neverstandinalone's Replies

That's why I don't 'remove series?' from my viewing activity on Netflix. I'm ready when they add the last series. I do check to see what'll be falling off and binge..again. I even enjoyed the slowww pace of the humorous Detectorists. While you were answering I was searching, and I was hoping to find the oldest referenced but apparently there isn't. It's getting late for me and I can't concentrate. "This kind of soft harassing is good for competition and keeps people on their toes." It does. "John Carpenter's Dark Star there is a toilet with THX-1138 floating through space after the ship blows up. This gag appears in a refurbished manner in various space movies afterwards." From the original George Lucas first theatrical film THX-1138 (1971). I'll ask a hard one Wilson. Take the movies made in the oh, say last 5-10 years and what EE would be the oldest? Newer movie, Oldest Easter Egg. No newer can have a reference back to another movie within the same franchise. "My community has a very appealing and popular library. It garners praise from travelers passing through. It has a huge area devoted to audio-books and DVD's and those rentals are free. It's become more efficient in acquiring current releases. It also has many other attractive features." Mine does as well, db20db. Actually two specifically come to mind in my county. If funds are cut for any of our libraries, these two will be the last standing. And in Sliding Doors. "I honestly still don't get why they are called Easter eggs but I've came to accept the term." Easter eggs are hidden little gems, and Hints sounds so bland. Thanks for the site. Like others there're too many good ones to have a fav. So Wilson, what is Your fav? Double ditto the sleep! My adult children & one dil, nature (my woods, birds, thunderstorms (or just rain) and I agree with db20db on the sunsets, but also the sunrises), my cat, my dog, my old house, my age, dark chocolate anything, working with my hands on various projects, and cooking (I love to feed others) are all favs. I'll stop there.. and 9? Those true to the Faith believe as the Old Testament dictates: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. As in ANY image, such as statues, shroud, crosses, pictures, anything which replaces our praise of, and for, G-d ONTO anything other than G-d himself. I know many who have crosses everywhere on every wall in their homes, and won't leave the house without a cross hanging around their neck, as if the cross itself is what's protecting them. My Faith is in Him, not ON anything manmade. I've never understood why anyone would need such as a 'reminder'. Nice! That's it, Jim's method. Thank you, soggybottom, and I've lived a double life before in real life, so I wouldn't want to be a mod. I thought so at first but amended my submission under Jim's request thread. I can praise Jim to my heart's content without anyone saying I'm kissing ass. LOL see, Sandman3, that's what I did over & over... and edited the comments so many times with the various codes that didn't work, I finally gave up. Hmm, writer's are never completely satisfied, are they?.? My significant other lives on instant gratification. I'm plagued by buyer's remorse, so I give him an allowance each week. It doesn't hurt to lift morale though. I did just get him a Bunn coffee pot. The man needs an IV run for his coffee. And just today, after comparing prices for 3 hrs, I got the side steps my truck so badly needed for this old woman. and No, I wouldn't know how to live a millionaire. I'm too kindhearted. I'd end up giving it all away. Very well said, abiggerboat!!!!!!! Your comments were astute, and I've found myself dumbing down my replies thinking others wouldn't want to read anything which required deeper thought. Sooo, I'll leave my first comment, but surfice it to say You said what I should've said. THANK YOU, abiggerboat. If only my youngest & dil could see it this way, and they're in their 20s too. I hate the fact I'm still indebted by having to pay homestead/taxes each year, as relatively low as it is. It just ain't fair! I don't like having anything which could be used as leverage against me, which is my house. Oh, hell, don't get me started! I agree with you though, and try not to dwell on all the money I wasted just because something was convenient, including the 33 times I've moved which would be about 1thou or more every time. BUT, I have no regrets because it was ALL a learning experience. I'm entirely free of debt, but still live as if in debt, if that makes any sense at all. I'm actually on the other end of the spectrum now; I hate letting go of my money and after the rounds of should-I or shouldn't-Is I usually don't, including venturing out to movie theaters. MovieChat's about the only crowded place you'll 'see' me. Laughable on so many levels. I can't add anything besides I was SMH from the start of the *cough* battle *cough* to the finish. I feel like the idiot the writers think I am for watching. 👍 I needed that! 😙