MovieChat Forums > Furienna

Furienna (3325)


Let me ask the people who side with Miranda over Daniel these questions: This is now officially my favorite Disney DTV movie. "10 Most Unlikable Animated Movie Heroes" "10 Most Controversial Disney Movies (& Why They Should Be Reimagined Today)" I know I'm crazy. Chuckie in "Home Movies" "Bruno Madrigal and Self-Confidence (or lack thereof)" "10 Harsh Realities Of Watching Old Disney Movies" View all posts >


"Miranda would be arrested for hate crimes against transgenderism and be a pariah for the rest of her life." That would have been lovely to see... Yes, you are. Besides, Miranda is really a terrible mother. So you think that nobody should be allowed to watch these movies legally? It is bad enough that they want to hide "Song of the South", which is really not as bad as some people think either. No, they're not. If you think that King Louie is a stereotype, he's based on the white (Italian-American) voice actor Louie Prima. You go, Jo! Geesh... I guess I should be glad that I can agree with her on at least one issue. Maybe, but we don't have to make things worse by putting men among them. I'm sorry, but I don't see why you would expect Disney movies to be 100 % historically correct. They are supposed to be family-friendly entertainment and not documentaries. What I think is that Maurice had once had money but lost it, so he and Belle had to move to that little town. But the fact that they still were from a higher social class made it hard for Belle to relate to the townfolks. Even so, it is not true that she only read fairytales. She had clearly learned words like "primeval" somewhere and read "Romeo & Juliet" with Beast in a deleted scene. Thank you. View all replies >