MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Nerdrotic covers Doctor Who

Nerdrotic covers Doctor Who


6 of this dudes last videos from the last 12 are ranting about Marvel.

Absolute Disney derangement syndrome. Guy needs to watch better shit


What makes you think he doesn’t? Just because his videos cover some stuff, that doesn’t mean he ignores all others.


I have no idea why when faced with the many options of modern media he gives a shit about Disney.

Except to grift.


Many people grew up with Disney, now Disney sucks for the sake of propaganda. He's one of many who's calling them out on it.


And he's utterly obsessed. Why doesn't he just move the fuck on.

Watch something like this:

Not entertainment for kids


He probably watches that already.

What's wrong with criticizing terrible products and bad-faith content?

If you don't like him, don't watch him then, and ignore all posts related to him.


>He probably watches that already.

Doubt it. It's not a well known show, I don't trust that this guy knows anything about much media outside of the MCU, Star Wars and franchise films.

Or he could watch this:

>What's wrong with criticizing terrible products and bad-faith content?

Lmao some of his videos almost have identical titles and were pushed out weeks apart.

"Why Marvel is Failing", "Marvel EXPOSED! Disney is in Full PANIC Mode | The Fans Were Right", "The Marvels FAILURE is a MASSIVE Culture War Win"

Blatant grifting.


Seems like genuine criticism and coverage to me. Just because you don't like him, that doesn't make him a grifter. Nobody's forcing you to watch him.

And just because he content follows a trend, that doesn't mean he doesn't watch other stuff in his spare time.


Does he ever mention it? Or does he just rant about Disney? It's literally like someone ranting about chart music at this point.


In other vids with other people, yeah. People watch Nerdrotic for certain content, that doesn't mean that he and/or his audience only watch Disney/superhero stuff.

Many people turned to alternative content thanks to Disney and its peers ruining everything they own, but they still like to hear how Disney and friends are doing.


I just don't believe he does, at least because of the prolific rate he seems to watch MCU/Star Wars/shitty action/franchise movies. And then the making of the videos.

If he did, he'd honestly realise how brilliant the modern era is for entertainment and just not give a fuck. I also believe that people who obsess over Superhero shit in their 30s and 40s have serious arrested development issues at the same time.


Calling the modern era "brilliant" is a stretch. There's still good content, but only a few that I'd consider brilliant.

Superheroes and Star Wars are for all ages, not just for little kids. You can watch that stuff as well as more mature content, they're not mutually exclusive.

And again, just because he covers specific topics for his videos, topics that reach a wide audience, that doesn't mean that's all he watches.


>Calling the modern era "brilliant" is a stretch. There's still good content, but only a few that I'd consider brilliant.

Last decade: Succession, Better Call Saul, Severance, Warrior, Dark, Chernobyl, True Detective, The Boys, Westworld (S01 at least), The Queen's Gambit, The Last of Us, Money Heist, Narcos, Mr. Robot, Fargo, House of the Dragon, Ozark, Mindhunter, Ted Lasso, Big Little Lies, Cobra Kai, Fleabag, Altered Carbon (S01), The Expanse, The Bear, After Life, Taboo, When They See Us, Penny Dreadful, One Piece, Barry, Unbelievable, Black Sails, The Leftovers, Beef, Maid, Black Bird, Unorthodox, Twin Peaks (Revival), Dopesick, For All Mankind, The Great, The Terror (s01),

Plus all the international media now

>And again, just because he covers specific topics for his videos, topics that reach a wide audience, that doesn't mean that's all he watches.

I have no reason to believe he's remotely refined.


Like I said, a stretch. Mindhunter, Fargo, and the first season of True Detective are the closest to being called "brilliant". There's a lot on that list I like, but brilliant they are not.

There's no reason to believe he's a grifter or that his personal library is limited to what he talks about. I'm not expecting you to like him, but nothing he's done suggests he's grifting. You have my condolences if you grew up around people who weren't sincere, but not everyone is like that.


>Like I said, a stretch. Mindhunter, Fargo, and the first season of True Detective are the closest to being called "brilliant". There's a lot on that list I like, but brilliant they are not.

