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Poll Suggestion: If One Movie Could Introduce Your Country

I asked IMDb Poll Board members to give me one movie they think is the best to introduce their country, This is the final list, Which one is your favorite?


Please check the list below ⬇ to see if your movie is already on the list .. if so please chose another one ..
The movie can be from another country not your country as long as the story of that movie talks about your country
I want to finish the list before they close IMDb Poll board so can you please share this and contribute as possible as you can .. Thank you.

Give me the name of the movie and the name of your country:

La battaglia di Algeri (1966)
In Bruges (2008)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Ronja Rövardotter (1984)
Ali Zaoua, prince de la rue (2000)
Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India (2001)
Inception (2010)
3 Idiots (2009)
Idioterne (1998)
Los olvidados (1950)
Mars na Drinu (1964)
Pather Panchali (1955)
Pappa ante Portas (1991)
Ha-Shoter Azulai (1971)
A Wednesday (2008)
Laskar Pelangi (2008)



Amazing 😍😍

