Can this show last without Red?

For most people Red is the main reason that they watch Blacklist - his intricate, sometimes archaic stories and his omniscience in all things criminal make him a truly unique character.

I'm just not sure that Tom can carry a broadcast network show on his own.


I guess we'll see. The ratings weren't great.


Would be nice if Red showed up once in a while.


It seems I read somewhere that he would.


Good to hear that wheelin176.


Really? That'd be awesome. But unfortunately it'll probably just be a cameo, he'll tell a quick story, then fade into the darkness.

Can't wait until regular Blacklist comes back!


Me too. The Blacklist can't return soon enough. A cameo would be my guess too.


Show needs to be fine tuned.


After having seen the third episode I think Tom's presence is not what makes this show good and or fun to watch. In my opinion Tom's character, which was little on the edge in The Blacklist, seems a bit too whiney for the context of this show by becoming the 'Liz' of this show and that's not something which I look forward to.

The first two episodes were a little bit unpolished in the sense that the character of the show didn't really come through, It felt as a mix between 24, The Ocean's movies and a general spy show. Now with the uncovering of the new storyline it now seems to have an own right of identity.

I do hope they will continuously tweak the show and take it seriously because it has absolute potential because of the actors and characters.


Third episode seems like a weak cross between Wayward Pines and The Americans.


IMHO the short answer is no. That's why I'm not watching it.



famke is enough for some people to watch,
and the absence of liz is a really good reason as well