You are not inhabiting the same planet if you don't think that Succession, Better Call Saul, Dark and Chernobyl do not have those reputations. They do. They are regarded as some of the best TV shows ever. Same with S01 of Westworld. The Expanse is regarded as one of the best sci-fi shows ever. I'd even add Fleabag there honestly.

And then there's the school of international media that exists now, that just didn't 10 years ago. Thoughts on that? Thoughts on the rise of Korean content?

>There's no reason to believe he's a grifter or that his personal library is limited to what he talks about. I'm not expecting you to like him, but nothing he's done suggests he's grifting. You have my condolences if you grew up around people who weren't sincere, but not everyone is like that.

I do not believe he knows anything about modern media beyond the MCU, Star Wars and franchise films.

Tell me this guy doesn't have capeshit brain lol:


That guy is calling out how the medium he grew up with turned into bad-faith content that antagonized its core audience, and there's nothing wrong with that. If that's not for you, move on and ignore him. If you really think he knows nothing beyond his videos' content, then you are truly naive.

I'd take your list more seriously if you were specific about which seasons of certain shows were good, since quite a few of them went bad after the first season, such as Westworld and True Detective. Dark in particular quickly collapsed under the weight of its convoluted shenanigans.


>That guy is calling out how the medium he grew up with turned into bad-faith content, and there's nothing wrong with that. If that's not for you, move on and ignore him. If you really think he knows nothing beyond his videos' content, then you are truly naive.

I think if he did, he'd have moved on. It's that simple. We're not in a world where we all have to watch Disney.

>I'd take your list more seriously if you were specific about which seasons of certain shows were good, since quite a few of them went bad after the first season, such as Westworld and True Detective. Dark in particular quickly collapsed under the weight of its convoluted shenanigans.

Dark is not remotely considered to have collapsed by reputation. And I did note only Westworld S01 which can be viewed as a limited series. Of my list, Mr Robot, Dark, Chernobyl, The Leftovers, Succession, Black Sails, Better Call Saul, Severance (so far), The Queen's Gambit, Mindhunter, Fleabag are genuinely spoken about in terms of best ever by reputation amongst those who have watched it.

And your thoughts on the rise of international content, especially from Korea?


Dark got bad, dude. Season 3 was a mess.

Nobody has to watch Disney, but as long as it chooses to be cringe, people can choose to rip it apart and watch other stuff at the same time.

International content is still rising, so it's too early to say. Squid Game was pretty good, and I liked Train to Busan. There's also anime and manga which not only has been around for a while, they're beating cartoons and comics at their own game, on their home turf. Again, we can watch international content and tear up American and UK content. It's called "multi-tasking. You don't have to take part, but there's nothing wrong with others for doing so.


>Dark got bad, dude. Season 3 was a mess.

It is not so widely considered. As good as S01? Perhaps not, but fine enough.

>International content is still rising, so it's too early to say. Squid Game was pretty good, and I liked Train to Busan. There's also anime and manga which not only has been around for a while, they're beating cartoons and comics at their own game, on their home turf. Again, we can watch international content and tear up American and UK content. It's called "multi-tasking. You don't have to take part, but there's nothing wrong with others for doing so.

My point here is that the prominence of live-action content from korea and elsewhere is a key point of what makes the last decade strong. You cannot ignore it. This type of content just flat-out didn't exist before the 2010s in any meaningful number. People aren't constrained to US and UK content anymore.


Nerdrotic is doing great work exposing the woke infestation in Hollywood and warning people about it so we don’t waste money on racist, sexist shite.





ignore hall monitor kowalski.


Why are YOU so obsessed and refusing to move on from the board of a show you don't watch and don't like?


He's done Doctor Who for years, long before Disney was involved.


Okay. I'll correct my statement:

Guy just obsesses over the MCU, Star Wars, "woke Hollywood" and franchise movies. And the occasional thing that trends on Netflix. And Doctor Who, apparently.


Let me get this straight, you claim that you are not woke and yet, you criticize others for calling out woke garbage.


In this case, for supposed tv/film critics having a narrow viewing palette.


