MovieChat Forums > CommonSense

CommonSense (195)


I use to watch... Overly saturated with comedy Pretty good show, but What part is based on true story... Stand alone movies Stand alone movies Pretty good How did this get 3 seasons??? Am i missing something..... Didnt meet the hype.... View all posts >


I had to look that show up. Even though i dont believe stranger things is worth the hype, it is by far better than some stupid show like love island After seeing this post i decided to watch the movie again. I dont sit and watch these movies. I stand corrected, my recollection and memory of movie was off. Guess i watched it so long ago i thought it wasnt so bad as the ones after it. So, from 4 on they are garbage I do like that ending idea. Woulda much prefer it. Yes, i misspoke. Thanks for correcting my error. I got typing and went offkey. I really meant to say he wanted to please Kim. He held alot of resentment towards her for leaving him, But deep down he loved her. He wanted to show her how what she said on the phone was right. She was right that he needed to turn himself in and tell the truth for once. And that he does care and love her. He made the ultimate sacrifice for Kim and even his own conscience i believe. Yeah. I just finished the series myself. I was watching as it came out until halfway through season 4. So, i binged watched entire series on netflix recently. And finished season 6 yesterday. I did enjoy the show alot. Great work they did. Breaking Bad was better, but this is right behind it. i was rooting for Saul/Jimmy to get away with it, but when Kim was facing worse charges i had a feeling Jimmy was going to come around to help her out at some point. He was always a great speaker. If they make a spinoff with Gus it'll be the trifecta that the lead character comes out on the short stick at the end. Walter died, Jimmy didn't get away with it and Gus dies. But i wanted Gus to die in BB. Didnt want Walter to or Jimmy to get caught up. Still great series I'll always recommend to people. I enjoyed the early years of Arrow. Idk why but flash has been my fav. I'll agree Benoist is pretty darn cute and other good looking women on there too. But as you said, everything else rather poor. What did you think of Gotham? I liked that one decently. It has flaws, but i think all dc/marvel shows, movies and comics are a little goofy. Dont get me wrong i like the super heroe genre, just find their powers/abilities somewhat goofy and contradicting. You guys see theres only 3 of you? Far more than id guess though. Everyone has their own taste, but i liked Ragnarok alot, not this film though. Not even close Sometimes its funny to feed them on purpose. Depends the troll. Tender, love and care usual works great. Your parents know your swearing? They must've never hugged you enough. Im sorry. I like trolls though. They taste great after dunking them in milk. That is a new perspective/definition to what i know makes someone a troll. Reading these comments anyone with any IQ would probably thought you were the troll. If it text like a troll, if comments are disrespectful & immature without actual merit like a troll, and if comments are more bias than actually factual like a troll, then its a troll. View all replies >