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AlyCatPartDeux (158)


Jensen interview/Podcast with Michael Rosenbaum Definitely rethinking Good Chuck - that was bad. Spoilers ahead. HAIL TO THE KING BABY!!! Fan Fic I loved Damaged Goods - comments/critiques? Happy New Year So? I’m back!!!!!!! Hey y’all! Had to change up my nomenclature. It’s AlyCat22 View all posts >


I really liked Castiel early on - say 1-5 - but gradually because of the constant Destiel push and Mishas pandering I found it harder and harder to separate the two and it kinda ruined or tarnished the character for me. If that makes sense. Claire. Without a doubt. In fact Meg Donnelly’s portrayal of young Mary screams Claire Part 2 for me. I liked Bella. I thought she was a good foil against the boys. Didn’t help to save her? How could they - like Dean said if she ad come to them sooner and not stolen the gun they might have been able to save her. Bitch of the bunch is they couldn’t as she ran her clock out. With Jensen? The Boys as Soldier Boy. Big Sky as Sheriff Beau Arlen. The Winchesters. With Jared? Walker and Walker Independence. Not crazy about Walker tho. Loved Jensen as Soldier Boy in Season 3. And Beau Arlen also Season 3. Check them out. Fingers crossed we are Tulpa-ing our little hearts out that all these will get picked up for another season. At this point, I am not above a cross road deal. Unpopular opinion but I’d rather not see him on Supernatural. Well the two surprise guest stars from lastepisode turned out to be Jodi and AUBobby. Yawn. And that was in a glimpse of the future,not real time. I’m so not feeling this final season. I think Dabb has finally killed the Golden Goose. I mean, Impala. Cats out of the bag with the upcoming clip. DJ I didn’t care for it. I especially hated Deans prayer to Cas. Doesn’t know why he’s angry? Has always been? I think both Winchesters can lay claim to that and rightfully so especially when it comes to Cas and his colossally stupid moves over all the years. Have Dean forgive Cas that’s all fine and good but this crap about being wrong and having to apologize for feeling what he felt? Crap writing. Out of character. Strangely worded. There are so many people stating that it was just odd that you have to wonder did Berens write it that way for a reason? Surely he couldn’t be that ignorant over Dean and his character. Sobbing in the woods over Cas? Sam is stuck with Chuck in unknown danger and he cries over Cas and his little hissy fit. I so hope they permanently kill off Cas. And soon. All Amara knows regarding the Winchesters is that there’s been a falling out according to Chuck. She didn’t seem too concerned. Perhaps she figures Dean would call out to her if it was that bad. Maybe she will look into it on her own. It seems unrealistic to me that Dean wouldn’t pray for her assistance if nothing else to have her intercede and plead their case. Dean knows how much she cares for him why wouldn’t he make a request? Especially when she knows how Chuck can be. Dabb wouldn’t do something insane for the ending like having Dean have to become one with the Darkness, would he? Forget that thought ever entered my mind, no matter how briefly... Exile? You would think that Amara would lend a hand. Plus they have Jack, Billie and possibly the Empty Entity. And possibly FreeRangeMichael. And Sam. Aka SamGodWound/Visions/PossDemonBlood/Warlock/UberHunter. And his sidekick Dean. Logically it would be Jack taking Chucks place with Amara as the counter balance. Sad ending would be Dean in charge of Heaven and Sam over Hell. The Winchesters have been to Hell so they cant attain Heaven. Who knows. Prior canon is out the window so Dabb can write any crap he wants. Milk baby. Milk. View all replies >