Galactus03's Replies

I don't give a shit what people believe it. If I don't agree with them it doesn't matter. It ends there. I can still like other aspects of the person. So of course I will watch his movies. That's said...I doubt Robert would give others the same leeway .. 😂 Better than the last part of season 5 which was done by a cheaper animation studio...yup... Well do you want better animation or the old animation? Make up your mind. The animation here is better. A mix of old and new techniques. As for Storms hair, this is a year later and Storm does eventually adopt this style in the comics. I'm surprised you didn't bitch that the only voice actors to return were those of Wolverine/Rogue and Storm with Storm being the only one sounding exactly like she used to and the other two noticably different. 😂 At any rate think of it like the comics. When the comics change artists and writers after certain runs they continue the story but it looks different. This new show continues the storyline of the original exactly after the events of the last episode. Also keep in mind Season 5 of the original show had a new cheaper animation studio work on the last several episodes. So they had a different look as well. Also how is the intro song off??? Did you actually watch the old show all the way through. Because the last iteration of the them song they used there was horrible. The one here is far better... When I was a kid I thought I had watched the films out of order. I thought Conquest was the first film. they ran it on late night tv once. I was maybe 6 or 7. I remember asking my dad this is how it all began? 😂 When I reached teenager status I watched them all again in order when they did a weekly marathon on a local station. They even went through all the TV series stuff. I knew then that the movies were laden with a few continuity errors to keep it going. They never even bothered to explain how the apes became "intelligent" in the first place. The third film made a point of saying that the apes in the 20th century were primitive. The fourth film had them as pets and still as primitive in the 1990's. The 5th film which is set over 20 years after the fourth has all the apes now at evolved status (at Caesars level) including Caesars wife. In fact Virgil (played by Paul Williams) is at outright genius level. How the hell did he become so articulate in 20+ years??? Anyhow I think the newer film series does a much better job of keeping things straight. The old series is fun but they don't fit together all that well. I don't even think that a couple years passed between the first film and end of the second. I'm guessing at most maybe 10 months... Taylor explained that it was a doomsday bomb. One that could burn the whole planet to a cinder. Or maybe the movie was just plain stupid... I agree. It was getting really over the top in 7. But I still had a bit of suspension of Disbelief. After 7 they took the next three films (and Hobbs and Shaw) to ridiculous places I didn't think they would. ....I was a huge fan of these films....and sadly I want to see the characters I once loved to just end and not come back... 2049 is an excellent film mm And fans hated it .... 😂 He did say something. He said He didn't agree with her. But she's his he kinda said it's ok for her to have an opinion.... 😂 Right. They should never have put Keaton's Batman in there... Nope... Not EVERYONE WANTS TO READ THE FUCKING BOOKS....OK? Oh well. Daniel,Rupert and Emma have all moved on. They felt the need to bash their friend over some comments that were not as bad as many made it out to be. There is no way Jk will ever let them play their characters again. I won't be alive to see the new cast get to Cursed Child or too old to care. But that's ok.... 😂 He turned 76 THATS WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM. Nothing more and nothing less. Actors deserve retirement as well.... Well Picard was cool... 😂 No people call the SECOND Captain America the best MCU movie.... No no no. He's way too old now. Half of it would be CGI. 😂