MovieChat Forums > Fear the Walking Dead (2015) Discussion > OMG Season 5 is sooo boring & ridiculous...

OMG Season 5 is sooo boring & ridiculous!

I've said much about Walkers losing any semblance of threat & character in the TWD & a story with nowhere to go but this is beyond the pale. A masterclass in incompetence & how to completely fuck up a series & make it dull on every level.
After forcing myself to complete Season 4, I don't think I can finish this. It's not even remotely engaging in a bad, fun way.
Characters that were once edgy & engaging have been reduced almost completely to vanilla cardboard & EVERY line of dialogue is a version of the same feelings & "we must help them, make up for what we did (what the fuck did you do? The writers don't care enough to even say) we're stronger together"...And the pointless gray filter only exacerbates the utter boredom in what was once a vibrant, sunny "Wild West" companion.
There's no anatognist & nothing remotely engaging about trying to build a fucking plane to escape when they can just walk, and a group of Lord of the Flies kids keeping Walkers at bay is more ridiculous & dull than that hot air balloon.

This is all what happens when one doesn't know how to move a story, craft characters & dialogue or how to literally do anything. It's also if the writers & producers are basement dwellers with zero life experience, who know absolutely nothing about adult situations & conflict. All very cringe.


Oh and my snarky review is also owed to the fact that I had to pay $40 to watch this dullfest 😝


Take it from someone who's at the end of season 8. Quit. It doesn't get better. The writing gets dumber and the ridiculousness gets even more ridiculous as it goes on.


I've read that Season 6 is a bit of an improvement while Season 7 is "so bad it's good"...But yeah, I don't know whatever I can hold out that long 😝


It was either season five or early season six when I couldn’t take it anymore. Terrible, terrible show.
