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Blinken Blames TikTok for Criticism of Israel

"Social media sites like TikTok are partly to blame for widespread criticism of Israel’s war effort against Hamas in Gaza, according to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The comments came as part of a conversation at the McCain Institute’s 2024 Sedona Forum in Sedona, Arizona, between Secretary Blinken and US senator Mitt Romney.

The Utah Republican asked the top diplomat why “the PR has been so awful” against Israel since the beginning of the 7 October conflict.

“Now of course we’re on an intravenous feed of information with new impulses, inputs every millisecond,” Mr Blinken said. “And of course the way this has played out on social media has dominated the narrative. You have a social media ecosystem, environment in which context, history, facts get lost and the emotion, the impact of images dominate. We can’t discount that, but I think it also has a very very challenging effect on the narrative.”

Mr Romney appeared to agree, saying the effect Mr Blinken was describing was why “there was such overwhelming support for us to potentially shut down TikTok.”

The US secretary, at another point in the conversation, also emphasised the “inescapable reality” that Palestinian civilians “continue to suffer grievously.”

“We have to be focused on that and attentive to that.”

The comments echoed a wider narrative that’s been put forth about critics of Israel in the US, particularly on college campuses: that their criticisms don’t stem from the facts of the conflict, and instead are the product of alarming outside influence.

Protesting students interviewed by The Independent said they had been moved to act by seeing images of destruction and suffering caused by Israel in Gaza, with the full backing of the US.

“You know, when I wake up in the morning and see a video of a parent carrying bits of their child in a plastic bag, that should not be normal, that should not be acceptable,” said Ava Lyon-Sereno, a Columbia student protester."

Now we know why both political parties want to shutdown TikTok.


Somebody got all those dumbass kids riled up about something that they clearly do not understand.


It's not difficult to understand Israel's genocide, ethnic-cleansing, war crimes and human rights violations against Palestinians.

Israel's ongoing settler colonialist project has no place in the 21st century.


Tell it to Biden, not us.


AIPAC clearly owns BOTH political parties which is the reason you should support the anti-genocide university students.

No one should need to protest against genocide in the 21st century.


AIPAC clearly owns BOTH political parties

Trump is not BOTH parties (UniPartY).

The UniPartY constantly backstabbed him, betrayed him and countermanded him.

This conflict didn’t start under Trump, it started under the regime that YOU supported and voted for.

You protested against Trump and therefore voted for any and all consequences resulting from it.

Never Forget: Stolen Elections Have Consequences


Trump is owned by AIPAC as his actions in Israel prove. He's worse than Biden.

"Stolen Elections Have Consequences"

Yes, that's why "find me 11,000 more votes" Trump, his fake electors and crooked attorneys are in legal trouble.


If Trump was owned, they would not be prosecuting him.

Alternate electors are not illegal. The Democrats have used them in their elections.

Tell me more lies.


Trump is being charged with 88 felonies because he broke the law. What part of that do you not understand?


It's always the charge and not the evidence that titillates your kind. When untold thousands of Russians were languishing in the (((Bolshevik))) gulag you would have said, "they broke the law, what part of that don't you understand?"


every fucker in america is owned by jews. this is proven by the fact that if you ever spoke out publicly against them you get destroyed. no public figure would dare to do it. even elon musk had to apologize for it and he's the most "fuck everyone" personality out there. jews even got a hand up musk's asshole. the fact that i can even say any of this here is because this place seems to be unmoderated but i wouldn't be surprised if i get a perma ban for this.


You still claim that after 3.5 years the 2020 election was stolen. Why do you refuse to show your proof that the 2020 election was rigged? I'm sure ex-president Trump would appreciate it so he can be reinstated as president and all 88 felony charges would be dropped.


Romney is embarassing himself. And me, for voting for him.

The reason for the "widespread criticism" of Isreal is becasue the Left has done all it could to indoctrinate young people into their lefty cult of self hate and anti-western, anti-American marxism.

Isreal, see, correctly as Western, fighting a bunch of non-western brown people, the successfully brainwashed lemmings in the media and among the young, mindless side with anti-western side.

There is also the general decline of ability to think rationally. Which is part of the new left.


"Isreal, see, correctly as Western, fighting a bunch of non-western brown people"

Exactly! Europeans stealing land from indigenous people. Again.

After October 7th, 350-500,000+ Israeli Jews left to return to their real countries in Europe. More left when Iran fired missiles.

The land belongs to the Palestinians who lived there for thousands of years instead of Russians, Germans, Americans, Poles and Ukrainians.


Quick side question: Do you support the deportation of the children born to illegal aliens?


Do you support TikTok being shutdown?


I support any and all restrictions on trade with red china. And more.

So, do you support deportation of hte children born to illegal aliens?


If they did away with anchor babies would that lead to more abortions?


Are you implying that you are FOR letting them stay because you worry that without the lure of a possibly route to staying here, that their mothers would hold their lives as without any value and thus abort them?


