StjepanHR's Replies

Sadly, none of the listed ones was the film. But thank You very much I can' find Pay Off online to watch, even under the Polish title- Wyrównanie rachunku :( While the plot is not exactly how I remember, it is also not entirely discardable. Some photos I found are black-and-white, which would eliminate the film, but I will wait for it to become available I'll have a look at those listed (aside from La mort mystérieuse de Nina Chéreau, which I know by heart and it is certainly not the one in question). Thank You very much (and sorry for the delayed answer). Somehow missed this one, but, regretably, it's not the one :( I have seen A… Come Assassino few days ago. Likely not the film, as it has audio tape instead of VHS, but the setting is in luxurious home and one of the characters has moustache. Thank You very much, please let me know if he replies. I am quite busy this month, but I'll take a look at TV schedules from 2005 and 2006 during November and, with a little luck, I will find the film. Sadly, it is not either Unstable or Whispers in the Dark. I am seriously thinking that this might be an episode of a TV show, but somehow the structure of the film I have in my head is closer to a film than a TV episode. On the other hand, I found scanned TV schedules from that era and took a look at few random days of 2006. For example, "Dancing in the Dark", mentioned here and 100% NOT the film in question, was shown in January 2006, so I think that my conclusion that it must be a 1990-2005 era TV film is correct. There were only four TV channels I could watch at the time, and only one or two of them showed films in the afternoon, so I might find "my" film by looking at the schedules. Sadly, I couldn0t find them for every week :( EDIT: Some TV films from the late 1980s were also shown, so I might expand my searches to include more films from that decade. Thank You once more for providing answer. "Don't Say a Word" is not it, I know the film very well. "Unstable" is too new, although I would still give it a shot. As for "Whispers in the Dark", I will have to watch it first too confirm or eliminate. I will check the two films this weekend and let You know. Maybe Castle of Evil 1966? I looked through the lsit and couldn't found the film. It took me quicker since I have already eliminated some of these films before. What I found maddening that there are quite a few films on the list made in the same style and with similar ideas, but they weren't the one in question. Thank You once again for all Your input. Frankly, I am not 100% sure. I tried different key words, but i didn't keep track of it. I'll look through each film in my free time. Thank You As I wrote in the intro, "I am almost certain that it was in English", which COULD include the UK. However, as I am quite sure it was a TV film, I think that it is a better possibility that it is from the USA than from the UK, as the TV channels from my country usually show only TV series and miniseries from the UK, but TV films mostly from the USA or France. Now, I wrote the intro in 2013 or so for one forum in my country and I was almost sure it was in English back then. Ten years after, I am not that sure, especially since nobody seems to remember it (and I actually saw the film twice; well, only the last half the secodn time; so it is not a case of a false memory). "Mind Games" mental hospital scene is spot-on, almost as it was ripped from that film. However, quite a few other details don't match (and it is unlikely that I would see the film from 2006 on a national TV channel in 2006 or earlier twice). All films shown since January 1, 2007 onwards are in a certain database that includes the date when it was aired, so I could find a mention of Mind Games being shown in 2007 and there is none. P.S. I have also eliminated "Borderline" (2002), in case anyone stubles upon that one. Also, I wrote "psychiatrist", but it could as well be "psychologist" or any type of psychoterapist. I saw the film when I was 12-14 years old, and I am not sure I differentiated between the two back then. Sad to hear it. I am wondering who will find the film first - You this about the wizard or me the one about the psychiatrist haha I tried to find the movie today, but I couldn't find it. It doesn't fit the description 100%, but who knows :) I'll watch it if I find it. I have recently seen Deváté srdce by Juraj Herc. Could it be the one? Sad to hear it, but I hope someone will manage to find it. Sorry for the wait, had some personal things on my mind. "Dancing in the Dark" is definitely not it. Considering "Mind Games", it is quite complicated. While I am almost certain that it is, sadly, NOT the film in question, I think that I might have seen the mental hospital scene from that film and merged it with another, quite similar, film, because it looks almost the same as my memory. However, other than that, while the films have quite a few similarities, there are too many differences that can't be just a product of mis-remembering. Actually, none of that. I had one other film in mind, which I saw several years ago and didn't clearly remember, but I found it too non-similar to this after finding it in my IMDb ratings (it has male character searching for his sister) and this one was in "more like this" section on IMDb. For 3) - out of the Revolutionary War/colonias era westerns I have seen, the closest ones re Allergheny Uprising, which has a group of soldiers ambushed by Iroquis in the woods and The Scarlet coat, where two men are aprehended in a forest. But I am afraid none of them fits the description :( Could 1) be Sins of Desire (1993)? :( Maybe something like The Beast Must Die (1974)? No VHS, but surveillance cameras. Or 5 bambole per la luna d'agosto?