finally watching s2

heard terrible things about s2 (aside the opening eps which are considered good) anyway finally got the bluray (i still don't stream) and been checking first 3 eps over 3 nights.. So far I LOVE it! Yesterdays Enterprise (even gets a name check!) meets Mirror Mirror meets Voyage Home with some fun call backs to original Trek and First Contact (and kind of based on that early 90s DC comic annual with Q) . Ok its kind of on the nose with its homages but still fun and having Q back is a welcome return as the the Borg Queen (presumably the same one from First Contact but played by different actress for some reason) hell even seeing Guinan/Whoopi was a welcome surprise!. Raffi is still a pretty bad character tho and there's some forced wokery but so far I can handle it!

Ep 4 tonight..

Here my review of s1 if you interested


Watched eps 4/5 last night , the whole Rios captured/rescue thing was quite reminiscent of Terminator Dark Fate, fun Trek IV punk cameo and young Guinan was a surprise, more references to Kirks time travelling (I don't care how on the frickin nose it is i love it!) and even 'Generations' (Picard says it when he's in the dilapidated home, like Q saying 'Yesterdays Enterprise' in Ep 1), Lea Thompson (from BTTF) is in this? and directing!? (Frakes is back directing too. shades of First Contact with Borg Queen). we get Brent as yet another Soong!, but his scenes with Q are magnificent/quality acting (De Launcie is great in this series), yeah I can see how fans were pissed off with it feeling as if its dragging out, too fan servicey, and getting all woke.. but im def enjoying this quite abit


Ok its getting abit of a slog over the course of middle eps can sort of get why its been criticized. That being said, its still enjoyable to a fan and Picard's backstory though abit dull is quite interesting (inspired casting having Baltar 2.0/Bashir lookalike as Picards father), and now veering into full First Contact territory (borg trying to disrupt rocket launch that will create Star Treks future) . Anyway I've saved the final ep for tonight..


Finished it, last ep was abit underwhelming. Q is dead? and some stuff overall just didnt make too much sense/wtf (Larris as a Gary Seven?) or contrived/fan serve (Wesley? Project Khan? - although that does tie in with the augment eps of 'Enterprise')

All in all was like elements of several of the best Treks: City on the Edge, Mirror Mirror, Voyage Home, QWho, Yesterdays Enterprise, Tapestry, All Good Things*, First Contact, along with elements of A Christmas Carol/Wonderful Life/BTTF/Avengers Endgame all put in a blender with whats big these days in the 2020s (mental health, toxic masculinity, racism, immigration, etc)

*thinking about the AGT connection its like all 3 seasons of Picard are kind of based around that final ep - Picard retired on his vineyard/illness (s1), timetravel/Q (s2), and the TNG crew coming to aid Picard (s3) .
Also you could look to Pic s1 as The Search for Data (to Nemesis' Wrath of Shinzon) and this s2 as The Voyage Home (with s3 set to be TNGs Undiscovered Country)


Rewatching s2 in light of having just watched s3. just a few eps in and a few things are apparent, I can barely recall watching any of it, its bad in comparison to s3 (the acting is pretty bad too bar DeLancie), and feels very 'TV' .. whereas s3 legit feels like a big Trek movie for the most part (with great acting from all the cast)


...whereas s3 feels like a big Trek movie for the most part

Completely agree.

We got a free Prime trial last week, so finished the last few episodes of Season 3 I hadn't seen, over the last few days. Definitely feels like it belongs up there with the films - and maybe sits alongside First Contact as the highlight of the Next Generation for me.

Sure, it was a bit of a nostalgia fest but I loved how they seemed to pad something special out for every episode, e.g. the classic ships in the space dock in one, the reveal of restored Enterprise in another.

Brilliant season!


Yes I just watched s3 the other week in bluray, was literally blown away how good it was despite having heard it was amazing, and I couldn't wait to watch the next ep each night (a couple of nights I had to watch 2 eps it was so exciting) and was counting down the hours till I could lol (all lights off, except blue led xmas lights.. as much as like a theatre experience as I can) bit like if you went to the cinema to watch a 8-10hr Trek film each night over a week

my immediate thoughts on watching s3 anyway


Season 3 had a different showrunner.
Imagine giving the IP to someone who actually cares.
Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman could never, Terry Matalas is our trekkie lord and savior.


I think PStewart and the 'Pulitzer prize winning' Michael Charbon had alot to do with the direction of s1/2 also (e.g.wanting to explore Picards troubled past that mirrored his own troubled upbringing, and current popular issues: mental health, immigration, police brutality, climate change) , for s3 Charbon was gone and its like PStew finally threw up his hands and let 'Picards Logan' go, and took a backseat to let others (Matalas aka TNGs Nick Meyer) come in and do what they knew the fans wanted (full on TNG reunion, by way of the TOS movies)


I'm glad we got at least 1 out 3 good seasons lmao

That plotline from season 1 about OG Picard dying and clone bot Picard taking over was so fucking dumb. He didn't even get any cool powers out of it. Lame AF.


They kind of tried to ignore that in s2 but in 3 they used it as a big plot device lol


I hope that's it for the TNG crew.

I know Patrick Stewart has suggested a film is on the way but I hope that doesn't happen. The end of S3 was the perfect send off for me.

In fact, I wouldn't watch any more anyway - Like I stopped Discovery after Season 2. I know a lot of people hated that show - and yes, it did have it's problems - but the end of S2 was a perfect conclusion for it, so I never watched any more. Feels the same for Picard. Perfect point to take a final bow...

As to a Legacy series with Seven Of Nine, Picard's Son, etc. I could see that working.


It would seem pushing their luck to do more Picard/TNG after the brilliance of s3, it'd probably end up like when some of TOS came back for Generations after the amazing send off of VI

so here be like Picard, Riker, Worf coming back in a P+ crossover movie with SNW, or a theatre movie with Kelvin cast (for 60th Ann 2026)
