stevewyzard's Replies

"By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Warvan, you shall be AVENGED!!!" Shortly after "Video Killed the radio Star"! ORANGE! The fact that this was made at all makes no sense. The soundtrack is the ONLY good thing about this movie. For all the complaining about how the Roger Moore films turned the series into campy comedies, You Only Live Twice foreshadowed and made possible that entire era. Best Bond film = From Russia with Love. [url][/url] Almost forgot about that - thanks for the reminder! Ignore the haters: you don't need to apologize for liking this movie. Dark City (1998)! 1. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. 2. Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. 3. The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. 4. Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty. Fully agree with all your points. One exception: I enjoyed Dial of Destiny! For all the credit Jeff Lynne rightly receives for being ELO's writer/producer/singer and guitar player, none of those big hits/classic albums would have been the same without the amazing keyboard work of Richard Tandy. Unless I'm mistaken, Tandy played on every ELO album except for the first, and some of the recent "Jeff Lynne's ELO" albums. Are people STILL trying to bury this movie? It's actually pretty good, and was only financially unsuccessful for 2 reasons: 1) They spent too much money making it. 2) Unlike James Bond, younger generations are not as interested in the character. Just by looking around the movie theater where I first saw it, I could tell most of the audience had seen the original trilogy in theaters as well. Sadly, in today's world, obnoxious is explained away as "honest and confident". This is why everyone wants to come to the USA! Escape from New York: a "world you find comfortable to live in, no matter how hostile it can be"????? Escape from L.A.: a "much superior sequel"????? Are you John Carpenter's publicist? Without his minions or a gun, the Duke is all talk, no action. They see the terrorists as "underdogs", and rooting for "underdogs" is the fastest way to assuage personal guilt. The Doors: "LA Woman": "Mr Mojo Risin" is an anagram of singer Jim Morrison's name! Can you believe this lost Best Picture of 1999 to American Beauty?