I'm not sure it's tricky. Two illegal immigrants have a baby on the right side of an imaginary line & that kid is born a US citizen. On one hand it seems like kind of an exploit. On the other, that's how it's always been & how many of us might not be here today had deporting illegal immigrant babies been a thing when our ancestors came to the US?

If you deported the parents & the baby, how would the baby get citizenship in a country it wasn't born in?

If an illegal immigrant comes & gives birth, their baby stays but the parents get deported, that's a shitty thing for a parent to do to their kid.


The point is that leftards like keelai, support the "right" of brown illegals to move to AMERICA, and stay here, while they have a hissy fit about WHITE EUROPEAN JEWS illegally immigrating to Isreal, back in the day.

You raise interesting points, but my intent was not to derail the thread, but to point out the anti-western, and racist hypocrisy of the Left.


"WHITE EUROPEAN JEWS illegally immigrating to Isreal"

No, they're not immigrating. They're settler-colonizing Palestine, stealing land, ethnic-cleansing, committing genocide, war crimes and human rights violations.

"support the "right" of brown illegals to move to AMERICA"

No! I wrote that many from South of the border are Native-Americans who are indigenous to this continent and you're the European foreigner who doesn't belong, xenophobe.

Native American Shuts Down Immigration Protest


Standard lefty response. Deny that you are doing something I accuse you of doing.

Then justify why, in your mind, that doing that thing, you are NOT doing, is right.

Once again, demonstrating that the primary characteristic of a liberal, is lack of self awareness.


I’m aware that you’re propagandist but is it necessary for you to always provide a history lesson?


can we agree that all people being killed on both sides, who are not soldiers, is wrong?

Can you agree to that?



40,000+ dead Palestinians, mainly women and children vs 695 Israeli civilians, 71 foreign nationals.


Great, I'm glad we agree.


I can agree with that but it's more a bunch of terrorists killing people in Gaza and Pallestine than it is Israel. Israel is fighting against those terrorists and unfortunatley killed civilians as well as terrorists. It's an out of control situation.


Palestinians are fighting for their land against invading European settler colonizers who want them dead or ethnic-cleansed from it.

Can you logically provide a reason(s) why Germans, Poles, Russians and other Europeans are entitled to Palestinian land?


Of course not. They are all wackos.


Israel was settled by Jews, not Europeans. They're not European any more than a Somali in Lewiston, Maine is an American, or a Paki in Birmingham is English.


Many problems with your argument:

Judea was only a small region in Palestine.

Most Judean Jews converted to Christianity which spread. Palestine was majority Christian and Aramaic-speaking (Jesus language) for centuries until the initial Arabization through trade and eventual Islamization of most Christians. The irony is that Europeans are killing Palestinian Jews who converted from Judaism to Christianity to Islam who never left the region.

Even if you believe the Bible (I don't), the Jews originated from someplace else and acknowledge an indigenous population who were the Palestinians.

*Benjamin Mileikowsky is from Poland. He Hebrewized his name to Binyamin Netanyahu.
*Goldie Mabovitch was from Russia. Her fake name is Golda Meir.
*David Grün was from Russia. His fake name is David Ben-Gurion.

Law created that officials had to change European names to Hebrew-sounding. Ditto villages, towns and cities. Jews historically never lived in Tel-Aviv. It was ethnic-cleansed of Palestinians and name changed from Ahuzat Bayit. Even Modern Hebrew is an invention w/European words added.

Early Judaism was a proselytizing religion. Many European Jews were likely converts without any real history in the region. Biden is Roman Catholic, but his ancestors aren't from Rome.

Jews had no interest in living in Israel. Only 5,000 lived there in 18th century. Nothing stopped them from living in Palestine for 1600 years. Even Mizrahi Jews preferred their various Arab countries.

Anyway, how does having an ancestor living someplace 2,000 years earlier entitle them to that place especially over someone currently living there with a deed? Is Biden an Italian citizen with rights to displace a family and steal their house because he's Roman Catholic?

Pograms increased in Eastern Europe. British didn't want fleeing Eastern European Jews so they promoted Palestine as "homeland". U.S. reinforced it with their no Jews/Italians allowed immigration laws. Historically, Jews considered the various countries where they lived as their true homeland - not Israel. Palestinians shouldn't have to pay for European anti-Semitism.


"British didn't want fleeing Eastern European Jews so they promoted Palestine as "homeland". U.S. reinforced it with their no Jews/Italians allowed immigration laws. "

First off, so now, a week later, you're admitting that I was right about limits placed on immigration to the United States during parts of the 20th century? Secondly, you also just admitted that the initial settlers in modern Israel were Jews and not actual European stock.



For you:

You're welcome!


oh then explain to me why israel is in the right here? since dumbass kids don't understand what's happening.


Embarrassing Israel first agenda by the Democrats !


Thanks to China's authoritarian politics, criticism of Israel is more public on Tik Tok than the first ammendment under Biden.


There's probably 100,000 dead in a genocide, but the headlines are all about a few whiny phonies trying to make money on their YouTube channels or (newly created) organizations.
