MovieChat Forums > TheMan18

TheMan18 (12538)


Is the Devo song "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" inspired by that of the Rolling Stones one even though its not a cover? In life, do you ALWAYS and IMMEDIATELY do what you are asked or even TOLD? How did people (as kids & teens anyway) live without video games? Is it easy in life to be a good and successful person? How would you rate this movie? Another question about the ENDING, spoilers. Good movie? How do we know our feelings or even thoughts in this life are correct and legitimate? Does life and humanity for that matter have to be as it is? What advise would you give to someone who takes things TOO FAR or even TOO LIGHTLY? View all posts >


According to the Duke Nukem character in the Duke Nukem games, time flies when you "kick some ass". :) But don't worry, I am alright with it as it is, but then, did anyone during that scene actually WANT Sean Connery to sing, maybe to see if he can carry the tune, no matter what the circumstances are? Finally saw it, yeah, I'd say its pretty good, 7/10 I give it. By no means any kind of extraordinary or brilliant masterpiece, but a solid, generally well made and acted with a touching story little 90s drama flick. And for a supposedly TV movie of the 90s, a cut above most of its type. Yeah, it could've been perhaps a little better technically and in some or other areas could've been improved but as far as these things go, certainly not bad and worth seeing. And to think that its director John Gray two years after this did the Steven Seagal actioner "The Glimmer Man" (1996) (which I found not too bad but nothing special itself, I have it 5/10)... interesting genre swift to say the least. "First off, you can't control what people are thinking about" My parents and relatives did that at times when I was a kid, lol, mostly in the name of upbringing and nurture. Nurture vs. nature, other people may have had it harder, lol. Can you control what YOU think and feel, about anything? And what would YOU have done in EITHER the employee's OR Darin's character's shoes? And would you able to communicate on that level if say someone came to your office and was really ANGRY at the fact that his car was taken and thought it was under less than legitimate circumstances? Would you explain the rules about unpainted lines and also defend yourself if he angrily states that you are a "criminal" or would you just quietly carry on like that man did - and would either action be correct? I also say ask (all of) this because its obvious in that scene that the "explanatory words" as such along those lines by the employee of that Vehicle Towing Agency has only infuriated and irritated Ricardo Darin's character even [b]further[/b] and I wonder if he was more explanatory and less (potentially) err, judgemental? patronising? needlessly exaggerating? unhelpfully obvious? and more helpful along those lines, then, for one, Darin's character wouldn't be driven further to attack the place with an improvised home made bomb as such, and even face legal action and job loss as a result. Yeah, its almost like "Pay up or pay the price". In life there are also brutal debt collectors who will force others to unlawfully pay with threats of force etc. Its not me, that's for sure. :) View all replies >