
JH66 (143)


Cancelled? Searching for Churchill drama-documentary Useless ''actress'' Best ''ball-grabbing'' film scenes? More dull feminist claptrap for it's own sake Sadly they're both now too old... Why.does.Sisko.talk.like.this? Why trust those fuckin villagers? View all posts >


I agree, the height of ignorant stupidity to dismiss things that you can't prove either way Designed to humiliate. Both, I think, he had endless stories about how he stabbed and killed many people. Yes, he played Henry VIII in the BBC version (before the Hollywooden movie) of The Last Boleyn Girl Oh yes, remember that one! Gene is/was brilliant! Here's Arnie- [url] https://youtu.be/HdaaHPNsQoE [/url] It's a good film, but yes, for me it seemed as if it was following a trendy PC agenda (don't make women look foolish, but superhuman), mostly it was trying to be a sophisticated Cold war drama. Each to their own, see what you think? This was boring, trying way too hard. Atomic Blonde was a better action pic. Yet they both have skinny waifs beating up trained male killers twice their size? Feminist brainwashing. They say that in half of the entire shows? View all replies >