Popcorn Kernel's Replies

The kid made the snowman before she died make sure all your husbands look very different from eachother. or just get dna test if it's that important (which it really isn't except for medical reasons) Yes and it was also mistakenly lumped in with narcotics. Your link mentioned cocaine. General Discussion might be the busiest area here on moviechat but SURELY there are whole web sites and message boards dedicated to politics that have much more "action' than here. So I still have to wonder , why is all this stuff being dumped here and not at Fox news or breitbart or dietcokedumpster.com or some MRA forum , or one of the many other places where people with similar interests are gathered. Narcotics are drugs with opiate or opioid content. It's a sub-category of drugs. Cocaine and meth are stimulants, not narcotics. So that was a regular thing they (Mormons) did, spanning 50 years or more? In & Out burger I don't eat meat but everyone around here says they have the best burgers. No, pot is not a narcotic either. It's a drug but not a narcotic. Think of a venn diagram Circles within circles. all narcotics are drugs, but not all drugs are narcotics. But Are they informed choices? With understanding of cause & effect, and consequences? Do you hold an infant fully responsible for what it does? An infant makes a "choice" based on zero understanding of the world and what their choice and action might set in motion. They have no concept of past or future, so how could they understand consequences. They don't understand that other people are also separate sentient beings like themselves. They are selfish because they are only aware of their own desires, and they don't realize other people have their own desires. Other people are just there to fill their (the infant's) needs. Certainly those behaviors and attitudes are evil when they are seen in adults, that would be called a sociopath, but you cannot hold an infant to the same standard. Really? little babies can be evil? well I mean all children are evil sometimes that's why I didn't have them, but I mean can they be truly Evil with a capital E, intentionally and knowing and comprehending cause and effect, as an infant? I feel like that is beyond their capacity. I said that ANYone is capable of evil. You, me, the pope, everyone. It's not good guys and bad guys. Ordinary people with no previous history of 'evil' can do evil things depending on circumstances. That is what the prison experiment proved. But, some people also did not go along with the prison experiment. It's not 100% that committed the sadistic acts. Some people made the choice not to keep participating. Because average people have free will. I think we should punish child predators because they chose to commit those crimes. It wasn't inevitable, it was a choice, and they know the difference between right and wrong. If someone doesn't know the difference or is so mentally incompetent that they have no control over their actions, they aren't evil. They are just sick. To qualify as truly evil, the person had to freely choose that action and understand right and wrong. An animal killing to survive isn't evil. self defense isn't evil. the concept of evil requires free choice and understanding. Well there would be no electricity without people working at the power plants. You could use generators but the gasoline will eventually go bad, they never show this in The Walking Dead, but gas does eventually lose it's usability. So you can cross watching tv and playing video games off your list. After a few years, cross driving off your list. I guess you better get some horses and dogs. Goats and chickens. Working a farm alone is very very difficult. Many of those jobs need at least two strong people. That's why farmers used to have lots of kids. There would be lots of fish and game and pretty much unlimited guns and ammo. At least you'd have enough to last for your lifetime. When you get too old to hunt and fish, you could shoot yourself. It's not semantics at all! Do you think all mentally ill people are evil? Hitler was evil by choice, he was not disabled. he had all the same choices anyone has. Most mentally ill people don't harm anyone. These are two totally different words and totally different groups of people. Also, if certain people were born evil, and they would end up evil no matter how they were raised, that means they have no free will and whatever they do isn't their fault because they were just born with that destiny. No matter how hard they try to be good, they will always be evil. So would you punish or even execute someone for something they didn't choose and had no control over? I don't think anyone is born evil. People can be born with mental illness, but that is not the same as evil. Evil is a choice. Every person has choices every day to do a right thing or a wrong thing. Every person has the capacity for good and the capacity for evil. The Stanford prison experiment proved that normal, sane people with no criminal history or mental illness (those type of people were already weeded out from participating in the experiment) can turn evil and sadistic in a very short time, given the right conditions. Civilization and democracy is such a thin veneer, it does not take much to crack it and have the baser instincts and values come oozing up. Life is cruel, and reality is often sad. That's why people spend so much time trying to escape it. The parents should have spent more time teaching these basic life skills when their child was a child. A 31 year old (if the OP is really that age) asking these kind of questions is odd. They are something you would understand from a preteen, but kind of shocking coming from an adult. There are only two things every human must know how to do in life: work, and love. Everything else is bonus. You don't need to have a family, you don't need to buy a house, you don't need to get married, but you should be able to do some kind of useful work and you should be able to love. Not romantic movie love, just love for another human being. Platonic is love too. So yes, friendship is important. If you are 31 and you still don't know how to do these 2 things, it's probably too late to learn. If people were incapable of felling pain they would die off very quickly. Pain is a necessary sense just like sight and hearing. It's a survival mechanism. This is real life, not just hypothetical, I know a guy who had a stroke and he has no feeling in his left arm. It is alive (has blood flow) but just hangs there limp, he can't move it or feel it. So he was barbecuing and his left hand accidentally flopped onto the grill and he got badly burnt because he didn't feel anything. Anyone else would pull their hand away instantly when they felt the heat. You avoid things that cause pain because they can also damage or kill you. Real planes, he just can't read or spell or remember anything properly. Of course he'd never admit to a typo or a mistake, so instead he has to pretend there really are F-52s and there really is a word covfefe. I notice this in all his speeches- if he accidentally says a wrong word (which is normal), instead of just going past it and quickly saying the right word, he repeats the wrong phrase several times and ad libs something like " and this is so important", which only draws more attention to the mistake. Which then makes him (and his minions) look even sillier than if he just said 'oops'. Of all his flaws, this might be the worst in the end. Total inability to ever admit a mistake or apologize for anything. Everyone makes mistakes, every public speaker or actor flubs a line now and then, but most people just say "oops my bad" and then it's over, but when you insist it wasn't a mistake, "I meant to do that" that's when you really look stupid. yeah they are all for states rights when it comes to fucking little kids and discriminating against gay people, but then they are against states rights when it comes to smoking legal weed. INNNNteresting! fuck you jeff sessions, hands off my bong