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The American Academy

It will be strictly non-political, and there will be no wokeness or jihadism allowed—none of that's going to be allowed.

President Donald J. Trump will endow the American Academy with the billions we will collect by taxing the large endowments of private universities plagued by antisemitism.


Trump supports genocide. No surprise.


He doesn't support private property rights.


please explain....


You support genocide. That's why you voted against Trump. No surprise.


Is this the same Trump you condemned as a coward for refusing to go to Vietnam and committing genocide?


Trump killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with covid including his pal Herman Cain.


Makes him paying hush money to some porn star seem quite trivial.


You mean Fauci, Peter Daszak, and Deborah Birx? It wasn't Trump who cooked up the virus in a lab and then told everyone to stay home until they couldn't breath; who paid hospitals a premium for each death they recorded.


It was Trump who told the American doctors stationed in China to leave. They worked there for years in order to warn us about potential pandemics so they could be contained.

Trump = Murderer


Even assuming this story is exactly as presented here, what on earth would these couple dozen people have done to stop a pandemic? Once it was out of the US-funded lab that cooked it up, it was never going back into the bottle.

This article was written in March, 2020, when just about everyone you unquestioningly obeyed was getting fact after fact after fact wrong.


Not true! Pandemics and epidemics are constantly contained by the U.S.. We rush medical personnel to the region to contain it all of the time.

Your retarded Trump would've had Ebola turned into a global pandemic killing hundreds of millions!!


Ebola isn't an airborne virus in the way that covid-19 is. Covid-19 is a common cold virus, easily spread and with no effective mitigation. Once it had begun spreading in China it was too late to stop it from blanketing the earth. The CDC could have had a hundred thousand employees in China and nothing would have changed.

"Constantly contained by the U.S."? You've mentioned ebola, which is a completely different creature. Can you name another one?

For someone who claims to be so faithful to The Science®, you don't know the first fucking thing about basic virology.


The U.S. sent medical staff to contain it and other communicable diseases while Trump fired staff which allowed it to spread. He also refused to follow the Pandemic Handbook which two former presidents left.

Stop making excuses for your inept cult leader.


More lies from MC's proven liar in chief.


"The Academy will award the full and complete equivalent of a bachelor's degree."

Tell me again, who are the liberals and who are the conservatives?

I don't remember "conservatives" thinking that plumbers, carpenters, electricians et al were less worthy than some douche who's read 8 more Shakespeare plays...


In recent weeks, Americans have been horrified to see students and faculty at Harvard and other once-respected universities expressing support for the savages and jihadists who attacked Israel. We spend more money on higher education than any other country, and yet they're turning our students into Communists and terrorists and sympathizers of many, many different dimensions — we can't let this happen. It’s time to offer something dramatically different.

Under the plan I’m announcing today, we will take the billions and billions of dollars that we will collect by taxing, fining, and suing excessively large private university endowments, and we will then use that money to endow a new institution called the American Academy.

Its mission will be to make a truly world-class education available to every American, free of charge, and do it without adding a single dime to the federal debt. This institution will gather an entire universe of the highest quality educational content, covering the full spectrum of human knowledge and skills, and make that material available to every American citizen online for free.

Whether you want lectures or an ancient history or an introduction to financial accounting, or training in a skilled trade, the goal will be to deliver it and get it done properly, using study groups, mentors, industry partnerships, and the latest breakthrough in computing. This will be a truly top-tier education option for the people.

It will be strictly non-political, and there will be no wokeness or jihadism allowed—none of that's going to be allowed.

Most importantly, the American Academy will compete directly with the existing and very costly four-year university system by granting students degree credentials that the U.S. government and all federal contractors will henceforth recognize. The Academy will award the full and complete equivalent of a bachelor's degree.


In addition to help the 40 million Americans who have some college education but no degree, the American Academy will grant credit for past coursework at legacy institutions and give you the chance to complete your education at the American Academy for free and much more quickly than is now possible or available.

This will be a revolution in higher education and will provide life-changing opportunities for tens of millions of our citizens.

Enjoy it, learn from it, and thank you.

Trump is amazing!

cant wait to MAGA in Trumpvember.


SNL Father Guido Sarducci Five-Minute University

As true today as it was then.


pretty much, I dont remember anything. although I did get good at playing ping pong when I skipped classes.


Whoa!! This is a serious response to the problem of hte weaponization of education in the culture war.

Very good, and strong policy. I fully support this.

These institutions have huge endowments and massive government support and they use that to attack America. Removing that, will take quite a bit of wind out of the sails of leftism.

Though it might be too little too late it is certainly a good idea.


Whence did these "huge endowments" come?


I assume from old alumni. Probably mostly old dead white guys, why do you ask?


