100% on Tomatometer


A lot of high-profile shows seem to get high ratings. So, it's always about seeing the show for yourself.


Yes, our Communist oppressors continue to march in lock step.


That just means a 3/5 plus rating! I would not watch something with such a low rating.
I looked at the top critic reviews: just 9 but only 3 gave a numeric rating.


Right wing radicals are going to be angry that this new, fabuloussssss take on Dr. Who is on track to do really well.


really well ... 48% audience score. Audience is what matters, not some phony "critics" .


On RT?


yup. Just click the link :D

And after seeing the first episodes ... I agree with the score.


RT is not a great place to get user scores.


But the last 2 do not have great scores all the same.

Plenty of 'woke' shows have great user critical scores, depending on what you think is woke.


Sigh, did you just provide a link to the WHOLE series? Really? LOL.

Look at the ratings by episode, latest 2 seasons are not just "not great scores", they abysmal ... even a 4.2 ...

And you even linked the WRONG series. this season is the start of a new era, lol, it's NOT a part of the 2005 one.

This is the right link:


Are you this desperate to defend this garbage?

And yeah, I agree more with 48% than 7.1. And even 7.1 on IMDB - for a show it's awful.


>Sigh, did you just provide a link to the WHOLE series? Really? LOL.

Dude, if you scroll down you'll see the episode ratings. I directly referenced them. I wasn't referring to it overall.

>And yeah, I agree more with 48% than 7.1. And even 7.1 on IMDB - for a show it's awful.

7.1 on IMDB isn't that bad. It's like "decent".


I just find it dishonest that you provide a link to the full series with the idea that "RT is not a great place to get user scores" and so the score on imdb is more valid.

Well, it's invalid since there is NOT a rating per season. And yeah, per episode it doesn't look good, AT ALL.

The problem is that the first piece of info that you see, and maybe even the only if you don't scroll, it's a huge score.


Yeah, IMDB doesn't do per seasons. I was noting the episode ratings.

Also, plenty of 'woke' (YMMV) things do have great user scores: The Last of Us, Euphoria, Heartstopper, Sex Education. Or have tons of watchers: Bridgerton, Queen Charlotte, Ginny & Georgia.


Asom, before you waste too much of your time trying to reason with this moron be warned that he’s a wokist on a gaslighting mission, armed with a bunch of shitty rhetorical tricks, and prone to falsifying ‘evidence’.

His agenda and tactics have been detailed in this thread, if it’s of interest: https://moviechat.org/general/General-Discussion/662e66e066a72d7514b0e4f4/Anyone-else-encountered-the-user-Skavau

Just a heads up 👍🏻


Your utter obsession continues unabated. You seriously need to seek mental help if a user on a forum causes you to behave like this. All you do when you come on here is stalk me. It's genuinely unhealthy.


Well, that didn’t work. Looks like your reputation precedes you 👇🏻


You mean people who make being anti-woke their personality don't like me? What a surprise.


Yeah, I know his style. Seen him before …

It’s visible here as well …


You going to comment on the successful 'woke' shows I mentioned? Or do you not consider them woke?


I don’t watch woke shows so, I will not comment on things I never seen and I will never see.

Last of Us at least has a good story behind it so I could, just like with HotD, overlook the woke elements.

But the better question: why do you insist, with dishonest tactics, to argue that woke shiws that are not successful… are?

Why are you basically lying?

No, the woke doctor who seasons are not successful and don’t have high audience ratings.


>I don’t watch woke shows so, I will not comment on things I never seen and I will never see.

But you don't deny their critical and viewership success, right?

>Last of Us at least has a good story behind it so I could, just like with HotD, overlook the woke elements.

And yet it did well.

>But the better question: why do you insist, with dishonest tactics, to argue that woke shiws that are not successful… are?

What ones have I done that with? I assume you'll claim Doctor Who. Any others?

>No, the woke doctor who seasons are not successful and don’t have high audience ratings.

I would argue this is due to decline terrestrial ratings as much as anything else.


And here it is, exactly what was described …


Ignore the troll that is Skavau.


Even after Skavau’s dirty tactics have been exposed he just… doubles down 🤣

Dude has flamethrowed all of his credibility and just ploughs ahead as if the whole site isn’t onto him 🤦🏻‍♂️


What "dirty tactics" are these? How at all is making arguments "dirty tactics"?

In this thread, asom suggested that woke shows usually fail: https://moviechat.org/tt31433814/Doctor-Who/663bc9ccd15f7027940a1072/100-on-Tomatometer?reply=663f8b15e1b7cd3b8439579e

This does not seem to be true at all. I am challenging his presuppositions.


No, you’re trying to gaslight him with your usual lame bag of rhetorical tricks, all outlined in my thread which you keep bumping, remember?


How am I trying to gaslight him? I am naming some actual successful oft-accused woke TV series. He claims that they can't exist.

And no, I know no such thing and I am not responsible for your unhealthy obsession over a single user on an internet forum.


Learn to read first … or you can read but you cannot understand?


Okay, sorry you said: "48% audience score. As usually with wokenistan shows/movies."

I would contest this isn't necessarily true as normality at all with TV shows.


And do you have any idea what I mean by that?


That you're suggesting that woke shows are usually praised by critics, but rejected by audiences. This doesn't seem to be true in my experience.


You didn't answer my questions.


>I don’t watch woke shows so, I will not comment on things I never seen and I will never see.

But you don't deny their critical and viewership success, right? You don't need to have watched them to see they got a lot of viewers.

>Last of Us at least has a good story behind it so I could, just like with HotD, overlook the woke elements.

