MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > in m opinion the best kubrick movie ever

in m opinion the best kubrick movie ever

first off sorry for the broken english not native speaker.
saw eyes wide shut for the 1st time about 7 months ago, loved it, loved it so much i havent stoped whatching theories about it, and whatching it over and over again,
may be one of my favorit movies ever but needs about 12 rewhatches to fully enjoy


It’s always been one of my favourite Kubricks. It may not have the ambition and groundbreaking visuals of something like Space Odyssey, but it’s absolutely seductive, engrossing and full of endlessly compelling mystery.

I hope it gets a nice 4K disc release soon.


i can't tell you why so many people dislike this film.. it's really good!


Well agreed. My favourite of his, with Barry Lyndon.


I watch this more than any of his others, my fav is Clockwork Orange but this is number two.

The Killing is Excellent btw i feel it almost isn't counted as part of his cannon but it really is good. Nothing like his cryptic creepy ones it's straight up but very entertaining film


I can't think of a Kubrick film that I've seen that I don't like. But Eyes Wide Shut is tied with Full Metal Jacket and Clockwork Orange are my personal favorites.

Watching the theories is entertaining, some of them are a bit out there, but entertaining nonetheless.


I like this one a lot as well. Never understood why so many hate on it. However, I've always thought Full Metal Jacket was the most accessible Kubrick film.


It was very trendy to hate on Tom Cruise and his films for a while, plus Kubrick films nearly always get panned on release… only to be revered as classics later.

It has taken a while but people are starting to realise how amazing Eyes Wide Shut is. It may well be my favourite Kubro.
