Foster1486's Replies

Thank You --- YOU said it nicer than I was going to That's because your head is stuck up your ass It's NOT an Award winner but It's not a bad watch Maybe you ought to watch the movie before going to a discussion board for that movie THAT is so much Fg Bullshit ----- GET a Fg life Yawn It truly showed that in a combat unit everyone is equal, Sargent's and officers are a little more equal but die the same You're right ---- Early in the day I don't see much competition that year Winger was the closest IT WAS Shirley s time Hmmm I guess Terms was more realistic Magnolias seemed fake and forced Hahahahaha ---"to facilitate genuine communication" ---- More like "I'll hold this till he Fs up again, then throw it at him" Uhhh WHY can't people of color get their own Ideas?? I was pretty sure of that --- Thought I'd ask Yawn I read this all over the boards, Many times by you How About --- YOU give a listing of all the movies you have Written Produced and or Directed So we can see what excellence is like So long ago I for got about them Dick York left in 69 and Sargent went to 72 So lasted a little -- 3 years?? Lost 13 points when the change went down YEAH --- WELL Democrats and Liberals DO NOT like successful people in any way shape or form -- UNLESS of course they give the loser liberals $$$s Go back to All In The Family, or some other comedy that doesn't require any thinking--- Like your life Beyond the Family --- matters -- as there are at this point I don't recall when recasting a MAIN member of the cast of a popular show has worked -- beyond 2 seasons IT is not a bad western --- But it is NOT great About the best thing Willie has ever done Well --- I ALWAYS thought it was over-rated An alright watch but not a great one It was just on TCM so I watched for the 1st time in--- a long time and it confirmed everything I said about it