MovieChat Forums > Burk48917

Burk48917 (11048)


Millie vs Sadie... Throwing him into the gym naked All good fights so far Pushing the car in front of the train Was this Shue's peak hottness? Anyone else watching? The shit on Bales face in the beginning... I haven't seen it... This isn't as sexy as it sounds. Very high score, and deservingly View all posts >


I thought it was ok, but not "Guy Ritchie" enough. I wanted more of his typical craziness. They nullify that themselves, at the end of the episode. for starters, it says 90%, not 80. And they obviously didn't do it in all the scenes. Because they did in some scene doesn't mean there was "a bunch", unless you're the only person to consult 10 percent of something significant. Lastly, nobody said "no cgi". When you fall back on fighting things that weren't discussed and changing the facts, I can't help but feel you're simply unable to admit you're wrong, while knowing your wrong. You are mistaken Now you're just clowning yourself. Fury road had almost no cgi. It was widely discussed. And no, since the technology didn't exist when Thunderdome was made, it stands to reason they didn't use cgi to make that ridiculous movie. That's like criticizing the North in the civil war for not using drone strikes. Yeah, the last one definitely wasn't shitty, and Thunderdome is a terrible movie start to finish. Nostalgia doesn't mean quality. Terminator, xmen and star wars all had massive clunkers before this. Even MIB 3 wasn't great. You are so brave to ignore logic so that you may virtue signal. 🙏 At this point, everything I said is accurate. That's what truth is, but I'm starting to see very clearly that you don't have a firm grip on what the truth is about most things. He stayed out of jail for the majority of his sentence. His statement was accurate. If you owe someone 100 dollars and you give them five, you still haven't paid your debt. It's just the same. You're arguing semantics to avoid saying you were wrong. View all replies >