MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Discussion > An interesting omission from the movie

An interesting omission from the movie

I warn you in all fairness, there are spoilers are ahead.

Diana gets Steve back the way I expected she would, once I saw the trailers and it was clear that the film's villain had the power to grant one's deepest wish. She also had to let him go again, the way I expected she would, because it was necessary to defeat the villain. But it's interesting that Diana doesn't let Steve go because, thanks to her, he essentially stole someone else's body. In fact there is not one scene where she grapples with the ethics of that situation.

When you see the movie, you see that at Diana doesn't recognize Steve at first, because his consciousness has simply been poured into the body of a man of 1984 who was presumably about the same age as Steve when he died. Steve takes over that body and the man whose body it was -- his consciousness at least -- is simply gone. Chris Pine replaced the actor portraying that body for the film, and this is justified by Diana telling him "all I see is you," when he looks in a mirror and sees that other man. When Diana has to renounce her wish, both because that's the only way to beat Max Lord, and because having her wish granted has come at the cost of much of her power -- leaving her outmatched by Cheetah -- Steve goes away again and the original consciousness returns to its host body. But Diana only renounces her wish to have Steve back because she has to in order to beat Lord, and to get her power back. She only lets Steve go again with the greatest reluctance, and if that hadn't been necessary, it's clear she would have kept Steve with her to live out the remainder of his natural life. Not once, in any scene of the film, does she stop to consider that she is essentially stealing that other man's body from him, and depriving him of the life he was supposed to have on earth.


People do dumb things when they love someone, including selfish-wrong-crazy-stuff... shows that Diana is not perfect... anyways this movie was so bad that this is barely a minor complaint.

Someone else wrote something similar about this and that she even raped the innocent man's body at least once during the movie...

Stop taking a comic book movie so seriously... but yes perhaps Steve should have just appeared since it was magic instead of hijacking a body.


Stop taking a comic book movie so seriously...

I disagree. There's no reason a comic book movie can't be a great film. Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" was. But if they are going to be great films, they have hold up to critical evaluation as well as any other movie.


exactly it was a wishing stone so why not have Steve as a ghost, hologram or a person - why did it have to be body snatching and then Diana going all 'shallow hal' on the bloke without an inkling of remorse.


There are movies and there are movies... not every single thing should be measured against something of such greatness, it's like saying every basketball player is trash because they are not better than Michael Jordan or that every boxer is a bum cause they are not better than Ali... etc.

Comparing Wonder Woman 1984 and The Dark Knight against each other is not fair at all... not because they are "comic book movies", but because they are completely different genres unintentional or not, one is a parody the other one is a drama.


The Dark Knight and Wonder Woman 84 are of the same genre. Both are DC and sequels to the original title characters. And both are superhero movies, unless you are trying to make the argument that Batman is a crime fighter and not a superhero. Fine, but they both are based off the comics


They are definitely not.

That's like saying that Liar Liar and A Few Good Men are the same genre because they both feature lawyers as the main character.


Liar Liar is a comedy. A few good men is a drama. Wonder Woman is a fantasy superhero movie. The Dark Knight is also a fantasy superhero movie. Unless you believe that both Wonder Woman and Batman are true stories?


Batman is a millionaire and lots of us have batcaves. Not a fantasy!


Batman is an example of white privilege however its still a fantasy superhero movie


You are really grasping at straws.


she even raped the innocent man's body at least once during the movie...

Whether it was that random dude’s body or not, Diana would never have to rape anyone, as any man would be as willing as any human being could ever be to be in bed with her. I assure you, no rape occurred whatsoever. 😂


I'm certain some would willingly submit, but for others that see her as looking too much like a concentration camp survivor it wouldn't be willingly. A real woman looks more like the original Wonder Woman back in the 70's. Gal looks more like a runway model that was designed to get gay fashion designers hard because she looks like a 13 year old boy.


So, let me get this straight...Gal Gadot looks like a 13 year old boy to you?

Wow, there’s not much I can say to that...other than I’m guessing the majority of men, like myself, completely disagree with you, and you must have really unrealistic expectations.

If you think Gal Gadot is unattractive there’s not much that can be done for you. She’s not much of an actress, but her legs alone could be the star of another movie franchise. Haha.

In my opinion, Lynda Carter was very beautiful as Wonder Woman as well back in the day. You’re allowed to like them both.




I don't think it is an omission. Diana is not really human, she is an immortal. She would not kill innocents to get her way that does not mean she cares.

That is why in the opening act they have her saving a little girl to cover up that fact. Otherwise more people will realize it.

In other words if there is a dark magic ritual requires human sacrifice that could resurrect Chris she probably would not have done it, but I don't think she would mind it happening.


Sorry, but that explanation is both utterly nonsensical, and totally inconsistent with her character as depicted in the films (or comics either, for that matter). This is the same woman who crossed no man's land in World War One to save people, even when Steve told her it was impossible, and who ventured out into the wider world in the first place because she felt she had a duty to save innocent people from a mass slaughter engineered by Ares. It's also why she would even bother intervening to stop the armed robbers at the mall. Think for a minute about what you are suggesting: she dons her armor and leaps into action to stop the robbers who are threatening people... because... she... doesn't care? Huh? And, uh, she has to save the little girl to cover for it?

As opposed to -- if she really doesn't care about people -- she could, you know, just not bother to intervene in the first place.


That is why I think her behavior in the beginning very weird. If she spent her days fighting petty crimes at least wear a mask. If she does not care being identified then don't break the cameras.

She dropped the criminals on a car from high. The drop could have killed at least one of them, I don't think she minds that.

So she does these things when she feels like it. If the criminals are killed, so be it.


yeah, i was thinking that too. the guy had friends and family and couldn't just tune them out forever.


And wtf was with the guy in the end?

He didn't realize he is missing few days of his time and although he had NO IDEA what was happening around him, all the destruction he was looking at he was so smiley and happy and carefree and he was just "Thanks for the compliment, I'm going to work".

I mean ... WTF???


Lol, he probably didn't have a job anymore, because they fired him for not calling and not showing up. I wonder if his fish survived too, because nobody would have taken care of them. This movie sucked so bad.


Not to say she fucked him without him consenting or being aware of it.

Imagine the situation reversed: a man is fucking a girl that passed out without her consent. How is that called? Ah.... rape.


As a man I still would have enjoyed it none the less.
