MovieChat Forums > Love on a Leash Discussion > Very high score, and deservingly

Very high score, and deservingly

This is a great movie. Everyone should check this out. The scores back me up on this one.


You mean the IMDb score(s)? 😬​


And RT fan scores. Watch it completely blind. You'll thank me.


Ok, you were kidding me, right? 😎​
Was that movie a school project with the overweight family dog? ☻
Well, Golden Retriever "Prince" (Tikki) must be over it now.
The movie is from 2011 and "Prince" was hit by a car (drama!).

Perhaps it can be considered a kind of parody of all existing romance and dog films.
Clichés, insane people and an annoying male voice for the dog included.
Only topped by The Motherfucker (2015). ☺


now I need to watch The Motherfucker! I won't lie, I'm hoping I can get someone to watch this movie and suffer through it like I did. I watched it because my favorite podcast has an episode around this movie. It is truly, laughably bad.


"A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved." (old saying) 😉​
And don't worry about The Motherfucker.
That was another 'project'. ☺
