SemiAnimus's Replies

I was hoping for a nice photo of some local avian wildlife. Oh well. So in other words, you're trolling someone for kicks. Oh, and that you won't type "fucking" shows what a raging pussy you are in addition to being a troll. All you'd really need for protection is a motorcycle helmet with a closed visor, a thick leather jacket and gloves, and a few layers of thick snow clothes underneath. Yes, it would be rather easy to defend yourself against flocks of birds if you were prepared with some rudimentary equipment, tennis racket included. That isn't the point of the film though or what makes it frightening. The Birds is an endearing film because of the terrifying thought of nature revolting against humanity without warning, creating fear and killing or maiming people who took their supremacy and unassailability for granted. Can you list some specific examples about what is so subversively gay in the Usual Suspects, as in specific scenes and dialogue? I mean, are we talking Top Gun gay subversion on a massive level here? I'm genuinely wondering about what you're referring to. We've got a friend/neighbor who's a registered nurse or something so we had a prescription on the way shortly after she woke up. Thanks though, that's nice of you to say. Most likely. These forums are like the movie Spice World except for all the Spice Girls are socks. I would actually like to join this one, but I'll probably be tending to my four month old. She woke up with conjunctivitis in one eye this morning so it's been a rough day. Thanks for the invite though. No, Nimrata Randhawa (her actual name) is a "Republican" pushed by the Democratic party to divide the Republican base and smear other Republican candidates during the selection process for the Republican party's presidential candidate. Oh, and she's also a giant cunt that's predominantly hated outside of the major urban centers in South Carolina. That movie is actually kind of awesome, though I think of it as an Ice T movie instead of a Rutger Hauer flick. It's a good modern adaptation of the famous short story, "The Most Dangerous Game." Good pick, Shogun. Enjoy! This is true. However, by that time the pendulum would have swung to the right in general and there will be a distinct minority looking to our current times with fondness and longing, as happened with the 60's before. The wacky status quo now will become the new conservative and there will be a novel "liberal" group trying to push conceptions of ethics and morality to brave new frontiers that will eventually gain ground. Just imagine what that shit show will look like. Dr. Dre is a funny guy. He bragged about not smoking "weed or sess cause it's known to give a brother brain damage" right after leaving NWA in the song Express Yourself and then released an album called The Chronic not long after where he reinvented himself as a smoking, toking gangster. I love his music from 2001 and before but Easy E was probably closer to the truth about Dre in his Real Muthafuckin Gs diss track than the persona Dre has put out there. He's no G and it showed when he tried to act like one in this movie. That attitude matches my encounters with him as well. He's just looking for things to be angry about. You'd be correct under normal circumstances about watch suggestions but what you're saying doesn't apply to a .tor browser. The suggestions provided are essentially coming from a blank slate, similar to what you're describing. YouTube is definitely feeding that Anne Frank suggestion here. On the suggested videos sidebar while this was playing was a story about Anne Frank. Very unsubtle propaganda pushing by YouTube going on today. There was a Lifetime movie made about a local celebrity notorious for shooting a guy in a courthouse in a town I was once lived in. Instead of living in a trailer park and smoking meth habitually, the film showed her living in a huge three story house and portrayed her as being so stressed out about her kid being molested that only then was she desperate enough to turn to meth. Definitely expecting the same treatment here, along with how George was a wonderful person who was kept down by racism, no pun intended, and how all of his problems in life were actually the result of racist whites. I would legitimately be surprised if there isn't a scene in the film showing that George only started smoking crack one day to cope with some terrible thing a white person did to him. Ditto with robbing a house and putting a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach; it's for sure going to be out of desperation because someone like his evil white boss fired him and he had to feed his family or some other racist sob story. Can this asshole OP post anything on this site ... without being passive aggressive? Believing the premise in your title and then telling this to to people on a forum dedicated to movies makes you one of the dumbest people on Moviechat. Weren't you bragging about having a six million dollar home the other day? Unless it was gifted to you I call that as impossible. You are too stupid to amount to anything. His "speech" definitely came off as script-like so you're probably right. Aw, someone didn't play along with your passive aggression and talked back? Fuck off, twat. I'm not your honey, dipshit bitch. Sounds like you're the reason that trope of Mafia = good movie endured for so long. I bet your lame ass even liked The Irishman.