And yet it did well.

>But the better question: why do you insist, with dishonest tactics, to argue that woke shiws that are not successful… are?

What ones have I done that with? I assume you'll claim Doctor Who. Any others?

>No, the woke doctor who seasons are not successful and don’t have high audience ratings.

I would argue this is due to decline terrestrial ratings as much as anything else.


This thread was about the last season of Dr Who, not other shows.

So do you agree that 3 seasons (which are woke) have low ratings, lower viewership and are failures?

7.1 for a movie is decent, for a show is garbage.


>7.1 for a movie is decent, for a show is garbage.

That's not how IMDB works at all. Not in my experience. 7.1 on shows is usually "okay, check out if you like the genre" level.

Dr. Who is, frankly, kid dreck. I think it's declining (both locally and internationally) for a number of reasons.


That’s how it works, shows are rated higher than movies at same quality, in my experience by 1, 1.5 points. Due to their nature.

So 7.1 is actually closer to 5.6-6.1 for a movie. Which means practically garbage.

Yes, doctor who is declining, due to wokeness.


>That’s how it works, shows are rated higher than movies at same quality, in my experience by 1, 1.5 points. Due to their nature.


How do you determine this to be the case at all? This just sounds like cope you pulled out of your ass.

Shows in general are voted to be higher than movies on IMDB, from my evaluation - and I think I know why.


"How do you determine this to be the case at all? This just sounds like cope you pulled out of your ass.

Shows in general are voted to be higher than movies on IMDB, from my evaluation - and I think I know why."

I'm not sure if you are dumb, confused or what?

First phrase you contradict me, second one you agree with me.

"Shows in general are voted to be higher than movies on IMDB" that's EXACTLY what I said ...


Oh I misread.

I thought you specifically said only 'woke' shows get inflated scores.

My apologies.

Yes, shows get higher ratings than movies. 7.1 is equivalent to 6.5 for a movie.


"7.1 is equivalent to 6.5 for a movie."

I don't watch movies that are under 7 and I consider them garbage.

And in my experience the difference is more than .5


That's a weird position to take. Not that I watch many movies personally.


Dr Who clearly plummeted in popularity because it turned into woke dreck.

It’s funny watching Skavau try to convince you otherwise 🤣



Debateable. Doctor Who viewing figures decline like many shows due to terrestrial TV declining in general, and increased competition across the board (we're all watching many different types of TV series compared to 10-20 years ago.)

Also, we're not talking about that now but 'woke' content in general.




Not really, we are talking about Dr Who now.

You are desperate to talk about other shows.

First you need to define "woke" content.

Is it made just for woke points and has basically nothing to offer? That's a woke show. That's the goal, to further a certain agenda.

Is it made to be a good show but has some woke elements? Then it's not a woke show but a show with woke elements.

Best example: woke show: RoP, show with woke elements: HotD.


>First you need to define "woke" content.

I agree. But you're making the claim that woke content always fails, so I'd argue the onus is on you. What do you consider 'woke'?

Like Sex Education in itself is basically about teen/young adult sex with heavy doses of LGBT themes thrown in. It was also massively successful. Heartstopper is a high school gay romance show. Also highly successful.


5.7 on IMDb.

Go to sleep.


Yes, it's badly rated.


Finally you fucking admitted something.

At least last episode was decent ...


I'm not sure when I denied the latest Doctor Whos have, on average, less of a positive critical reputation.


there is no way the majority of viewers or doctor who fans want to watch a gay black guy. nobody does. there is no way this show will do well.


48% audience score. As usually with wokenistan shows/movies.


This just isn't true, by the way, as exhibited by the many examples I've referred you to: Euphoria, The Last of Us, Heartstopper, Sex Education.


You don't even understand what "woke" means ... no, stlightly progressive shows are not wokenistan.

Shows that have something else beside wokenistan are not wokenistan.

I've only seen The Last of US from that list and although it has woke elements at least its not a bad show.

The problem is with shows that all they have is pandering to the woke crowd in an evident way and suffer in quality because of that. RoP vs HotD are good examples. RoP is pandering to the extremes AND everything else that would make a show good is ignored - wokenistan. HotD is made to be a good show and has some woke, pandering elements. Not wokenistan, just a show with a bit more woke elements that I (and others) like to see. But at least it is a good show.


So we're now quibbling as to what you consider too 'woke'. From all I can see, if it's successful suddenly it's not sufficiently 'woke'. You set your position up to be unfalsifiable. Heartstopper is literally a feel-good cheesy LGBT gay romance love story. Sex Education is full of LGBT characters and is about teen sex lives. They're about as 'woke' as they come.


We have a different definition for "woke".

That's what you don't get it.

Another example, from this show: last episode? Still with a black gay actor, still same woke elements. But it had a better ... everything else and ended up a decent episode.

And you can see it on imdb as well.


>We have a different definition for "woke".

Hence the immediate problem when people claim that "woke" equals failure.

Even amongst anti-woke activist types I've seen them clearly disagree on where 'woke' begins and ends.


I think it's best to wait to see the ratings when more people have watched it. Also while episodes may not score great, the season may.

I saw people saying one of the specials didn't do well viewing figures wise in the UK, yet it was the second watched program of the night after something like I'm a celebrity. Shows like that are often preferred live so it made sense. Like second place is still brilliant


Out of curiosity, what did that David Tennant Star Beast show get on the rating system?


You mean liberal “critics” are slobbering over DEI/LBQTXYZ content?

Shocking! 😳


And now it's 37% audience score ...