It gives clicks, like for CriticalDrinker which is the "most based" in their bubble. Still a bubble full of dumbwhits, who makes big money by even bigger dumbwhits in their basement.


he should have done more content about the marvels and disney because its just the best content on youtube. you go back to watching the marvels SHE BOSS EXPLAINING THE PARTRIARCHY dummy, and let the cool guys enjoy this content.


I don't watch capeshit


Nedrotic is a former comic book store owner. He is all about comic book movies and comic books. IF you don't want to watch or discuss "capeshit" then you shouldn't be in this thread.


Yeah, so he has marvelbrain. He literally only watches MCU/star-wars-related content and thinks because it sucks (or so he thinks) all modern TV and film sucks.

And I can criticise whoever I like, thanks


The topic of this thread is someone who specializes in somethign you hate and dont care about.

You CAN be here, but you hate and actively avoid the information that is needed to be relevant in this thread.

But you SHOULD'T be.

When you changed the action word from "should" to "can", you changed the point.

I didn't say you CAN'T be here. I said you SHOULDN'T be here.


So your problem is that he has the same right? I looked at your own posts- they are rife with criticizing the "anti-woke", so you are guilty of the same brand of obsession, just pointed in a different direction.


He can do what he wants, but people can criticise him for it. Just as I do. My point is that so much of the 'anti-woke' movement seem to be horrendously ignorant about the breadth of modern culture.


But understand that you protested against someone criticizing you for your POV here- so you're the same as Nerdrotic.


People are free to criticise me. I'm just posting in a forum though, not making 20+ minute video rants every three days.


Then stop throwing a fit when it happens. And you also don't make any money doing it do you? I started watching Nerdrotic because he was the only one I found at the time that was criticizing Disney et al- it's not as ubiquitous as you seem to think. His specialty is exposing and addressing the woke movement in a comical manner- asking him to do other things is akin to going to an optometrist to get dental work done. In the end reciting the "Serenity Prayer" is in order me thinks- recognizing one's powerlessness creates for a happier, less stressful life.


To be fair, I'm more talking to people who watch his content than him specifically. He's an unreliable narrator in the sense that he gives a distorted view of modern media. There's much more to watch than what he complains about.

I also think a lot of these pundits have just aged out of Disney and the MCU and are just in sort of denial about it.


First can you show where he states that only Disney produces film/TV programming? That would go a long way toward supporting your claims. Second- so your complaints are that people watch his videos? So it's freedom of the citizenry that you're opposed to?

For the record Nerdrotic is younger than I am, and I would still like to see quality films being made coming from the MCU et al. I collected comics when I was young so he and I share that.

It very well may be that the world will never bend completely to our personal wills and turn according to our instructions and preferences.


>First can you show where he states that only Disney produces film/TV programming? That would go a long way toward supporting your claims.

He doesn't say that, but he seems to focus purely on them as if they only exist.

>Second- so your complaints are that people watch his videos? So it's freedom of the citizenry that you're opposed to?

That's what you took from what I said? That I want to stop people from watching his videos? I simply said that people who take recommendations and insight from Nerdrotic and other people like him on YT are getting a narrow view of modern media.

>For the record Nerdrotic is younger than I am, and I would still like to see quality films being made coming from the MCU et al. I collected comics when I was young so he and I share that.

The MCU has burnt itself out from too much content. I also can't think of a franchise more painfully and corporate. I mean, I kinda think this of superheroes in general.

The most highly regarded superhero show this year, to my knowledge, is the k-drama "Moving".


>That's what you took from what I said? That I want to stop people from watching his videos? I simply said that people who take recommendations and insight from Nerdrotic and other people like him on YT are getting a narrow view of modern media.

The "narrow view" he provides is what separates him from everyone else. If he just got 'in line' like everyone else why would he even bother? And his success suggests that this "narrow view" is desired.

>The MCU has burnt itself out from too much content. I also can't think of a franchise more painfully and corporate. I mean, I kinda think this of superheroes in general.

The most highly regarded superhero show this year, to my knowledge, is the k-drama "Moving".

We finally agree. They have inundated TV and theaters with material and it has lost it's luster a bit as a result, but if one quality film accidentally escaped their studios, or one decent TV show then fans would respond positively, even now. The reason is that the market has been inundated with horrible content, and not quality content. If they release 50 MCU movies a year but only one is worthy of time and money then is the market really overloaded?


