MovieChat Forums > Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013) Discussion > Another disappointing season (Season 8)

Another disappointing season (Season 8)


The first few episodes, were really unpleasant, everyone was unlikeable and at each other's throats for some reason, and not in a good way. And everyone looked p****d off for some reason. As the season progressed it got better, but the season was still not good. Amy's British accent was the highlight of the season. It was very funny. (Episode 6). The Heist was good. And the ending was nice and emotional.

Had a few laughs here and there, however, there are far better seasons of the show. But I enjoyed watching the entire show.


Have to agree, first 2 episodes were pretty bad. And the rest were forgettable except for the heist, it was well done and classic 99. Its too bad it had to end this way.

Amy's British accent was pretty dang funny though.


"Yes, sir. Quite drunk. Wankered... really."

She really shined in that scene. MF needs her own sitcom.


Yes, I thought it was pretty poor overall and only pulled out of a hole by The Heist in the last two episodes that was pretty much perfect.

I get that as a cop show they probably had to make comment about the death of George Floyd but it seemed clunky and as a comedy show, there's ways to do that too and this failed on that point.

The laid out explanation of everything with regards to Rosa leaving and Scully not being present was poor too.

It's run its course but it's nice that it finished with a good ending.
