MovieChat Forums > The Boys (2019) Discussion > What’s with all the naked guys?

What’s with all the naked guys?

Every episode, some guy shoves his bare ass into the camera. Last episode it happened twice! And s3/e1 had an extreme close up of some guy’s dick(!)

How about getting Starlight, Maeve and Kamiko to strip naked and push their derrières or boobs into our faces too?

You know… equality. Right, ladies?



Finally someone mentions this. It does not even have to be one of the main characters. But ep. 4 with this russian guy and his little harem...and even there not a single nipple was shown. Disappointing.


Exactly!! If the main actresses are too timid, toss in some naked extras. Otherwise, start airing this on the Logo network.


I've noticed this too. Even more puzzling if you consider a show like GOT showing lots of tits and pussy.
Maybe they're pandering to specific prude audience that loves gore but hates boobs.


But they’re ok with what’s being shown?


Maybe the specific audience is gay, catholic and violence obsessed.


I'm sure the "gay" crowd complained so now we get more man ass and pee holes.



So gay women don't exist?


Yes but they want to see naked women and lesbian sex, just like us normal guys. But producers are more focused on naked guys for some damn reason.


Male nudity is played for mild shock value and humour now.

It’s in the latest Thor trailer as well, Thor’s clothes fly off him and he’s left standing butt naked.

It’s such a tired joke at this point like at the start of episode 3 Ashley walks in and of course Homelander is on the sofa naked and she’s embarrassed but he doesn’t care.

There’s some funny moments in this show but they’re overusing the male ass stuff. It’ll probably be Butcher’s ass we see next episode, then Frenchie’s after that, I’m sure the writers think they’re hilarious.


I’m sure they do but they aren’t. I just want to know who’s decision it was and their cockeyed (no pun intended) reasoning.


Probably Seth Rogen being an executive producer. He’s so woke now, he’s absolutely terrified of Hollywood turning against him, he’s always apologising for all the non-woke things he did in his old films.


Like Euphoria, most of the dicks are probably fake anyhow. I don't know why guys complain anyhow, seeing they watch porn all day everyday. Loads of dicks there.


You obviously have no clue how a guy’s mind works. See my other response to your ridiculous porn comments.


I always think the guys who freak out the most have the most to hide. Overcompensating. Guys who don't freak are honest and don't feel like they have to object to seeing something they see everyday. I remember this guy once told me that some guy checked him out at the urinal. When he first told me I thought that he was going to start freaking out, but instead he said he didn't care and that as long as he didn't come on to him, he could look all he wanted. After some thought, I realized that I could trust a guy like this to be honest about his sexuality more that some guy who freaks over seeing a penis in a movie or TV show.


What we see is about 2% of nudity and 0.001% of sex the comics have.


I think their aim is to subvert expectations by focusing on male nudity instead of female. I doubt it has anything to do with the actresses but the creators flipping what people expect . I would have to say that most of my life female nudity has been pretty common while male nudity not so much. So...they're trying to be shocking and edgy with all the over the top violence and and gore and likewise by showing naked men instead of women.

I'm not a big fan of doing unto others what you didn't like done to you but I think the show, among other things, will be attacking "toxic masculinity". Personally I think that era has passed and masculinity is not in need of being attacked currently . But attacking the past is a current theme it seems.


Good points. But when subverting expectations, the goal should be to do it in a positive and entertaining way. Not with a “Screw you!” attitude.


I don't disagree. I think we'll see things evolving more when they catch on that being positive and entertaining is not mutually exclusive from making a point. But I know Eric Kripke wants to be shocking more than anything and there are those that love that.


Interesting theory. But concerning superhero movies/tv shows there is no expectation to subvert. I can not remember any superhero stripping down before. So I'd be okay with no nudity at all.


It’s like they want to be edgy like the comics, but don’t dare show naked women because they’re afraid feminazis — who mostly don’t even watch — will go ballistic and accuse them of sexism and exploiting women. The producers are pussies.


Feminazis? If you mean "progressives" then I'd say you're probably right . But they do watch...

I don't t mind the nudity but I don't require it either. And I wouldn't complain if it was female either because I'm pretty accustomed to that. .....Is it gratuitous? Probably.

I think I'm more bothered by a tiny supe crawling into a penis and sneezing.


lol femanazi? I remember when I was 12


You mean last year?


good one....


Maybe they all worked at Disney when they were younger?


In the 80s a ton or movies would flash some boobs.

Today you get this....

I prefer the 80s style. Almost something off with how they add it in all the time




You realize that wasn't an actual penis, right?


Right. They let actors wear fake penises, but woman don't wear fake boobs. It's still not equal when men are protected from being exposed.


Lots of fake boobs in Ep 6 though


Yep. Finally. Though I’d still rather have seen Starlight, Maeve or Komiko. Starlight had a too-far-to-see-anything nude moment but doubt it was her or that she was really naked. The actress showed her boobs in the 2018 movie Monster Party. She couldn’t show her butt in that scene? Hate it when actresses don’t fully commit to a role.


in your world showing nipples is equal to showing a penis?


Nipples turn men on so yes; anything that can't be done in public is exposure. Men go crazy over boobs. Men get what they want when they see exposed boobs. Men search the internet trying to find photos or videos of actresses boobs. A penis isn't as sexualized by women, so seeing a penis shouldn't be much of a thing, but men are protected from doing something that(when it comes to men and women)must be very uncomfortable. Some men flip out when they see a flaccid penis, but can go all day watching porn. That's weird.


When we watch porn, guys are having sex with nude women, so we picture ourselves in the guy’s place and focus on the woman and her doing things to the guy. We don’t watch for the guy.


True, but the dick is there. I just find it weird that guys freak out about a dick on the screen when they see dicks in porn, at the gym and every time they take a piss.