>The "narrow view" he provides is what separates him from everyone else. If he just got 'in line' like everyone else why would he even bother? And his success suggests that this "narrow view" is desired.

What do you mean "getting in line"? Most people are genuinely ignorant about the breadth of modern content. People like to watch caustic critics. Nerdrotic is merely a politically charged, genuine version of old hats like the AVGN or Nostalgia Critic who played crappy video games, or watched shitty movies respectively.

>We finally agree. They have inundated TV and theaters with material and it has lost it's luster a bit as a result, but if one quality film accidentally escaped their studios, or one decent TV show then fans would respond positively, even now. The reason is that the market has been inundated with horrible content, and not quality content. If they release 50 MCU movies a year but only one is worthy of time and money then is the market really overloaded?

I don't think it's really possible because the industry is overloaded with content. I also think its become essentially dead-end.


>What do you mean "getting in line"? Most people are genuinely ignorant about the breadth of modern content. People like to watch caustic critics. Nerdrotic is merely a politically charged, genuine version of old hats like the AVGN or Nostalgia Critic who played crappy video games, or watched shitty movies respectively.

Respectfully you should be able to figure out what I meant in this context, especially sine it is you that is complaining about Nerdrotic. I guess I'm left wondering why everyone absolutely needs to cover the "breadth of modern content", and why folk cannot use their free agency to determine what they want to cover on their YT channels. Nerdrotic clearly has tapped into something with his success, and as I said earlier his position was not ubiquitous in my own experience, so when I found his channel (maybe a year ago?) I was pleased.

>I don't think it's really possible because the industry is overloaded with content. I also think its become essentially dead-end.

So you now think it impossible for a decent comic storyline to be made into a quality film? Why is that exactly? Please lay out a convincing argument that would help me understand why this is an impossibility.


>Respectfully you should be able to figure out what I meant in this context, especially sine it is you that is complaining about Nerdrotic. I guess I'm left wondering why everyone absolutely needs to cover the "breadth of modern content", and why folk cannot use their free agency to determine what they want to cover on their YT channels.

I meant people who *watch* TV shows and films. They don't know how to find good content, and rely on people like the Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic. But those caustic reviewers aren't going to fill you in on what is out there outside of their narrow interests.

>So you now think it impossible for a decent comic storyline to be made into a quality film? Why is that exactly? Please lay out a convincing argument that would help me understand why this is an impossibility.

I didn't say *comic*, I said *superhero*.


>I meant people who *watch* TV shows and films. They don't know how to find good content, and rely on people like the Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic. But those caustic reviewers aren't going to fill you in on what is out there outside of their narrow interests.

Can you provide evidence that people in general, at least to a degree that it is a problem worth posting about, are being misled about the "breadth" of entertainment via the work of Nerdrotic et al? This smacks of the racist idea that voter ID is racist because blacks can't get identification.

>I didn't say *comic*, I said *superhero*.

Then replace the word "comic" with "superhero" in my text there and respond please.


>Can you provide evidence that people in general, at least to a degree that it is a problem worth posting about, are being misled about the "breadth" of entertainment via the work of Nerdrotic et al?

I can only refer to the many people who constantly complain about the MCU or Disney ruining modern entertainment everywhere, such as on here. It's no different than them complaining about the MCU as if that's a huge issue, and a "problem worth posting about".

>This smacks of the racist idea that voter ID is racist because blacks can't get identification.

What a silly comparison.

>Then replace the word "comic" with "superhero" in my text there and respond please.

I mean if you're asking me, I think superhero fiction is more-or-less mostly juvenile and hardly something with 'prestige' worth caring about to the extent that some do.


>I can only refer to the many people who constantly complain about the MCU or Disney ruining modern entertainment everywhere, such as on here. It's no different than them complaining about the MCU as if that's a huge issue, and a "problem worth posting about".

Well that isn't evidence at all.

>What a silly comparison.

You are welcome to your opinion no matter how flawed.

>I mean if you're asking me, I think superhero fiction is more-or-less mostly juvenile and hardly something with 'prestige' worth caring about to the extent that some do.

This does not answer my question.


>Well that isn't evidence at all.

