horrorfan000's Replies

Chris Hardwick was removed from The Talking dead before an investigation had even begun when his ex accused him of being emotionally and sexually abusive in an essay she penned. Got his job back later when he was exonerated. Hutton was accused by one individual about something from 1983 that he was never charged with and he was dropped from Leverage Redemption and cancelled because of it. Neither of these events had many reports or any kind of pattern. He was sorely missed on the new Leverage series. They never brought him up on criminal charges and he maintained all along that it was an extortion attempt. I still remember the old days before the #metoo witch hunt when people were innocent until proven guilty. Now a days a simple accusation can end a career. Exactly. There is no good candidate to defend. It's a matter of picking the less shitty of 2 shitty choices. For me that's Trump. He may be an egotistical blowhard but at least he speaks his own mind and isn't anyone's puppet. I gave Biden a chance but he's proven himself IMO to be a weak puppet who will kiss anyone's ass for a vote. Didn't even visit the shit show his administration caused at the border till Trump did. And still to spineless to take responsibility and admit it is a shit show. Jack Nicholson Denzel Washington Bruce Campbell Donald Pleasance James Spader Robert Downey JR John Lithgow Gene Hackman Vincent Price I knew when Alex met the grounds keeper guy and they held hands my eyes just rolled and i thought here go with the mandatory gay/interracial storyline. Then there's the gender swapping. By itself not a big deal but they shove it into every tv show and movie. It's not progressive anymore. Now it's just cringy and boring. "Don't get me wrong, I love the movies, but taking the brother/sister angle out of the story makes his motives in the original completely pointless. Here's where I get crushed by everyone, so go ahead......... " I don't know about the original. He could have just fixated on her randomly when she dropped the keys at the Myers house. A a chance encounter. It's the sequels where the sister connection made sense. Without the sister thing Laurie's character becomes an unimportant random victim. So unimportant that they needed the DR Sartain character to conveniently bring Michael to her to force her relevance. There's no accounting for taste i guess. But at this point IMO the show isn't being carried by quality it's being carried by the weight it's cult franchise title. To me it just feels like another gimmick to lure back lost viewers. A desperate attempt to save a dead franchise killed by the wokesters. Very different shows. Seven days was more of an episodic action show. This has one main story arc that runs throughout the season and is much more character driven. On EP 6 of season 1 and i don't understand the character decisions either. What's the point of the story. Rebrov doesn't know where or what the time machine is so why does he want a nuclear weapon. to just reset time over and over again. To what end. Also George went from being a meek app creator to a gun toting field agent capable of getting the upper hand on other agents with far more training than him really fast. Exactly what i was going to say. Wokes have a very narrow view when it comes to facts. They like to boil everything down to colors and genders. I think we have different definitions of what woke means. TOS was not woke to me. It took me 2 and a half seasons of this crap to figure that out. It's like current Doctor who. It has the title but it's an entirely new show made for a very specific PC woke audience. I'm enjoying Strange new worlds though. Better than Picard and Discovery. Watched for the first time tonight. I've been acquainting myself with the 80's Carroll O'connor/Howard Rollins tv show on pluto for the past few months and it occurred to me that i'd never seen the classic film it was spun off from. Great performances from both Steiger and Poitier. The franchise died with the last film which sucked. I'm just glad i streamed it and didn't waist money seeing it in a theater. I walked into that one. Got the sense they were going for a Twin peaks vibe. Didn't know he passed. I was watching an Invisible man 20th virtual reunion with the cast i found on youtube the other day and they mentioned attending his funeral. Always loved seeing him pop up in things. A great character actor. Given the last 2 dismal attempts at kickstarting the Dark universe i have really low expectations for this but maybe they've learned from their mistakes. Just started watching this. Episode 1 was mildly ok. It was a fairly generic monster story and the ending was really predictable. I liked episode 2 much better. Maybe i just found it more suspenseful because i'm a bit claustrophobic but i enjoyed it. I liked episode 3 too. But episode 4 was so far the worst. Haven't gotten to the rest yet.