Big mistake

I have a bit of a beef about them rushing out the English version and not giving Jensen Ackles enough time in his schedule to supply the voice for Dean any more than two episodes. You can't have Jared With out Jensen. One of the reasons why the show became a success is because of the chemistry between these two guys and you can't capture that by replacing Jensen for all but two episodes. They should have taken the care that was needed and waited until his schedule made him available to voice every episode. Jensen is Dean.


Well for one thing Jensen did Dubb the last 2 episodes.

what makes you think that Supernatural Anime won't get another season, and Jensen won't come back for Deans character?

Anything is possible, and this Anime is very good, something tells me they will make more.

but yes it does kinda bother me, still I have high hopes for another Anime season.


Jensen really voiced Dean in the last 2 episodes? That makes sense, because when I watched them I was like "Wow that guy's Dean Winchester impression is spot on!" LoL!