What do you want me to do? Find examples of users online and essentially dox them? GuitarHero himself is a huge example on here. I've seen the phenomenon enough to know it seems to exist. There really are people who think there is almost nothing outside of the MCU, Star Wars, and various other long-running franchise movies and remakes and people like TCD and Nerdrotic fuel it.

>You are welcome to your opinion no matter how flawed.

Noticing media trends online is somehow like arguing about voter ID in regards to how it may or may not impact black people?

>This does not answer my question.

I'm referring to the long-held position, even by fans, that the MCU needs to just take a long break because its exhausted itself. Unrelated to how 'woke' or unwoke it may or may not be.


>What do you want me to do? Find examples of users online and essentially dox them? GuitarHero himself is a huge example on here. I've seen the phenomenon enough to know it seems to exist. There really are people who think there is almost nothing outside of the MCU, Star Wars, and various other long-running franchise movies and remakes and people like TCD and Nerdrotic fuel it.

Have you never been asked to substantiate your claims? If not then allow me to be the first.

>Noticing media trends online is somehow like arguing about voter ID in regards to how it may or may not impact black people?

Both cases assume people are stupid and incapable. In the case of voter ID that blacks are somehow incapable of obtaining identification and in the case that you present that viewers are somehow incapable of becoming aware of the "breadth" of entertainment. Understand that I normally do not suffer fools well and am not used to conversing with those that require constant explanations so good on me.

>I'm referring to the long-held position, even by fans, that the MCU needs to just take a long break because its exhausted itself. Unrelated to how 'woke' or unwoke it may or may not be.

My retort was that a quality product would rise above that and I stand by that.


>Have you never been asked to substantiate your claims? If not then allow me to be the first.

How is it I could substantiate it, exactly? I'm observing a trend, a phenomenon.

>Both cases assume people are stupid and incapable. In the case of voter ID that blacks are somehow incapable of obtaining identification and in the case that you present that viewers are somehow incapable of becoming aware of the "breadth" of entertainment. Understand that I normally do not suffer fools well and am not used to conversing with those that require constant explanations so good on me.

Yes, I do think many people have media ignorance and don't know how to find media they would be more likely to enjoy. This is true for music, it's true for tv and film.


> How is it I could substantiate it, exactly? I'm observing a trend, a phenomenon.

How am I to say? I didn't make the claim, but understand that if you make a claim that you cannot substantiate then in essence you concede the argument. That dog won't hunt.

>Yes, I do think many people have media ignorance and don't know how to find media they would be more likely to enjoy. This is true for music, it's true for tv and film.

Oh the arrogance... Instead of attempting to identify individuals that you disagree with in this matter why not work toward enlightening the ignorant masses instead?


>How am I to say? I didn't make the claim, but understand that if you make a claim that you cannot substantiate then in essence you concede the argument. That dog won't hunt.

I can refer to multiple users on here that have it bad.

All I can do is point at people. That's literally the only evidence.

>Oh the arrogance... Instead of attempting to identify individuals that you disagree with in this matter why not work toward enlightening the ignorant masses instead?

Happy to give recs if asked, and give suggestions.


>I can refer to multiple users on here that have it bad.

>All I can do is point at people. That's literally the only evidence.

Then again I say you have no evidence at all. A small number of individuals do not constitute an issue, and I bet you're wrong about the ones you list as well. People are more complex than we sometimes give them credit for.

>Happy to give recs if asked, and give suggestions.

Awesome, and you should when asked for them. But in the meantime why not start your own YT channel enlightening the ignorant masses? Are you persuaded that this negative course will achieve your goals?


>Then again I say you have no evidence at all. A small number of individuals do not constitute an issue, and I bet you're wrong about the ones you list as well. People are more complex than we sometimes give them credit for.

It's not just on here. This is a small community.

It's no more of an "issue" than Disney continuing to churn out crap entertainment. Why does either matter?

>Awesome, and you should when asked for them. But in the meantime why not start your own YT channel enlightening the ignorant masses? Are you persuaded that this negative course will achieve your goals?

Not really. This is just a forum.


>It's not just on here. This is a small community.

>It's no more of an "issue" than Disney continuing to churn out crap entertainment. Why does either matter?