I don't have a problem with taxing old dead white guys, but I do think those taxes should be spent for something more productive than giving everyone a B.A. in "Lichrachure" or "Feelosophy."

Also, why is is acceptable to tax old dead white guys' university endowments, but not acceptable to tax inheritances/estates?


It did not seem from the link that Taxing was going to be the primary way of getting funding, nor has it really been established that only OLD DEAD WHITE GUYS were the source of the endownments, and nothing has been said about it being ok or not ok to tax inheritances/estates.

I also, don't know why you would assume that the degrees to be given would be... shall we say, not normal degrees.


"This will be a revolution in higher education and will provide life-changing opportunities for tens of millions of our citizens."

"Tens of Millions" has to be at least 20 million, right?

He doesn't say "tens of millions" in 2 years, 4 years, 20 years...

4 million Americans graduate high school every year.

East Los Angeles Community College charges $46 a unit. A "unit" is one hour of instruction. It's been a long time, IIRC I typically took 15 units a semester, 4 years is 8 semesters, 8 x 15 is 120 units, 120 x $46 totals $5,520. Again, these are subsidized by taxes, the actual cost would be higher. Also, no one's teaching classes in community college for civil engineering, chemical engineering, etc., those require university level prices. But let's just go with $5,000 for a Bachelors Degree, say $4,000 factoring in high cost of living in Southern California.

The endowment taxes totaled $244 million in 2022. Let's call it $300 million. $300 million x 4 years totals $1.2 billion. $1.2 billion / $4,000 comes to 300,000 college degrees every 4 years.

"Tens of millions?" That's gonna take a loooooooong time...




"20 million college degrees." Let's just say 4 million college degrees.

4 million x $4,000 is $16 Billion every 4 years, $4 billion every year.

$300 million a year in endowment taxes?

It's gonna take a shit-ton more time and a shit-ton more taxes to even get in the same galaxy as Trump's numbers.


YOu are aware that Universities generally last for long periods of time, right?

Of course you are. YOu would have to be a complete retard to not know that.

So, your question is... just shit talk.


"Whether you want lectures or an ancient history"

Is this reflective of the "truly top-tier" education one will get at the American Academy?

We already have the "ancient history."

Perhaps I want lectures ABOUT an ancient history, or FOR an ancient history...



It's a good answer to the take over of these instituations by radical anti-american anti-white racist lefty... leftards.

And about 40 years too late.

BUt better late then never. Time to start fighting back. Bring the HAMMER DOWN.


University of Texas had endowments totaling almost $45 billion.,by%20fiscal%20year%20(FY).

Only Harvard has more, close to $50 billion.

I'm sure there are a lot of snowflakes at UT, acceptance rate is 31%, not too bad. USNews and World Report ranks it #32 best colleges in USA (this is UT Austin, I don't know if they have other schools like University of California, UCLA, Berkeley, San Diego, Merced... Merced ain't Berkeley...)

I'm guessing for every snowflake at UT, there are 20 at Harvard. But we're going to lump them together?


You are assuming that the Univesity of Texas is one of the universities that Trump was referring to?


"You are assuming that the Univesity of Texas is one of the universities that Trump was referring to?"

Enlighten me.

I didn't know this: this was part of Trump's tax changes in 2017. As I understand it, these are going to sunset in 2025.

I don't remember anyone talking about this on these boards in 2020.


I asked you a question about a fact that you seemed to know or be assuming.

How can I "enlighten" you on that?

What the hell are you even talking about?


Thanks for nothing.

"A small number of colleges and universities in the United States have accumulated significant wealth in the form of endowments. Because these institutions are public and private nonprofit charitable enterprises, donations to their endowments are not taxed and the assets grow free of taxes. In 2017 Congress created an exception to this practice, imposing a tax on the endowment earnings of a small number of private nonprofit colleges and universities.",is%20not%20indexed%20for%20inflation.

"The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) imposed a new tax on a small group of private nonprofit colleges and universities. Institutions enrolling at least 500 students that have endowment assets exceeding $500,000 per student (other than those assets which are used directly in carrying out the institution’s exempt purpose) pay a tax of 1.4 percent on their net investment income. The $500,000 threshold is not indexed for inflation."

"In 2022, the tax raised $244 million from 58 institutions."

I suppose University of Texas is a "public" school, so it won't be taxed.

Duke is #10 on the largest endowments list (private.) I'm guessing it's more "conservative" than Harvard. Both are probably paying the same rate of tax.


I see your "guess" about how Trump's proposed policy might be enacted.

What do you now want from me?


It's not PROPOSED, it's the law today. The "proposed" piece is spending those taxes for Trump's "American Academy."

So what does $244 million a year cover?

