' up about it????


Thanks, fishpan :)

Now that you mention it, they could still be part of a spin off if they're monsters who try to do the right thong lol.

As you pointed out, Dean definitely knows how to hold a glass of wine. He was a little off this episode and I think it's because he was worried and unhappy about some things. He didn't even want to go hunt to begin with and I'm sure the last thing he wanted to do was end up stuck somewhere making small talk and drinking wine on an empty stomach.

Well this is what I wrote about Sam in my 'The Memory Remains" review:

Sam currently serves a bloodthirsty god and I need for him to wake up and see the BMOL for the evil it truly is.


I definitely agree with your assessment that Sam is asleep when it comes to the BMOL in general. I also think he was affected by the slumber witch in this episode.


I don't think Sam was affected by the witch because when really would she have done something to him?

I think it is more a statement on Sam's state with the men of letters. He is handwaving every warning sign even when it is flat out stated to his face what it they are like. He needs to wake up and not pretend anymore.

And I wouldn't be surprised if the beginning of the next episode is him calling Ketch when Dean can't get hold of Mary to be told she is busy and it was a false alarm and Sam buying it while Dean isn't happy.


Sam seems fine in the promos for next week, so I'm thinking that it could've been a reference to Sam sleeping through what's going on with the BMoL and Dean trying to wake him up about it. My guess is that Mary's second message was extremely vague for a reason, and Sam is going to fall into Max territory at the start of the next episode. I think he's going to think that Dean is overreacting until they start seeing the hunters that have died under mysterious circumstances, and then he'll be like, 'I should've listened to my brother,' the way Max said he should've listened to Alicia.


I agree I think it is a reference to him sleepwaking through what is going on with the men of letters and it taking a startle to wake him up about it.

As for the next episode, yeah I can see Sam thinking Dean was over reacting as he will call Ketch or the BMoL will use the shifter they caught to impersonate Mary's voice and Sam will buy it until a body he can't pretend isn't due to the Men of Letters hits a slab.

Because that last talk about Max was also about how the brothers see the men of letters. They both interacted with Max, but Dean is saying he has no right to stop Max from doing what he was going to do even if he sold his soul, because he is working with the Men of letters and he is chaffing from it but he is doing it to stay close to Sam and Mary. So he knows in the long run Max isn't going to be okay.

But Sam, who saw Max in the exact same state that Dean did is thinking things will turn out okay, Max will be okay because why wouldn't it be. Max paid lip service to burning the bodies, they all know logically that selling your soul is bad and he is thriving under people who are sort of patting him on the head when he goes idealistic even though they tell him they don't care what choices the people they kill make and tried to kill the girl he kind of has a crush on because of an accidental kill.


I was thinking about it. Is it possible that Alicia being fooled by the Twig!Tasha could be something we might see with Mary in the next episode? I mean, I'm pretty sure the shapeshifter that Ketch was torturing is dead, but if they find anymore of them, they could in theory give a Shifter!Mary to Sam and Dean, while the real Mary stays locked up at the BMoL base. Not for any real length of time, but maybe as a way for them to buy some time to start carrying out their killing off of hunters?


I could see that. They might promise the shifter freedom if they work for them.


That's actually very interesting and I love this idea! That could be one of those other parallels to come :)


I identified that one theme being explored this season was brainwashing. I called Mary a Kool-Aid drinking cult member all the way back to “The Raid”, and then “Ladies Drink Free” showed us just how much brainwashing was involved in the BMOL operatives’ training.

Good call on the brainwashing. Looks like they went ahead and went all the way with it concerning Mary.


Thanks :) Mary's been a willing sockpuppet since Day 1 and I actually appreciate that the BMOL used her as a tool to hurt Sam and Dean. It's consistent with her characterization throughout the season.
