Pretty good show, but

Idk if its worth the hype. It is good and id recommend it. Which if you knew me i dont recommend a ton. I just dont think its as good as the hype ive heard over several years is all.

Binge watched 3 seasons over last week-ish. On season 4 now. I think they could've changed story more from season to season.
I wont be back to see or update this post until im done with season 4. Dont want any spoilers.

Ok, im caught up. Although they could've made the season 11 or 12 episodes instead of 3 movie length episodes, lol.
Finally changed the story up more for this season. No new real concept, but alot of different stories going on.


It's still much better than Love Island and that is all that matters.


I had to look that show up. Even though i dont believe stranger things is worth the hype, it is by far better than some stupid show like love island


The first season was really good. Downhill from there.


Should've been a miniseries. OR a new mystery/monster every season would've also been great.

Not the same thing every damn season.


I like it but I too think it's overhyped af. Also, it's the same story every single season.

Ooh, something weird is going on in Hawkins! What could it be? It's the upside down. Kids get up to some shenanigans. Eleven saves the day. Rinse & repeat.

I was REALLY hoping they'd wrap up the upside down story & move on to something else, but it never happened.


I agree. The show should have completely ended sooner. The problem with many of these shows is that they go on longer than they should. Which means the quality of the show degenerates the longer it goes on.


I think it's success is due to it's appeal across multiple generations. Younger kids all the way up to middle age viewers are all part of the fan base. Nobody is saying it's the greatest show ever, it just has a wider appeal than most shows.