Disney has a large contribution toward culture with their far reach. Their woke positions work to popularize their poisonous philosophy.

>Not really. This is just a forum.

We agree for the second time. It's pointless negativity.


>Disney has a large contribution toward culture with their far reach. Their woke positions work to popularize their poisonous philosophy.

What "woke positions" specificially? I await arguments for how Disney making cringe or poor-effort cash-grab content is "harmful" instead of being anything substantially different than what any major entertainment corporation has done or does.

>We agree for the second time. It's pointless negativity.

Both is.


>What "woke positions" specificially? I await arguments for how Disney making cringe or poor-effort cash-grab content is "harmful" instead of being anything substantially different than what any major entertainment corporation has done or does.

They push a woke agenda- it's the entire point of Nerdrotic, the person you came here to disparage.

I was planning on seeing my way out of this conversation but if you keep asking for it I'll give it to you.


And what is the "woke agenda" here specifically that they push? What is "harmful" about it?


You must be young. It pushes degradation of society by normalizing cutting off genitalia of children, homosexuality and all manner of debauchery. Some of us are sensible and care about the youth and the country.


What's wrong with homosexuality? When did Disney endorse the "cutting off genitalia" in their content?

Is there something wrong with homosexuality in fiction?

What other "debauchary" are you on about?


Gays spread disease at a higher rate, they insist on including children and it's known that heteros reproduce via viviparous method and gays do it by molesting children. They parade naked in front of children and few if any in the community call them out for it.


>Gays spread disease at a higher rate

Lesbians don't. Does that mean lesbians are okay?

>they insist on including children and it's known that heteros reproduce via viviparous method and gays do it by molesting children.

What do you mean "including children" in this context?

Are you accusing all gay people of being pedophiles? That is a pretty bigoted and hateful accusation. Evidence please.

>They parade naked in front of children and few if any in the community call them out for it.

All gay people do this, do they?

Again: What is the inherent problem with depicting gay people in fiction? Forget the cultural hangups with the excesses of pride. I am asking specifically. The Walking Dead had Aaron, a gay character (amongst others). What was wrong with him?

The Last of Us has a lesbian protagonist. What's wrong with Ellie?

A trans-character in Peripheral. What's the problem here?


>What do you mean "including children" in this context?

>Are you accusing all gay people of being pedophiles? That is a pretty bigoted and hateful accusation. Evidence please.

Had I meant that every fag was a child molester I would have said so, so please stop trying to put words in my mouth- if you can't make your point without that then let me know now.


So many aren't? What percentage are then?

Again: What is the inherent problem with depicting gay people in fiction? Forget the cultural hangups with the excesses of pride. I am asking specifically. The Walking Dead had Aaron, a gay character (amongst others). What was wrong with him?

The Last of Us has a lesbian protagonist. What's wrong with Ellie?

A trans-character in Peripheral. What's the problem here?


>Again: What is the inherent problem with depicting gay people in fiction? Forget the cultural hangups with the excesses of pride. I am asking specifically. The Walking Dead had Aaron, a gay character (amongst others). What was wrong with him?

The Last of Us has a lesbian protagonist. What's wrong with Ellie?

>A trans-character in Peripheral. What's the problem here?


Neither of those links answer my questions about the depiction of gay people in tv shows and films.


They do actually- these people think it's OK to encourage their children to be gay and trans which is IMO child abuse, but even worse is that this sort of thing has been normalized to the point that it is perfectly acceptable in modern society. Those kids have no chance in life and they will be showing as much soon enough. This sort of thing is new, like the vaxx, and the seriouislness of it is not yet fully known, but there are solid reasons why there was a time when this was not allowed, and it's because kids deserve to figure out who they are on their own and not to have it dictated to them.


Let me ask you this though- why should they push any agenda at all? Why not just provide entertainment? When they push any given agenda they make enemies of a percentage of the population. What do you think they get out of this insistence of theirs? Their stock prices have dropped and their films constantly bomb now. They're pissing off fan bases left and right and many have sworn them off no matter what they do from here on out. This was not the case when I was young- not at all.


>Let me ask you this though- why should they push any agenda at all?

