

IT is a good movie, one worth watching from beginning to end.. the music is also excellent and I love the violin solos throughout the movie.!


Don’t expect a reply or an interesting exchange from Slimone. The poster has - almost exclusively - cut and pasted this same vacuous post in threads for dozens of movies over the last three years. Check the poster’s history and you’ll see what I mean.


And why. What’s up with this guy. Everyday is a new day. A 30-year old movie discovered for the first time. He has a selection of great movies. I just wonder where he’s been for his whole life.


I don’t understand it myself. I concede it’s harmless but others have been annoyed enough to report it. I started a thread on it several months ago and no one had an answer. If you’re interested, you can read it at:


It’s so innocent tho. He doesn’t do any harm. Like some of these other posters. Maybe he doesn’t exist. And it is a way of bringing movies into a discussion. He definitely chooses good movies and he doesn’t bait.


As I said, I agree it is harmless and other posters to my thread did make the point there are “bigger fish to fry.” I do feel bad when I see another person taking the time to respond and thinking they are engaging in a genuine exchange when they are not. So when I see it, I just write to advise them of that situation. I think I would be embarrassed having a back and forth not knowing I was talking to an automated poster.


I think I might have been one of those who responded. It was a long time ago. And then I noticed too many similar postings. To state the over obvious was just weird. But his posts are so simple. Just enjoyment on his part completely void of cynicism. It is so rare on the site. To see someone get such pure joy. And I have to say, he chooses fantastic movies.


You are making very good points Letess. I should have a more positive outlook like you.


But he posted this post 24 days ago..!? Still fresh and new :P


My working theory is he has a computer bot program that automates posts on classic movies as a way of randomly bumping them back into MovieChat consciousness when interest has otherwise waned as years pass. But I’m just speculating.


They do tend to follow a template but I was wondering if it's just a way of recording/sharing films watched.


I think it’s possible slimone is watching these movies and contemporaneously dropping this form post. But he/she never replies in substance when someone responds. In the rare circumstance he replies, it is curt reaction (“Yes!” “Right!” “Ha ha!” etc.) that could apply regardless of what the person said in response. You can see this in slimone’s response posts over the years. So, why make these pointless posts in the first place if he doesn’t even care about anyone’s response?


Maybe they are just not very talkative and most of the time recording something as watched is all they want to do? It looks a bit odd but does no harm and personally I'd rather come across Slimone's posts than the click-bait phrased, wannabe contentious ones that litter the boards.


I acknowledge your point and there are some really disagreeable posters on MovieChat which slimone is not


The greatest seafaring movie ever made. Easy.


Yeah easily. There isn't really anything out there that comes even close. Too bad that it wasn't a huge hit, we could have more movies like this.


The best. If there was ever an argument to be made at the time for a second. A third. This is the movie. And why couldn’t there have been another. Peter Weir says the cost. But can you imagine if there were others.


It's tragic that in a world with five "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies, there can be only one "Master and Commander" movie.
