MovieChat Forums > 123Guy

123Guy (6234)


[deleted] why blue hair? what's that about? Do you use AI options? how does a brand bashing "documentary" get made? BRO Wtf "Time flies when...." it's PONPONPON day why delusional stupidity must die... who keeps the list of all the sexual identities? ACTUAL interest in WNBA, or news shoving it down us? View all posts >


FAST FOOD is still selling in the billions. Is what it is. I dont recall 100 million... that is blockbuster budget. I thought this was closer to 20 mill? not sure the film tanked, and everyone picked on him about making an "all CGI film"... even though that is exactly what all the big films have become now. it literally paved the initial path. You sick freak. That's just cruel. You KNOW he prefers older girls... you know, around 11 or 12, after they've grown and experienced much of life. Where, where??? [Very slow clap] some men prefer 12 year old girls in movies and I fully agree. yes most movies seem to be crap lately. there seems to be a "let's DEI BALANCE things by shoving women into lead roles no one is asking for". And the strange thing is, much of the time, those are failing to entertain. Doesn't matter why... it LOOKS like they think women will suddenly be interested in them being represented in films, but, gosh, they simply aren't interested. it's like EXPECTING large amounts of women to suddenly equalize attendance to those nerdy, mostly guy dungeon and dragons style card games. yes, there is the occasional women that plays - annecdotal outliers, sure - its just not interesting to many women. And there is nothing wrong with that. Same with a larger pile of women lead movies. Same with WNBA. Now, make a well written, interesting, entertaining movie with Riply or Sarah Connor style lead, THOSE will sell. Because its a good character, not a modern DEI based equalization fest. Yes. Don't you know the world is not equal yet, and millions of women are just CLAMOURING for women/girls in leading roles and fully support these movies 1000% as shown in the box office recipts of which sex paid for tickets I almost typed that with a striaght face! :D :D :D POINT SET and MATCH! Moviebuff00 for the win! View all replies >