Is depicting a gay person anymore an "agenda" than depicting a straight person? What's wrong with that? Gay people exist, and fiction mirrors it.

>What do you think they get out of this insistence of theirs?

I don't see where their insistence says that they're going to, say, no longer write gay characters in anything they do - nor do I have any reason specifically to believe that the presence of gay characters in fiction inherently harms the tv show or film given how many shows and films with gay characters have been successful.

What other "debauchery" are you talking about?


Normalizing homosexuality is an agenda- why have an agenda at all? To be considered for an Oscar movies have to have a certain amount of gay characters as well as other requirements- this is new, was never something required before and it takes freedom away from filmmakers. Why?


>What other "debauchery" are you talking about?

You know the Bible? Essentially everything in it they insist against. You should not be surprised when what was formed as a Christian nation would have a problem with that.


I don't give a fuck about the Bible. I'm not a Christian. And does that mean you're against violence and sex in media?

Why are there so many successful "woke" tv shows?


I didn't ask your position on Christianity or the Bible- why do you think I did? Violence and sex- I'm not wild about them no. Violence is a fact of life and to tell stories it needs to be included sometimes, like it is in the Bible. Sex is fine when shown in a responsible manner. I am not a Christian though- they might not approve at all I dunno.


So is sex before marriage and infidelity a problem in media?


Well at one time it wasn't, and over time it was normalized. I'm somewhat ambivalent about it- it happens and to tell some stories it should be included IMO, but it should not be promoted, glorified, required by the Academy etc.


You do realise that almost all highly acclaimed serialised modern TV and film has varying levels of sex, violence, nudity, fornication etc. And "blasphemy" (the occult and satanic themes are popular fantasy themes)

I'll ask again: Why are there so many successful "woke" tv shows?


Sure I realize that- why do you ask?

>Why are there so many successful "woke" tv shows?

Uh because this sort of thing is popular right now? Over time normalizing these things has been effective. The majority of people are not dedicated Christians, and society has told them that this is OK. Why do you think?


>They do actually- these people think it's OK to encourage their children to be gay and trans which is IMO child abuse

No, what "these people" do has nothing to do with what I asked you regarding The Walking Dead, The Last of Us and The Peripheral.

>, but even worse is that this sort of thing has been normalized to the point that it is perfectly acceptable in modern society. Those kids have no chance in life and they will be showing as much soon enough.

Do you similarly regard raising children as muslims or in extreme christian denominations as child abuse?

>This sort of thing is new, like the vaxx, and the seriouislness of it is not yet fully known, but there are solid reasons why there was a time when this was not allowed, and it's because kids deserve to figure out who they are on their own and not to have it dictated to them.

Vaccines have been around throughout modern history and have successfully muted or even eradicated many diseases.

If you're appealing to the past, does that mean you think homosexuality "shouldn't be allowed"?


>Sure I realize that- why do you ask?

So maybe it is YOU that is out of touch, and not the wider viewing audience. Maybe you have prudish reactionary standards.

>Uh because this sort of thing is popular right now? Over time normalizing these things has been effective. The majority of people are not dedicated Christians, and society has told them that this is OK. Why do you think?

Or, maybe, culture has naturally changed.

And maybe dark storytelling tends to make for good storytelling, and maybe lots of adults don't only want to watch child-friendly media.


So this agenda pushing is a natural change eh? lol sorry but you're just not worth conversing with.


The "agenda pushing" of adult-orientated plotlines with violence, nudity and dark themes?


lol its not just marvel, its everywhere wake up


No, it's not. There's plenty of high quality modern TV out there. Your ignorance doesn't mean it does not exist.


good for you.


It is pointless, if someone always repeat the same opinion over and over and over again. You can be far right and give proper ciritic or just far right for the clicks.
Question: How often did he mentioned Kathleen Kennedy? Usually you can do quite a good drinking game with his bubble mentioning her.


So his error is that his opinions don't change frequently enough? Can you provide evidence that his critiques are wrong or improper?

Yes one can get drunk fairly fast in that manner, or one can go to an AA meeting and get one's life together.


Ah what would this guy do with his life without the anti-woke grifting?


I'm sure he's more than pleased that you do not approve.


He is just as much a problem as the woke he criticizes.


Please explain.
