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Season 4 Suffering From The Creep of Social Justice Peacocking

It was heavy in episode 2.




I noticed it with the buying guns scene


I am so very glad that someone else pointed this out. The worst was when Jake was talking about Ace Ventura and he had to throw in the transphobic line. I literally rolled my eyes when he said it. It sounded like a writer's line to show how PC they are. It bugged the living *beep* out of me. It just didn't sound like something a person would say.


I think I have more or less literally said the exact line Jake says in real life. Childhood favourite, but it has not. aged. well. It has dated so badly, it has a restraining order out against it.

It's like when they joke about rape in MASH (which was otherwise rather progressive, for a seventies show set in the fifties), or Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Casual threats of domestic violence in the Honeymooners. Those old cartoons where portrayals of, well, anyone non-white, is like, super-racist? Like, it's absurd so racist they are. You kind of grit your teeth and remember, that was a different time, and please don't judge us for our current transgressions, future people, whatever they may be. We are doing our best, honestly.


Just watched all the season 4 episodes tonight and agree with you. Very distracting from an othwise ok show.


Brookyln 99 has quickly become my 2nd favorite comedy and it keeps getting better every season, but the SJ nonsense was ridiculous and off-putting.
I really hope this is not the beginning of a whole lot more of this garbage, it would ruin a very good show.


Get used to it. The Social Justice Guild (Warriors, Monks, Clerics, Paladins, etc) are after all your favorite shows.

Or get used to the new times.


Social Justice Peacocking ruining the show? Seems a bit ridiculous to single it out. I admit it has been noticeably stronger this season, but it's an unavoidable evil during an election year with most ALL primetime shows. Everyone has a political opinion, including sitcom writers. And they just can't resist the urge to incorporate them into their daytime job.

I admit it's annoying, but I'm not so caught up in my own beliefs that I let it distract me from the show's main purpose (which is to make me laugh). If it bothers you that much, then I would assume it's because things you don't necessarily believe are being shoved down your throat. In that case, tough break....And get used to it. ?


By Lindsay Kornick | | May 2, 2017 | 10:25 PM EDT

Fox’s Brooklyn Nine-Nine is usually one of the funniest shows in the humor wasteland of political correctness, but I guess it couldn’t last. The most recent episode decided to take a more serious and pointedly less funny approach to talk about racial profiling. Who knew that sitcoms weren’t the best places for one-sided racial politics?

Read more: Fox's 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Airs Preachy Racial Profiling Episode - Sitcoms Online Message Boards - Forums


Who knew that sitcoms weren’t the best places for one-sided racial politics?

LOL the opinion of show writers is now "one-sided racial politics"??? I can't comprehend how Lindsay Kornick considers a sitcom to be a news program and that it should strive against showing bias (aka opinion)!

Is Lindsay another example of the modern movement toward horrible pop-centered pseudo-journalism? Considering she's commenting on a TV show and expecting journalistic-level lack of bias from that TV show, I think she matches that description, and is very confused.


Oh geez, I will never understand the current generation, that acts as if the sky is falling, whenever someone says: "Y'know, you shouldn't be an *beep* They act so tough, because they are "anti-PC", but start crying for safe spaces as soon as they see someone act like a decent human being on TV.

"Am I the only one who sees the giant monkey!?"


Have you only just noticed that Brooklyn Nine Nine is a progressive show? It has been since the very beginning. It is distinctly feminist and inclusive.

And it's not peacocking, mate, they're not showing off. Some of us just actually believe in civil rights movements. It's what puts this show so far above so many other sitcoms (How I Met Your Mother comes to mind) which use outdated stereotypes and tropes.

Anyway, I'm not gonna argue with you beyond this, but Brooklyn Nine Nine has always been a progressive show and will continue to be in what are very backward-facing times. Listen to it rather than immediately rejecting it as 'social justice peacocking'.


B99 is generally a progressive show to begin with. Most of the characters are latino or black. There are 3 white men, one is a self described beta male, the other two are grotesque & idiotic bit characters everyone is supposed to laugh at for being who they are. You might consider Jake white but he's also latino, so not exactly WASPy, and Samberg himself is Jewish.


Jake is also jewish.


You might consider Jake white but he's also latino, so not exactly WASPy, and Samberg himself is Jewish.

This is a great example of confused racism spiked with some misogyny. You mentioned 3 white males, ignoring the white female and the mixed race but mostly white female, and you only excluded Jake because the character is part Latino (barely) and the actor Jewish.

So those three white males don't get separated based on their heritage? There isn't even a nod to their heritage! Joe Lo Truglio is mostly Italian, and those other two actors have heritages as well. One looks mostly German and one perhaps from a Northern European family? I'm not going to do the research.

"White" isn't a race, a heritage, or an ethnicity. "White" is an invention by racist people to discriminate based on appearance and skin color. That's all it is.

Learn something today, people.


what capt T was saying is that the show dosent have any caucasians in it apart from the 3 idiots
Therefore its progressive , and not oppressive,

Whereas what you said was a load of crap i didnt understand. German and Italian are not races or ethniticies.

sorry , i didnt learn anything from your post , perhaps you could dumb it down for me?


I.guarantee, caucasians acting idiotically are in every sitcom you've ever loved. Why is it suddenly a problem?
