MovieChat Forums > mitzibishi

mitzibishi (1621)


The writers of Morbius strike again with another mega flop Guirrila style documentary film making. From the writers of.....MORBIUS. and other failed, poorly written movies Hi, I'm Bob. My wife goes on dates with old flames. Don't be me. Don't be a Bob. They made a movie of the limo driver from Die Hard? Frankenstein's monster with female privilege MS. Marvel hilarious deleted scenes in the box set. Plagiarism, pure and simple. Plagiarism, pure and simple. Great car chase. Overlooked in best car chase lists. View all posts >


It's a haven for USA politics obsessed losers who base every post on USA politics. Both left & right are here stinking up the place. What hate? It's got decent ratings, reviews and going to make its money back. I thought the same thing. It's just one of those things. Maybe a plot hole. Maybe she told the cop and that's how he knew. The same thing when the bodybuilder was arrested in Vegas. How would he know. Same shit they put in most movies when a woman is in the lead role. Men bad. Women good. Can they not think of another way to write stories for women? Otherwise, I liked it. Was an original story, but still based around the "men is bad" theme. It definitely failed the Bechdel test as with most women led movies Boo Hoo!! CGI cow > > > > Story boo hooo you like cardboard cut out characters with no depth. CGI cows over character's arcs, and that's fine. I would just cast O.J. as he's perfect casting. Have him puppateered then get people in green suits move his mouth for the dialogue and CGI them out in post. Or even do it Weekend at Bernies style. <b>Weekend at O.J.'s</b> I bet you're one of these people that has a bunker installed, and buys all the tinned food up in stores if a lefty wins an election. Then force your family to live in the bunker, convinced that above ground is going to be a wasteland until the commode is overflowing, and your family plead with you to take a look out of the hatch because they know nothing happened. Then you all drive to McDonalds, pay with your card, eat your crap burger in the car park and browse Facebook to catch up on all the monotony you missed been asking this same question for years You got me. Always have a problem with that one. Beuatiful always gets me as well. The memory just doesn't take it in and put it in the old brain database, no matter how many times I spell check it. View all replies >