Depressing vibe?

I just started watching this series and was immediately hit by the depressing vibe to it. I am wondering if anyone else got that and if it continues throughout the series?

Depressing as in the way it looks, the people etc.


The pilot is depressing. I saw some of it the night it premiered and had to turn it off, but years later I watched all of it and didn't find the rest of it depressing at all. It's not as good as the critics claimed, but it's worth a watch. I feel like it could have been a lot better without some of the teen soap opera stuff.


Thanks, I might give it another shot then.


I should add that the Jason Street story does continue to be somewhat depressing, but he's not really a main character after a few episodes. Also, they tone down the quick cut editing which gives it a less frantic feel.


Kind of. It's a very moving show, but these people are pretty low on the ladder in life and it's not an easy go for any of them.


Not a shot at the OP, but I imagine any modern story told realistically is going to be depressing to a lot of people.
All I ever see here is people defending their right to enjoy escapist entertainment. (Well, not "all" I ever see ....)


"I imagine any modern story told realistically is going to be depressing to a lot of people."

Well said.

FNL is a great show. Their lives don't seem great, they have their highs and their lows, everything's relative... Characters seem real. It makes me think I'm too harsh on rural and small town folks.... nah....


The show seems to get less depressing in Season 3, even though there still is lots of drama throughout.
