Just awful.

I loved Frances Ha. On the basis of that, it was recommended that I see Margot at the Wedding. I was sorely disappointed.

This movie had none of the humor, none of the affection, none of the charm of Frances Ha.

I'm not a huge fan of Nicole Kidman, but I've seen her turn in acceptable performances. But the unwelcome appearance of Jack Black practically guaranteed I would hate this movie.

Too bad.


Shame to pre-emptively disavow the only likeable thing in the movie, but I hear ya.


Good point about the lack of humor but the enjoyment watching the characters filled that for me. Greta gerwig in Frances Ha (and everything she's in) is sooo disarming that you can't help but love the entire movie. For example "Hannah takes the stairs" was a *beep* trainwreck of nothingness but Greta is so fun to watch that she made the movie.


Well, they're different films.
