MovieChat Forums > Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2012) Discussion > water dehydrating is more exciting than ...

water dehydrating is more exciting than this movie



Yes, it is absolute truth. I remember posting on the old IMDB boards that I knew I had to pull the plug on this one when I was more interested watching the extra showering way in the background than I was in what was being said between main characters in the foreground.


I found it a fascinating slow-boil thriller; the plot features a dozen metaphorical nooses slowly tightening around a dozen necks, and the approach of that creeping, inevitable conclusion is quite exciting. Maybe it helps that I read the book? But when I saw Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy it was with somebody who hadn't read the book and that person enjoyed it as much as I did.


Water dehydrating ... slow boil? Are you agreeing or disagreeing? ;-)

I watched as much of this convoluted boring movie as a could and then had to just admit it was boring and unwatchable, and even if it had been was just not something that could keep me from falling asleep.


I'm disagreeing because I found it quite (hydro) electrifying.

For me, the thrill was in the chase through a maze of moving parts. It showed me a believable spy world, made me feel like I'd received a glimpse of that normally opaque place, and because the tension came (to me) from the slow, crushing inevitability of it all.

I do understand where this slow-boil might not be everybody's cup of tea, though.


With Hollywood pumping out so much low-IQ fare for ADHD sufferers I really appreciated this restrained, subtle, difficult puzzle film drenched in atmosphere. There were enough punchy moments of great performances and surprising violence to keep me engaged.

It gets better on repeat viewings I find.



Well, Oscar bait tends to be crap films that pander to the trendy political leanings of the day, they tend to be worthy and issues-based - the worst of these was Crash.

Tinker Tailor is full of crusty white men, which is an Oscar no-no, and its villains are Communists - which basically describes 90% of Hollywood now.

Frankly, Tinker Tailor is too good for the Oscars, and it’s to its credit that it didn’t win any.



Spot on


My only question is: How did you like the BBC mini-series? If your answer is something like: "I didn't make it through the first episode, it was so boring..." Then, nothing else needs to be said. Le Carre is not for you.
But if you do find the mini-series riveting then the problem is with the film. And I do see problems with it. I love it only because I read the novel and saw the mini-series (Hell, I even love the BBC audio production which is a part of a complete dramatization of the "Smiley Saga"). The film fails to tell enough of the story for a viewer to understand what is happening on it's own. And that is a crippling flaw. I can only dream of a three and a half hour version of the film with the story rendered comprehensible.
I still love the office Christmas party!


yes i could never finish this movie while trying to watch it ten years ago


yeah, that was my experience as well.


I haven't seen it since it came out on DVD and I don't remember anything about it except how bored I was. Maybe now that I'm older and my tastes have expanded maybe I could appreciate it more?


"Water dehydrating?" I'm afraid even Michael Bay would be too high-brow for you.


My thoughts exactly. OP should stick to Transformers movies.


That is such a over-used foolish insult.


It's not an insult when it's true.


OP should stick to Transformers movies.


go play in rush hour brooklyn traffic


Go back to Michael Bay movies. We know you're just randomly trolling.


1. don't care for michael bay

2. not trolling

3. what i said is true ^^

4. go fuck your mother


5. there is nothing random about LTUM



Yep. Random troll.


ummm, last time i checked I am the op in this thread, motherfucker.



Oooo! You started a thread on a random website. Such an accomplishment. :-)


see #4 above ^^