California State University "East Bay" - used to be called "Hayward" (LOL Oakland-adjacent") is a crappy school, 96% acceptance rate, Forbes ranked it #186 "America's Top Colleges 2023."

Tuition, Fees, Books, Materials, all the unavoidable stuff is about $8,600 a year.

$244 million/ $8,600 comes out to about 37,000 students a year.

Almost 4 million students graduate high school every year.

That $8,600 number is only what the student has to pay, soaking wet. A big chunk is subsidized by taxes ("financial aid") Federal and California.

Even if all this college stuff is online, someone still needs to grade the assignments and exams.


THe policy is proposed. You are oddly focused on one source of funding.

I still don't know what you want from me. Or what your point is.


"You are oddly focused on one source of funding."

"Its mission will be to make a truly world-class education available to every American, free of charge, and do it without adding a single dime to the federal debt."

"Under the plan I’m announcing today, we will take the billions and billions of dollars that we will collect by taxing, fining, and suing excessively large private university endowments..."

$244 million will become "billions" in about 8 years... 16 years for "billions and billions" - doesn't that mean at least 4 billion?


I think I sort of see where you are going now... but I've been burned before.

State your point clearly and I will address it seriously and honest.


96% acceptance rate, Forbes ranked it #186 "America's Top Colleges 2023."

LOL Someone from Forbes got the "Jimmy McNulty Special" the scene in "The Wire" where they were busting the hookers - Season 2? "Is it soup, yet?"


I have no idea why you said any of that or what it means in this context.


It's irrelevant to this discussion. In the scene, the cop is supposed to witness a hooker offering sex for money, he goes into the room and is "attacked" by 4-5 hookers and by the time the other cops get into the room he's going animal style on them. Great show if you haven't watched it.

Another irrelevant thought - you're coming up on 8888 posts. You should buy a fortune cookie and a lottery ticket.


"We spend more money on higher education than any other country, and yet they're turning our students into Communists."

"We will take the billions and billions of dollars that we will collect by taxing... excessively large private university endowments, and we will then use that money to make that available to every American citizen for free."

If it looks like a communist, walks like a communist, and talks like a communist, then it must be a MAGA.


Chili, YOU people made the universities into a front in the political war.

For you to whine now that we are FINALLY fighting back, (MAYBE) makes you look like a little girl.

You want the schools to be let alone? Then YOU should have LEFT THEM ALONE.

Now we need to fix them. And I hope that means purge them, and destroy them and rebuild them as actual useful instititions instead of commie indoctrination centers.


One man's "free shit" is another man's "well-earned benefit." Tale as old as time.


"commie indoctrination centers"

You're going to destroy commie indoctrination centers with a commie policy?

Harvard's endowments total $50 billion. The 2017 Trump tax rate is 1.4% of net investment income. So Harvard keeps 98.6% of its income. And it now has MORE than $50 billion (ceteris paribus.)

The more I look at this, the more confused I get. Who's supposed to get turned on by this?

$244 million, even if it's used to fund something everyone agrees on, is a drop in the bucket as far as the Federal Budget is concerned, and even smaller compared to the size of the US economy.


You're welcom to whine that the action is heavy handed.

I don't care.

I hope Trump comes down on these universities like the wrath of god.


The action is NOT heavy-handed.,by%20fiscal%20year%20(FY).

"As of FY2023, the total endowment market value of U.S. institutions stood at $839 billion."

That $839B doesn't segregate "private schools" and "public schools." There are 82 private schools and 53 public schools with more than $1 billion. You can make a spreadsheet, I'm not going to waste my time.

$244 million/ $839 billion gives me the number "0.0003." I don't even remember how to express that - "3 one-thousandths percent?"

(0.0003 means I pay 3 dollars for every $10 thousand dollars.)


UC Berkeley has almost $3B, UCLA has almost $4B. Probably fewer than 1,000 students at those schools who AREN'T fire-breathing communists.

And I've already posted here that I don't have a problem with taxing old dead white guys, my "whining" is about spending those taxes on useless "college educations" at Trump's American Academy. Probably literally burning that $244 million every year would be a more productive use of it, factoring in the opportunity cost of lost labor hours due to reading Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou.


Another point of reference:

These endowments total $839B.

Motley Fool says largest corporations by market capitalization are

1. Microsoft $3.0Trillion
2. Apple $2.6 Trillion
3. Nvidea $2.1 Trillion
4.Alphabet $2.0 Trillion

I don't know the relevance - Microsoft is 3X larger than the US "University-Industrial-Complex?'


This is irrelevant... static.

Why should I care about the shit you are posting? Why should anyone?


Times have changed in the last 40+ years... When I went to community college, the parking permit cost more than a full-time schedule of classes... not so today...
